Hibernate 6 was a major redesign of the world’s most popular and feature-rich ORM solution. The redesign touched almost every subsystem of Hibernate, including the APIs, mapping annotations, and the query language. This new Hibernate was suddenly more powerful, more robust, more portable, and more type safe.
Hibernate 7 builds on this foundation, adds support for JPA 3.2, and introduces Hibernate Data Repositories, an implementation of the Jakarta Data specification. Taken together, these enhancements yield a level of compile-time type safety—and resulting developer productivity—which was previously impossible. Hibernate Data Repositories offers truly seamless integration of the ORM solution with the persistence layer, obsoleting older add-on repository frameworks.
Hibernate and Hibernate Reactive are core components of Quarkus 3, the most exciting new environment for cloud-native development in Java, and Hibernate remains the persistence solution of choice for almost every major Java framework or server.
Unfortunately, the changes in Hibernate 6 also obsoleted much of the information about Hibernate that’s available in books, in blog posts, and on stackoverflow.
This guide is an up-to-date, high-level discussion of the current feature set and recommended usage. It does not attempt to cover every feature and should be used in conjunction with other documentation:
Hibernate’s extensive Javadoc,
the Hibernate User Guide.
The Hibernate User Guide includes detailed discussions of most aspects of Hibernate. But with so much information to cover, readability is difficult to achieve, and so it’s most useful as a reference. Where necessary, we’ll provide links to relevant sections of the User Guide. |
1. Introduction
Hibernate is usually described as a library that makes it easy to map Java classes to relational database tables. But this formulation does no justice to the central role played by the relational data itself. So a better description might be:
Here the relational data is the focus, along with the importance of type safety. The goal of object/relational mapping (ORM) is to eliminate fragile and untypesafe code, and make large programs easier to maintain in the long run.
ORM takes the pain out of persistence by relieving the developer of the need to hand-write tedious, repetitive, and fragile code for flattening graphs of objects to database tables and rebuilding graphs of objects from flat SQL query result sets. Even better, ORM makes it much easier to tune performance later, after the basic persistence logic has already been written.
A perennial question is: should I use ORM, or plain SQL? The answer is usually: use both. JPA and Hibernate were designed to work in conjunction with handwritten SQL. You see, most programs with nontrivial data access logic will benefit from the use of ORM at least somewhere. But if Hibernate is making things more difficult, for some particularly tricky piece of data access logic, the only sensible thing to do is to use something better suited to the problem! Just because you’re using Hibernate for persistence doesn’t mean you have to use it for everything. |
Developers often ask about the relationship between Hibernate and JPA, so let’s take a short detour into some history.
1.1. Hibernate and JPA
Hibernate was the inspiration behind the Java (now Jakarta) Persistence API, or JPA, and includes a complete implementation of the latest revision of this specification.
We can think of the API of Hibernate in terms of three basic elements:
an implementation of the JPA-defined APIs, most importantly, of the interfaces
, and of the JPA-defined O/R mapping annotations, -
a native API exposing the full set of available functionality, centered around the interfaces
, which extendsEntityManagerFactory
, andSession
, which extendsEntityManager
, and -
a set of mapping annotations which augment the O/R mapping annotations defined by JPA, and which may be used with the JPA-defined interfaces, or with the native API.
Hibernate also offers a range of SPIs for frameworks and libraries which extend or integrate with Hibernate, but we’re not interested in any of that stuff here.

As an application developer, you must decide whether to:
write your program in terms of
, or -
maximize portability to other implementations of JPA by, wherever reasonable, writing code in terms of
, falling back to the native APIs only where necessary.
Whichever path you take, you will use the JPA-defined mapping annotations most of the time, and the Hibernate-defined annotations for more advanced mapping problems.
You might wonder if it’s possible to develop an application using only JPA-defined APIs, and, indeed, that’s possible in principle. JPA is a great baseline that really nails the basics of the object/relational mapping problem. But without the native APIs, and extended mapping annotations, you miss out on much of the power of Hibernate. |
Since Hibernate existed before JPA, and since JPA was modelled on Hibernate, we unfortunately have some competition and duplication in naming between the standard and native APIs. For example:
Hibernate | JPA |
Typically, the Hibernate-native APIs offer something a little extra that’s missing in JPA, so this isn’t exactly a flaw. But it’s something to watch out for.
1.2. Writing Java code with Hibernate
If you’re completely new to Hibernate and JPA, you might already be wondering how the persistence-related code is structured.
Well, typically, our persistence-related code comes in two layers:
a representation of our data model in Java, which takes the form of a set of annotated entity classes, and
a larger number of functions which interact with Hibernate’s APIs to perform the persistence operations associated with our various transactions.
The first part, the data or "domain" model, is usually easier to write, but doing a great and very clean job of it will strongly affect your success in the second part.
Most people implement the domain model as a set of what we used to call "Plain Old Java Objects", that is, as simple Java classes with no direct dependencies on technical infrastructure, nor on application logic which deals with request processing, transaction management, communications, or interaction with the database.
Take your time with this code, and try to produce a Java model that’s as close as reasonable to the relational data model. Avoid using exotic or advanced mapping features when they’re not really needed.
When in the slightest doubt, map a foreign key relationship using |
The second part of the code is much trickier to get right. This code must:
manage transactions and sessions,
interact with the database via the Hibernate session,
publish CDI events and send JMS messages,
fetch and prepare data needed by the UI, and
handle failures.
Responsibility for transaction and session management, and for recovery from certain kinds of failure, is best handled in some sort of framework code. |
We’re going to come back soon to the thorny question of how this persistence logic should be organized, and how it should fit into the rest of the system.
1.3. Hello, Hibernate
Before we get deeper into the weeds, we’ll quickly present a basic example program that will help you get started if you don’t already have Hibernate integrated into your project.
We begin with a simple gradle build file:
plugins {
id 'java'
group = 'org.example'
version = '1.0-SNAPSHOT'
repositories {
dependencies {
// the GOAT ORM
implementation 'org.hibernate.orm:hibernate-core:7.0.0-SNAPSHOT'
// Hibernate Validator
implementation 'org.hibernate.validator:hibernate-validator:8.0.1.Final'
implementation 'org.glassfish:jakarta.el:4.0.2'
// Agroal connection pool
implementation 'org.hibernate.orm:hibernate-agroal:7.0.0-SNAPSHOT'
implementation 'io.agroal:agroal-pool:2.1'
// logging via Log4j
implementation 'org.apache.logging.log4j:log4j-core:2.24.1'
// Hibernate Processor
annotationProcessor 'org.hibernate.orm:hibernate-processor:7.0.0-SNAPSHOT'
// Compile-time checking for HQL
//implementation 'org.hibernate:query-validator:2.0-SNAPSHOT'
//annotationProcessor 'org.hibernate:query-validator:2.0-SNAPSHOT'
// H2 database
runtimeOnly 'com.h2database:h2:2.3.232'
Only the first of these dependencies is absolutely required to run Hibernate.
Next, we’ll add a logging configuration file for log4j:
rootLogger.level = info
rootLogger.appenderRefs = console
rootLogger.appenderRef.console.ref = console = org.hibernate.SQL
logger.hibernate.level = info = console
appender.console.type = Console
appender.console.layout.type = PatternLayout
appender.console.layout.pattern = %highlight{[%p]} %m%n
Now we need some Java code. We begin with our entity class:
package org.hibernate.example;
import jakarta.persistence.Entity;
import jakarta.persistence.Id;
import jakarta.validation.constraints.NotNull;
class Book {
String isbn;
String title;
Book() {}
Book(String isbn, String title) {
this.isbn = isbn;
this.title = title;
Finally, let’s see code which configures and instantiates Hibernate and asks it to persist and query the entity. Don’t worry if this makes no sense at all right now. It’s the job of this Introduction to make all this crystal clear.
package org.hibernate.example;
import org.hibernate.jpa.HibernatePersistenceConfiguration;
import static java.lang.System.out;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
var sessionFactory =
new HibernatePersistenceConfiguration("Bookshelf")
// use H2 in-memory database
.jdbcCredentials("sa", "")
// use Agroal connection pool
.property("hibernate.agroal.maxSize", 20)
// display SQL in console
.showSql(true, true, true)
// export the inferred database schema
// persist an entity
sessionFactory.inTransaction(session -> {
session.persist(new Book("9781932394153", "Hibernate in Action"));
// query data using HQL
sessionFactory.inSession(session -> {
out.println(session.createSelectionQuery("select isbn||': '||title from Book").getSingleResult());
// query data using criteria API
sessionFactory.inSession(session -> {
var builder = sessionFactory.getCriteriaBuilder();
var query = builder.createQuery(String.class);
var book = query.from(Book.class);, builder.literal(": ")),
In practice, we never access the database directly from a main()
So now let’s talk about how to organize persistence logic in a real system.
The rest of this chapter is not compulsory.
If you’re itching for more details about Hibernate itself, you’re quite welcome to skip straight to the next chapter, and come back later.
1.4. Organizing persistence logic
In a real program, persistence logic like the code shown above is usually interleaved with other sorts of code, including logic:
implementing the rules of the business domain, or
for interacting with the user.
Therefore, many developers quickly—even too quickly, in our opinion—reach for ways to isolate the persistence logic into some sort of separate architectural layer. We’re going to ask you to suppress this urge for now.
We prefer a bottom-up approach to organizing our code. We like to start thinking about methods and functions, not about architectural layers and container-managed objects.
To illustrate the sort of approach to code organization that we advocate, let’s consider a service which queries the database using HQL or SQL. We might start with something like this, a mix of UI and persistence logic:
public class BookResource {
private final SessionFactory sessionfactory = .... ;
public Book getBook(String isbn) {
var book = sessionFactory.fromTransaction(session -> session.find(Book.class, isbn));
return book == null ? Response.status(404).build() : book;
Indeed, we might also finish with something like that—it’s quite hard to identify anything concretely wrong with the code above, and for such a simple case it seems really difficult to justify making this code more complicated by introducing additional objects.
One very nice aspect of this code, which we wish to draw your attention to, is that session and transaction management is handled by generic "framework" code, just as we already recommended above.
In this case, we’re using the fromTransaction()
method, which happens to come built in to Hibernate.
But you might prefer to use something else, for example:
in a container environment like Jakarta EE or Quarkus, container-managed transactions and container-managed persistence contexts, or
something you write yourself.
The important thing is that calls like createEntityManager()
and getTransaction().begin()
don’t belong in regular program logic, because it’s tricky and tedious to get the error handling correct.
Let’s now consider a slightly more complicated case.
public class BookResource {
private static final int RESULTS_PER_PAGE = 20;
private final SessionFactory sessionfactory = .... ;
public List<Book> findBooks(String titlePattern, int pageNumber) {
var page =, pageNumber);
var books =
sessionFactory.fromTransaction(session -> {
var findBooksByTitle = "from Book where title like ?1 order by title";
return session.createSelectionQuery(findBooksByTitle, Book.class)
.setParameter(1, titlePattern)
return books.isEmpty() ? Response.status(404).build() : books;
This is fine, and we won’t complain if you prefer to leave the code exactly as it appears above. But there’s one thing we could perhaps improve. We love super-short methods with single responsibilities, and there looks to be an opportunity to introduce one here. Let’s hit the code with our favorite thing, the Extract Method refactoring. We obtain:
static List<Book> findBooksTitled(Session session, String titlePattern, Page page) {
var findBooksByTitle = "from Book where title like ?1 order by title";
return session.createSelectionQuery(findBooksByTitle, Book.class)
.setParameter(1, titlePattern)
This is an example of a query method, a function which accepts arguments to the parameters of a HQL or SQL query, and executes the query, returning its results to the caller. And that’s all it does; it doesn’t orchestrate additional program logic, and it doesn’t perform transaction or session management.
It’s even better to specify the query string using the @NamedQuery
annotation, so that Hibernate can validate the query at startup time, that is, when the SessionFactory
is created, instead of when the query is first executed.
Indeed, since we included Hibernate Processor in our Gradle build, the query can even be validated at compile time.
We need a place to put the annotation, so let’s move our query method to a new class:
@CheckHQL // validate named queries at compile time
@NamedQuery(name = "findBooksByTitle",
query = "from Book where title like :title order by title")
class Queries {
static List<Book> findBooksTitled(Session session, String titlePattern, Page page) {
return session.createQuery(Queries_._findBooksByTitle_) //type safe reference to the named query
.setParameter("title", titlePattern)
Notice that our query method doesn’t attempt to hide the EntityManager
from its clients.
Indeed, the client code is responsible for providing the EntityManager
or Session
to the query method.
The client code may:
obtain an
by callinginTransaction()
, as we saw above, or, -
in an environment with container-managed transactions, it might obtain it via dependency injection.
Whatever the case, the code which orchestrates a unit of work usually just calls the Session
or EntityManager
directly, passing it along to helper methods like our query method if necessary.
public List<Book> findBooks(String titlePattern, int pageNumber) {
var page =, pageNumber);
var books =
sessionFactory.fromTransaction(session ->
// call handwritten query method
Queries.findBooksTitled(session, titlePattern, page));
return books.isEmpty() ? Response.status(404).build() : books;
You might be thinking that our query method looks a bit boilerplatey.
That’s true, perhaps, but we’re much more concerned that it’s still not perfectly typesafe.
Indeed, for many years, the lack of compile-time checking for HQL queries and code which binds arguments to query parameters was our number one source of discomfort with Hibernate.
Here, the @CheckHQL
annotation takes care of checking the query itself, but the call to setParameter()
is still not type safe.
Fortunately, there’s now a great solution to both problems. Hibernate Processor is able to fill in the implementation of such query methods for us. This facility is the topic of a whole chapter of this introduction, so for now we’ll just leave you with one simple example.
Suppose we simplify Queries
to just the following:
// a sort of proto-repository, this interface is never implemented
interface Queries {
// a HQL query method with a generated static "implementation"
@HQL("where title like :title order by title")
List<Book> findBooksTitled(String title, Page page);
Then Hibernate Processor automatically produces an implementation of the method annotated @HQL
in a class named Queries_
We can call it just like we were previously calling our handwritten version:
public List<Book> findBooks(String titlePattern, int pageNumber) {
var page =, pageNumber);
var books =
sessionFactory.fromTransaction(session ->
// call the generated query method "implementation"
Queries_.findBooksTitled(session, titlePattern, page));
return books.isEmpty() ? Response.status(404).build() : books;
In this case, the quantity of code eliminated is pretty trivial. The real value is in improved type safety. We now find out about errors in assignments of arguments to query parameters at compile time.
This is all quite nice so far, but at this point you’re probably wondering whether we could use dependency injection to obtain an instance of the Queries
interface, and have this object take care of obtaining its own Session
Well, indeed we can.
What we need to do is indicate the kind of session the Queries
interface depends on, by adding a method to retrieve the session.
Observe, again, that we’re still not attempting to hide the Session
from the client code.
// a true repository interface with generated implementation
interface Queries {
// declare the kind of session backing this repository
Session session();
// a HQL query method with a generated implementation
@HQL("where title like :title order by title")
List<Book> findBooksTitled(String title, Page page);
The Queries
interface is now considered a repository, and we may use CDI to inject the repository implementation generated by Hibernate Processor.
Also, since I guess we’re now working in some sort of container environment, we’ll let the container manage transactions for us.
@Inject Queries queries; // inject the repository
public List<Book> findBooks(String titlePattern, int pageNumber) {
var page =, pageNumber);
var books = queries.findBooksTitled(session, titlePattern, page); // call the repository method
return books.isEmpty() ? Response.status(404).build() : books;
Alternatively, if CDI isn’t available, we may directly instantiate the generated repository implementation class using new Queries_(entityManager)
The Jakarta Data specification now formalizes this approach using standard annotations, and our implementation of this specification, Hibernate Data Repositories, is built into Hibernate Processor. You probably already have it available in your program. Unlike other repository frameworks, Hibernate Data Repositories offers something that plain JPA simply doesn’t have: full compile-time type safety for your queries. To learn more, please refer to Introducing Hibernate Data Repositories. |
Now that we have a rough picture of what our persistence logic might look like, it’s natural to ask how we should test our code.
1.5. Testing persistence logic
When we write tests for our persistence logic, we’re going to need:
a database, with
an instance of the schema mapped by our persistent entities, and
a set of test data, in a well-defined state at the beginning of each test.
It might seem obvious that we should test against the same database system that we’re going to use in production, and, indeed, we should certainly have at least some tests for this configuration. But on the other hand, tests which perform I/O are much slower than tests which don’t, and most databases can’t be set up to run in-process.
So, since most persistence logic written using Hibernate 6 is extremely portable between databases, it often makes good sense to test against an in-memory Java database. (H2 is the one we recommend.)
We do need to be careful here if our persistence code uses native SQL, or if it uses concurrency-management features like pessimistic locks. |
Whether we’re testing against our real database, or against an in-memory Java database, we’ll need to export the schema at the beginning of a test suite.
We usually do this when we create the Hibernate SessionFactory
or JPA EntityManagerFactory
, and so traditionally we’ve used a configuration property for this.
The JPA-standard property is jakarta.persistence.schema-generation.database.action
For example, if we’re using PersistenceConfiguration
to configure Hibernate, we could write:,
Alternatively, we may use the new SchemaManager
API to export the schema, just as we did above.
This option is especially convenient when writing tests.
Since executing DDL statements is very slow on many databases, we don’t want to do this before every test. Instead, to ensure that each test begins with the test data in a well-defined state, we need to do two things before each test:
clean up any mess left behind by the previous test, and then
reinitialize the test data.
We may truncate all the tables, leaving an empty database schema, using the SchemaManager
After truncating tables, we might need to initialize our test data. We may specify test data in a SQL script, for example:
insert into Books (isbn, title) values ('9781932394153', 'Hibernate in Action')
insert into Books (isbn, title) values ('9781932394887', 'Java Persistence with Hibernate')
insert into Books (isbn, title) values ('9781617290459', 'Java Persistence with Hibernate, Second Edition')
If we name this file import.sql
, and place it in the root classpath, that’s all we need to do.
Otherwise, we need to specify the file in the configuration property jakarta.persistence.sql-load-script-source
If we’re using PersistenceConfiguration
to configure Hibernate, we could write:,
The SQL script will be executed every time export()
or truncate()
is called.
There’s another sort of mess a test can leave behind: cached data in the second-level cache. We recommend disabling Hibernate’s second-level cache for most sorts of testing. Alternatively, if the second-level cache is not disabled, then before each test we should call:
Now, suppose you’ve followed our advice, and written your entities and query methods to minimize dependencies on "infrastructure", that is, on libraries other than JPA and Hibernate, on frameworks, on container-managed objects, and even on bits of your own system which are hard to instantiate from scratch. Then testing persistence logic is now straightforward!
You’ll need to:
bootstrap Hibernate and create a
at the beginning of your test suite (we’ve already seen how to do that), and -
create a new
inside each@Test
method, usinginTransaction()
, for example.
Actually, some tests might require multiple sessions. But be careful not to leak a session between different tests.
Another important test we’ll need is one which validates our O/R mapping annotations against the actual database schema. This is again the job of the schema management tooling, either:
This "test" is one which many people like to run even in production, when the system starts up. |
1.6. Overview
It’s now time to begin our journey toward actually understanding the code we saw earlier.
This introduction will guide you through the basic tasks involved in developing a program that uses Hibernate for persistence:
configuring and bootstrapping Hibernate, and obtaining an instance of
, -
writing a domain model, that is, a set of entity classes which represent the persistent types in your program, and which map to tables of your database,
customizing these mappings when the model maps to a pre-existing relational schema,
using the
to perform operations which query the database and return entity instances, or which update the data held in the database, -
using Hibernate Processor to improve compile-time type-safety,
writing complex queries using the Hibernate Query Language (HQL) or native SQL, and, finally
tuning performance of the data access logic.
Naturally, we’ll start at the top of this list, with the least-interesting topic: configuration.
2. Configuration and bootstrap
We would love to make this section short. Unfortunately, there are several distinct ways to configure and bootstrap Hibernate, and we’re going to have to describe at least two of them in detail.
The five basic ways to obtain an instance of Hibernate are shown in the following table:
Using the standard JPA-defined XML, and the operation |
Usually chosen when portability between JPA implementations is important. |
Using the standard JPA-defined |
Usually chosen when portability between JPA implementations is important, but programmatic control is desired. |
Using |
When portability between JPA implementations is not important, this option adds some convenience and saves a typecast. |
Using the more complex APIs defined in |
Used primarily by framework integrators, this option is outside the scope of this document. |
By letting the container take care of the bootstrap process and of injecting the |
Used in a container environment like WildFly or Quarkus. |
Here we’ll focus on the first two options.
If you’re using Hibernate outside of a container environment, you’ll need to:
include Hibernate ORM itself, along with the appropriate JDBC driver, as dependencies of your project, and
configure Hibernate with information about your database, by specifying configuration properties.
2.1. Including Hibernate in your project build
First, add the following dependency to your project:
Where {version}
is the version of Hibernate you’re using, 7.0.0-SNAPSHOT
, for example.
You’ll also need to add a dependency for the JDBC driver for your database.
Database | Driver dependency |
PostgreSQL or CockroachDB |
MySQL or TiDB |
MariaDB |
DB2 |
SQL Server |
Oracle |
H2 |
Where {version}
is the latest version of the JDBC driver for your database.
2.2. Optional dependencies
Optionally, you might also add any of the following additional features:
Optional feature | Dependencies |
An SLF4J logging implementation |
A JDBC connection pool, for example, Agroal |
The Hibernate Processor, especially if you’re using Jakarta Data or the JPA criteria query API |
The Query Validator, for compile-time checking of HQL |
Hibernate Validator, an implementation of Bean Validation |
Local second-level cache support via JCache and EHCache |
Local second-level cache support via JCache and Caffeine |
Distributed second-level cache support via Infinispan |
A JSON serialization library for working with JSON datatypes, for example, Jackson or Yasson |
Envers, for auditing historical data |
Hibernate JFR, for monitoring via Java Flight Recorder |
You might also add the Hibernate bytecode enhancer to your Gradle build if you want to use field-level lazy fetching.
2.3. Configuration using JPA XML
Sticking to the JPA-standard approach, we would provide a file named persistence.xml
, which we usually place in the META-INF
directory of a persistence archive, that is, of the .jar
file or directory which contains our entity classes.
<persistence xmlns=""
<persistence-unit name="org.hibernate.example">
<!-- PostgreSQL -->
<property name="jakarta.persistence.jdbc.url"
<!-- Credentials -->
<property name="jakarta.persistence.jdbc.user"
<property name="jakarta.persistence.jdbc.password"
<!-- Automatic schema export -->
<property name="jakarta.persistence.schema-generation.database.action"
<!-- SQL statement logging -->
<property name="hibernate.show_sql" value="true"/>
<property name="hibernate.format_sql" value="true"/>
<property name="hibernate.highlight_sql" value="true"/>
The <persistence-unit>
element defines a named persistence unit, that is:
a collection of associated entity types, along with
a set of default configuration settings, which may be augmented or overridden at runtime.
Each <class>
element specifies the fully-qualified name of an entity class.
Each <property>
element specifies a configuration property and its value.
Note that:
the configuration properties in the
namespace are standard properties defined by the JPA spec, and -
properties in the
namespace are specific to Hibernate.
We may obtain an EntityManagerFactory
by calling Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory()
EntityManagerFactory entityManagerFactory =
If necessary, we may override configuration properties specified in persistence.xml
EntityManagerFactory entityManagerFactory =
Map.of(AvailableSettings.JAKARTA_JDBC_PASSWORD, password));
2.4. Programmatic configuration using JPA API
The new PersistenceConfiguration
class allows full programmatic control over creation of the EntityManagerFactory
EntityManagerFactory entityManagerFactory =
new PersistenceConfiguration("Bookshop")
// PostgreSQL
.property(PersistenceConfiguration.JDBC_URL, "jdbc:postgresql://localhost/example")
// Credentials
.property(PersistenceConfiguration.JDBC_USER, user)
.property(PersistenceConfiguration.JDBC_PASSWORD, password)
// Automatic schema export
// SQL statement logging
.property(JdbcSettings.SHOW_SQL, true)
.property(JdbcSettings.FORMAT_SQL, true)
.property(JdbcSettings.HIGHLIGHT_SQL, true)
// Create a new EntityManagerFactory
The specification gives JPA implementors like Hibernate explicit permission to extend this class, and so Hibernate offers the HibernatePersistenceConfiguration
, which lets us obtain a SessionFactory
without any need for a cast.
SessionFactory sessionFactory =
new HibernatePersistenceConfiguration("Bookshop")
// PostgreSQL
// Credentials
.jdbcCredentials(user, password)
// Automatic schema export
// SQL statement logging
.showSql(true, true, true)
// Create a new SessionFactory
Alternatively, the venerable class Configuration
offers similar functionality.
2.5. Configuration using Hibernate properties file
If we’re using programmatic configuration, but we don’t want to put certain configuration properties directly in the Java code, we can specify them in a file named
, and place the file in the root classpath.
# PostgreSQL
# Credentials
# SQL statement logging
2.6. Basic configuration settings
The PersistenceConfiguration
class declares static final
constants holding the names of all configuration properties defined by the specification itself, for example, JDBC_URL
holds the property name "jakarta.persistence.jdbc.driver"
Similarly, the class AvailableSettings
enumerates all the configuration properties understood by Hibernate.
Of course, we’re not going to cover every useful configuration setting in this chapter. Instead, we’ll mention the ones you need to get started, and come back to some other important settings later, especially when we talk about performance tuning.
Hibernate has many—too many—switches and toggles. Please don’t go crazy messing about with these settings; most of them are rarely needed, and many only exist to provide backward compatibility with older versions of Hibernate. With rare exception, the default behavior of every one of these settings was carefully chosen to be the behavior we recommend. |
The properties you really do need to get started are these three:
Configuration property name | Purpose |
JDBC URL of your database |
Your database credentials |
Since Hibernate 6, you don’t need to specify Similarly, neither |
In some environments it’s useful to be able to start Hibernate without accessing the database. In this case, we must explicitly specify not only the database platform, but also the version of the database, using the standard JPA configuration properties.
# disable use of JDBC database metadata
# explicitly specify database and version
The product name is the value returned by java.sql.DatabaseMetaData.getDatabaseProductName()
, for example, PostgreSQL
, H2
, Oracle
, EnterpriseDB
, MariaDB
, or Microsoft SQL Server
Configuration property name | Purpose |
Set to |
The database product name, according to the JDBC driver |
The major and minor versions of the database |
Pooling JDBC connections is an extremely important performance optimization. You can set the size of Hibernate’s built-in connection pool using this property:
Configuration property name | Purpose |
The size of the built-in connection pool |
By default, Hibernate uses a simplistic built-in connection pool. This pool is not meant for use in production, and later, when we discuss performance, we’ll see how to select a more robust implementation. |
Alternatively, in a container environment, you’ll need at least one of these properties:
Configuration property name | Purpose |
(Optional, defaults to |
JNDI name of a JTA datasource |
JNDI name of a non-JTA datasource |
In this case, Hibernate obtains pooled JDBC database connections from a container-managed DataSource
2.7. Automatic schema export
You can have Hibernate infer your database schema from the mapping annotations you’ve specified in your Java code, and export the schema at initialization time by specifying one or more of the following configuration properties:
Configuration property name | Purpose |
(Optional) If |
(Optional) If |
(Optional) The name of a SQL DDL script to be executed |
(Optional) The name of a SQL DML script to be executed |
This feature is extremely useful for testing.
The easiest way to pre-initialize a database with test or "reference" data is to place a list of SQL |
As we mentioned earlier, it can also be useful to control schema export programmatically.
2.8. Logging the generated SQL
To see the generated SQL as it’s sent to the database, you have two options.
One way is to set the property hibernate.show_sql
to true
, and Hibernate will log SQL directly to the console.
You can make the output much more readable by enabling formatting or highlighting.
These settings really help when troubleshooting the generated SQL statements.
Configuration property name | Purpose |
If |
If |
If |
Alternatively, you can enable debug-level logging for the category org.hibernate.SQL
using your preferred SLF4J logging implementation.
For example, if you’re using Log4J 2 (as above in Optional dependencies), add these lines to your
# SQL execution = org.hibernate.SQL
logger.hibernate.level = debug
# JDBC parameter binding
# JDBC result set extraction
But with this approach we miss out on the pretty highlighting.
2.9. Minimizing repetitive mapping information
The following properties are very useful for minimizing the amount of information you’ll need to explicitly specify in @Table
and @Column
annotations, which we’ll discuss below in Object/relational mapping:
Configuration property name | Purpose |
A default schema name for entities which do not explicitly declare one |
A default catalog name for entities which do not explicitly declare one |
A |
An |
Writing your own |
2.10. Quoting SQL identifiers
By default, Hibernate never quotes a SQL table or column name in generated SQL when the name contains only alphanumeric characters.
This behavior is usually much more convenient, especially when working with a legacy schema, since unquoted identifiers aren’t case-sensitive, and so Hibernate doesn’t need to know or care whether a column is named NAME
, name
, or Name
on the database side.
On the other hand, any table or column name containing a punctuation character like $
is automatically quoted by default.
The following settings enable additional automatic quoting:
Configuration property name | Purpose |
Automatically quote any identifier which is a SQL keyword |
Automatically quote every identifier |
Note that hibernate.globally_quoted_identifiers
is a synonym for <delimited-identifiers/>
in persistence.xml
We don’t recommend the use of global identifier quoting, and in fact these settings are rarely used.
A better alternative is to explicitly quote table and column names where necessary, by writing |
2.11. Nationalized character data in SQL Server
By default, SQL Server’s char
and varchar
types don’t accommodate Unicode data.
But a Java string may contain any Unicode character.
So, if you’re working with SQL Server, you might need to force Hibernate to use the nchar
and nvarchar
column types.
Configuration property name | Purpose |
Use |
On the other hand, if only some columns store nationalized data, use the @Nationalized
annotation to indicate fields of your entities which map these columns.
Alternatively, you can configure SQL Server to use the UTF-8 enabled collation |
2.12. Date and time types and JDBC
By default, Hibernate handles date and time types defined by java.time
types to JDBC date/time types defined injava.sql
when sending data to the database, and -
types from JDBC and then converting them tojava.time
types when retrieving data from the database.
This works best when the database server time zone agrees with JVM system time zone.
We therefore recommend setting things up so that the database server and the JVM agree on the same time zone. Hint: when in doubt, UTC is quite a nice time zone. |
There are two system configuration properties which influence this behavior:
Configuration property name | Purpose |
Use an explicit time zone when interacting with JDBC |
Read and write |
You may set hibernate.jdbc.time_zone
to the time zone of the database server if for some reason the JVM needs to operate in a different time zone.
We do not recommend this approach.
On the other hand, we would love to recommend the use of hibernate.type.java_time_use_direct_jdbc
, but this option is still experimental for now, and does result in some subtle differences in behavior which might affect legacy programs using Hibernate.
3. Entities
An entity is a Java class which represents data in a relational database table. We say that the entity maps or maps to the table. Much less commonly, an entity might aggregate data from multiple tables, but we’ll get to that later.
An entity has attributes—properties or fields—which map to columns of the table. In particular, every entity must have an identifier or id, which maps to the primary key of the table. The id allows us to uniquely associate a row of the table with an instance of the Java class, at least within a given persistence context.
We’ll explore the idea of a persistence context later. For now, think of it as a one-to-one mapping between ids and entity instances.
An instance of a Java class cannot outlive the virtual machine to which it belongs.
But we may think of an entity instance having a lifecycle which transcends a particular instantiation in memory.
By providing its id to Hibernate, we may re-materialize the instance in a new persistence context, as long as the associated row is present in the database.
Therefore, the operations persist()
and remove()
may be thought of as demarcating the beginning and end of the lifecycle of an entity, at least with respect to persistence.
Thus, an id represents the persistent identity of an entity, an identity that outlives a particular instantiation in memory.
And this is an important difference between entity class itself and the values of its attributes—the entity has a persistent identity, and a well-defined lifecycle with respect to persistence, whereas a String
or List
representing one of its attribute values doesn’t.
An entity usually has associations to other entities. Typically, an association between two entities maps to a foreign key in one of the database tables. A group of mutually associated entities is often called a domain model, though data model is also a perfectly good term.
3.1. Entity classes
An entity must:
be a non-
class, -
with a non-
constructor with no parameters.
On the other hand, the entity class may be either concrete or abstract
, and it may have any number of additional constructors.
An entity class may be a |
Every entity class must be annotated @Entity
class Book {
Book() {}
Alternatively, the class may be identified as an entity type by providing an XML-based mapping for the class.
We won’t have much more to say about XML-based mappings in this Introduction, since it’s not our preferred way to do things.
3.2. Access types
Each entity class has a default access type, either:
direct field access, or
property access.
Hibernate automatically determines the access type from the location of attribute-level annotations. Concretely:
if a field is annotated
, field access is used, or -
if a getter method is annotated
, property access is used.
Back when Hibernate was just a baby, property access was quite popular in the Hibernate community. Today, however, field access is much more common.
The default access type may be specified explicitly using the |
Mapping annotations should be placed consistently:
It is in principle possible to mix field and property access using explicit |
An entity class like Book
, which does not extend any other entity class, is called a root entity.
Every root entity must declare an identifier attribute.
3.3. Entity class inheritance
An entity class may extend
another entity class.
class AudioBook extends Book {
AudioBook() {}
A subclass entity inherits every persistent attribute of every entity it extends.
A root entity may also extend another class and inherit mapped attributes from the other class.
But in this case, the class which declares the mapped attributes must be annotated @MappedSuperclass
class Versioned {
class Book extends Versioned {
A root entity class must declare an attribute annotated @Id
, or inherit one from a @MappedSuperclass
A subclass entity always inherits the identifier attribute of the root entity.
It may not declare its own @Id
3.4. Identifier attributes
An identifier attribute is usually a field:
class Book {
Book() {}
Long id;
But it may be a property:
class Book {
Book() {}
private Long id;
Long getId() { return id; }
void setId(Long id) { = id; }
An identifier attribute must be annotated @Id
or @EmbeddedId
Identifier values may be:
assigned by the application, that is, by your Java code, or
generated and assigned by Hibernate.
We’ll discuss the second option first.
3.5. Generated identifiers
An identifier is often system-generated, in which case it should be annotated @GeneratedValue
@Id @GeneratedValue
Long id;
System-generated identifiers, or surrogate keys make it easier to evolve or refactor the relational data model. If you have the freedom to define the relational schema, we recommend the use of surrogate keys. On the other hand, if, as is more common, you’re working with a pre-existing database schema, you might not have the option. |
JPA defines the following strategies for generating ids, which are enumerated by GenerationType
Strategy | Java type | Implementation |
A Java |
An identity or autoincrement column |
A database sequence |
A database table |
Selects |
For example, this UUID is generated in Java code:
@Id @GeneratedValue UUID id; // AUTO strategy selects UUID based on the field type
This id maps to a SQL identity
, auto_increment
, or bigserial
@Id @GeneratedValue(strategy = IDENTITY) Long id;
The @SequenceGenerator
and @TableGenerator
annotations allow further control over SEQUENCE
generation respectively.
Consider this sequence generator:
@SequenceGenerator(name = "bookSeq", sequenceName = "seq_book", initialValue = 5, allocationSize=10)
Values are generated using a database sequence defined as follows:
create sequence seq_book start with 5 increment by 10
Notice that Hibernate doesn’t have to go to the database every time a new identifier is needed.
Instead, a given process obtains a block of ids, of size allocationSize
, and only needs to hit the database each time the block is exhausted.
Of course, the downside is that generated identifiers are not contiguous.
If you let Hibernate export your database schema, the sequence definition will have the right |
Any identifier attribute may now make use of the generator named bookSeq
@GeneratedValue(generator = "bookSeq") // reference to generator defined elsewhere
Long id;
Actually, it’s extremely common to place the @SequenceGenerator
annotation on the @Id
attribute that makes use of it:
@GeneratedValue // uses the generator defined below
@SequenceGenerator(sequenceName = "seq_book", initialValue = 5, allocationSize=10)
Long id;
In this case, the name
of the @SequenceGenerator
should not be specified.
We may even place a @SequenceGenerator
or @TableGenerator
annotation at the package level:
@SequenceGenerator(sequenceName = "id_sequence", initialValue = 5, allocationSize=10)
@TableGenerator(table = "id_table", initialValue = 5, allocationSize=10)
package org.example.entities;
Then any entity in this package which specifies strategy=SEQUENCE
or strategy=TABLE
without also explicitly specifying a generator name
will be assigned a generator based on the package-level annotation.
@GeneratedValue(strategy=SEQUENCE) // uses the sequence generator defined at the package level
Long id;
As you can see, JPA provides quite adequate support for the most common strategies for system-generated ids.
However, the annotations themselves are a bit more intrusive than they should be, and there’s no well-defined way to extend this framework to support custom strategies for id generation.
Nor may @GeneratedValue
be used on a property not annotated @Id
Since custom id generation is a rather common requirement, Hibernate provides a very carefully-designed framework for user-defined Generator
s, which we’ll discuss in User-defined generators.
3.6. Natural keys as identifiers
Not every identifier attribute maps to a (system-generated) surrogate key. Primary keys which are meaningful to the user of the system are called natural keys.
When the primary key of a table is a natural key, we don’t annotate the identifier attribute @GeneratedValue
, and it’s the responsibility of the application code to assign a value to the identifier attribute.
class Book {
String isbn;
Of particular interest are natural keys which comprise more than one database column, and such natural keys are called composite keys.
3.7. Composite identifiers
If your database uses composite keys, you’ll need more than one identifier attribute. There are two ways to map composite keys in JPA:
using an
, or -
using an
Perhaps the most immediately-natural way to represent this in an entity class is with multiple fields annotated @Id
, for example:
class Book {
Book() {}
String isbn;
int printing;
But this approach comes with a problem: what object can we use to identify a Book
and pass to methods like find()
which accept an identifier?
The solution is to write a separate class with fields that match the identifier attributes of the entity.
Every such id class must override equals()
and hashCode()
Of course, the easiest way to satisfy these requirements is to declare the id class as a record
record BookId(String isbn, int printing) {}
The @IdClass
annotation of the Book
entity identifies BookId
as the id class to use for that entity.
This is not our preferred approach.
Instead, we recommend that the BookId
class be declared as an @Embeddable
record BookId(String isbn, int printing) {}
We’ll learn more about Embeddable objects below.
Now the entity class may reuse this definition using @EmbeddedId
, and the @IdClass
annotation is no longer required:
class Book {
Book() {}
BookId bookId;
This second approach eliminates some duplicated code.
Either way, we may now use BookId
to obtain instances of Book
Book book = session.find(Book.class, new BookId(isbn, printing));
3.8. Version attributes
An entity may have an attribute which is used by Hibernate for optimistic lock checking.
A version attribute is usually of type Integer
, Short
, Long
, LocalDateTime
, OffsetDateTime
, ZonedDateTime
, or Instant
LocalDateTime lastUpdated;
Version attributes are automatically assigned by Hibernate when an entity is made persistent, and automatically incremented or updated each time the entity is updated.
If an entity doesn’t have a version number, which often happens when mapping legacy data, we can still do optimistic locking.
The |
The @Id
and @Version
attributes we’ve already seen are just specialized examples of basic attributes.
3.9. Natural id attributes
Even when an entity has a surrogate key, it should always be possible to write down a combination of fields which uniquely identifies an instance of the entity, from the point of view of the user of the system. This combination of fields is its natural key. Above, we considered the case where the natural key coincides with the primary key. Here, the natural key is a second unique key of the entity, distinct from its surrogate primary key.
If you can’t identify a natural key, it might be a sign that you need to think more carefully about some aspect of your data model. If an entity doesn’t have a meaningful unique key, then it’s impossible to say what event or object it represents in the "real world" outside your program. |
Since it’s extremely common to retrieve an entity based on its natural key, Hibernate has a way to mark the attributes of the entity which make up its natural key.
Each attribute must be annotated @NaturalId
class Book {
Book() {}
@Id @GeneratedValue
Long id; // the system-generated surrogate key
String isbn; // belongs to the natural key
int printing; // also belongs to the natural key
Hibernate automatically generates a UNIQUE
constraint on the columns mapped by the annotated fields.
Consider using the natural id attributes to implement |
The payoff for doing this extra work, as we will see much later, is that we can take advantage of optimized natural id lookups that make use of the second-level cache.
Note that even when you’ve identified a natural key, we still recommend the use of a generated surrogate key in foreign keys, since this makes your data model much easier to change.
3.10. Basic attributes
A basic attribute of an entity is a field or property which maps to a single column of the associated database table. The JPA specification defines a quite limited set of basic types:
Classification | Package | Types |
Primitive types |
Primitive wrappers |
Strings |
Arbitrary-precision numeric types |
Date/time types |
Deprecated date/time types 💀 |
Deprecated JDBC date/time types 💀 |
Binary and character arrays |
Enumerated types |
Any |
Serializable types |
Any type which implements |
We’re begging you to use types from the |
Serializing a Java object and storing its binary representation in the database is usually wrong. As we’ll soon see in Embeddable objects, Hibernate has much better ways to handle complex Java objects. |
Hibernate slightly extends this list with the following types:
Classification | Package | Types |
Additional date/time types |
JDBC LOB types |
Java class object |
Miscellaneous types |
The @Basic
annotation explicitly specifies that an attribute is basic, but it’s often not needed, since attributes are assumed basic by default.
On the other hand, if a non-primitively-typed attribute cannot be null, use of @Basic(optional=false)
is highly recommended.
@Basic(optional=false) String firstName;
@Basic(optional=false) String lastName;
String middleName; // may be null
Note that primitively-typed attributes are inferred NOT NULL
by default.
3.11. Enumerated types
We included Java enum
s on the list above.
An enumerated type is considered a sort of basic type, but since most databases don’t have a native ENUM
type, JPA provides a special @Enumerated
annotation to specify how the enumerated values should be represented in the database:
by default, an enum is stored as an integer, the value of its
member, but -
if the attribute is annotated
, it will be stored as a string, the value of itsname()
//here, an ORDINAL encoding makes sense
DayOfWeek dayOfWeek;
//but usually, a STRING encoding is better
Status status;
The @EnumeratedValue
annotation allows the column value to be customized:
enum Resolution {
@EnumeratedValue // store the code, not the enum ordinal() value
final int code;
Resolution(int code) {
this.code = code;
Since Hibernate 6, an enum
annotated @Enumerated(STRING)
is mapped to:
column type with aCHECK
constraint on most databases, or -
column type on MySQL.
Any other enum
is mapped to a TINYINT
column with a CHECK
JPA picks the wrong default here.
In most cases, storing an integer encoding of the Even considering So we prefer |
An interesting special case arises on PostgreSQL and Oracle.
The limited set of pre-defined basic attribute types can be stretched a bit further by supplying a converter.
3.12. Converters
A JPA AttributeConverter
is responsible for:
converting a given Java type to one of the types listed above, and/or
perform any other sort of pre- and post-processing you might need to perform on a basic attribute value before writing and reading it to or from the database.
Converters substantially widen the set of attribute types that can be handled by JPA.
There are two ways to apply a converter:
annotation applies anAttributeConverter
to a particular entity attribute, or -
annotation (or, alternatively, the@ConverterRegistration
annotation) registers anAttributeConverter
for automatic application to all attributes of a given type.
For example, the following converter will be automatically applied to any attribute of type EnumSet<DayOfWeek>
, and takes care of persisting the EnumSet<DayOfWeek>
to a column of type INTEGER
@Converter(autoApply = true)
public static class EnumSetConverter
// converts Java values of type EnumSet<DayOfWeek> to integers for storage in an INT column
implements AttributeConverter<EnumSet<DayOfWeek>,Integer> {
public Integer convertToDatabaseColumn(EnumSet<DayOfWeek> enumSet) {
int encoded = 0;
var values = DayOfWeek.values();
for (int i = 0; i<values.length; i++) {
if (enumSet.contains(values[i])) {
encoded |= 1<<i;
return encoded;
public EnumSet<DayOfWeek> convertToEntityAttribute(Integer encoded) {
var set = EnumSet.noneOf(DayOfWeek.class);
var values = DayOfWeek.values();
for (int i = 0; i<values.length; i++) {
if (((1<<i) & encoded) != 0) {
return set;
On the other hand, if we don’t set autoapply=true
, then we must explicitly apply the converter using the @Convert
@Convert(converter = EnumSetConverter.class)
@Basic(optional = false)
EnumSet<DayOfWeek> daysOfWeek;
All this is nice, but it probably won’t surprise you that Hibernate goes beyond what is required by JPA.
3.13. Compositional basic types
Hibernate considers a "basic type" to be formed by the marriage of two objects:
, which models the semantics of a certain Java class, and -
, representing a SQL type which is understood by JDBC.
When mapping a basic attribute, we may explicitly specify a JavaType
, a JdbcType
, or both.
An instance of
represents a particular Java class.
It’s able to:
compare instances of the class to determine if an attribute of that class type is dirty (modified),
produce a useful hash code for an instance of the class,
coerce values to other types, and, in particular,
convert an instance of the class to one of several other equivalent Java representations at the request of its partner
For example, IntegerJavaType
knows how to convert an Integer
or int
value to the types Long
, BigInteger
, and String
, among others.
We may explicitly specify a Java type using the @JavaType
annotation, but for the built-in JavaType
s this is never necessary.
@JavaType(LongJavaType.class) // not needed, this is the default JavaType for long
long currentTimeMillis;
For a user-written JavaType
, the annotation is more useful:
BitSet bitSet;
Alternatively, the @JavaTypeRegistration
annotation may be used to register BitSetJavaType
as the default JavaType
for BitSet
An org.hibernate.type.descriptor.jdbc.JdbcType
is able to read and write a single Java type from and to JDBC.
For example, VarcharJdbcType
takes care of:
writing Java strings to JDBC
s by callingsetString()
, and -
reading Java strings from JDBC
s usinggetString()
By pairing LongJavaType
with VarcharJdbcType
in holy matrimony, we produce a basic type which maps Long
s and primitive longs
s to the SQL type VARCHAR
We may explicitly specify a JDBC type using the @JdbcType
long currentTimeMillis;
Alternatively, we may specify a JDBC type code:
long currentTimeMillis;
The @JdbcTypeRegistration
annotation may be used to register a user-written JdbcType
as the default for a given SQL type code.
If a given JavaType
doesn’t know how to convert its instances to the type required by its partner JdbcType
, we must help it out by providing a JPA AttributeConverter
to perform the conversion.
For example, to form a basic type using LongJavaType
and TimestampJdbcType
, we would provide an AttributeConverter<Long,Timestamp>
@Convert(converter = LongToTimestampConverter.class)
long currentTimeMillis;
Let’s abandon our analogy right here, before we start calling this basic type a "throuple".
3.14. Date and time types, and time zones
Dates and times should always be represented using the types defined in java.time
Never use the legacy types |
Some of the types in java.time
map naturally to an ANSI SQL column type.
A source of confusion is that some databases still don’t follow the ANSI standard naming here.
Also, as you’re probably aware, the DATE
type on Oracle is not an ANSI SQL DATE
In fact, Oracle doesn’t have DATE
types—every date or time must be stored as a timestamp.
java.time class |
ANSI SQL type | MySQL | SQL Server | Oracle |
On the other hand, there are no perfectly natural mappings for Instant
and Duration
on must databases.
By default:
is mapped to a column of typeNUMERIC(21)
holding the length of the duration in nanoseconds, and -
is mapped to a column of typeTIMESTAMP
on MySQL).
Fortunately, these mappings can be modified by specifying the JdbcType
For example, if we wanted to store an Instant
on MySQL) instead of TIMESTAMP
, then we could annotate the field:
// store the Instant as a TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE, instead of as a TIMESTAMP
Instant instant;
Alternatively, we could set the configuration property hibernate.type.preferred_instant_jdbc_type
// store field of type Instant as TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE, instead of as a TIMESTAMP
We have worked very hard to make sure that Java date and time types work with consistent and correct semantics across all databases supported by Hibernate. In particular, Hibernate is very careful in how it handles time zones.
Unfortunately, with the notable exception of Oracle, most SQL databases feature embarrassingly poor support for timezones.
Even some databases which do supposedly support |
The still-experimental annotation |
3.15. Embeddable objects
An embeddable object is a Java class whose state maps to multiple columns of a table, but which doesn’t have its own persistent identity.
That is, it’s a class with mapped attributes, but no @Id
An embeddable object can only be made persistent by assigning it to the attribute of an entity. Since the embeddable object does not have its own persistent identity, its lifecycle with respect to persistence is completely determined by the lifecycle of the entity to which it belongs.
An embeddable class must be annotated @Embeddable
instead of @Entity
class Name {
String firstName;
String lastName;
String middleName;
Name() {}
Name(String firstName, String middleName, String lastName) {
this.firstName = firstName;
this.middleName = middleName;
this.lastName = lastName;
An embeddable class must satisfy the same requirements that entity classes satisfy, with the exception that an embeddable class has no @Id
In particular, it must have a constructor with no parameters.
Alternatively, an embeddable type may be defined as a Java record type:
record Name(String firstName, String middleName, String lastName) {}
In this case, the requirement for a constructor with no parameters is relaxed.
We may now use our Name
class (or record) as the type of an entity attribute:
class Author {
@Id @GeneratedValue
Long id;
Name name;
Embeddable types can be nested.
That is, an @Embeddable
class may have an attribute whose type is itself a different @Embeddable
JPA provides an |
On the other hand a reference to an embeddable type is never polymorphic.
One @Embeddable
class F
may inherit a second @Embeddable
class E
, but an attribute of type E
will always refer to an instance of that concrete class E
, never to an instance of F
Usually, embeddable types are stored in a "flattened" format. Their attributes map columns of the table of their parent entity. Later, in Mapping embeddable types to UDTs or to JSON, we’ll see a couple of different options.
An attribute of embeddable type represents a relationship between a Java object with a persistent identity, and a Java object with no persistent identity. We can think of it as a whole/part relationship. The embeddable object belongs to the entity, and can’t be shared with other entity instances. And it exists for only as long as its parent entity exists.
Next we’ll discuss a different kind of relationship: a relationship between Java objects which each have their own distinct persistent identity and persistence lifecycle.
3.16. Associations
An association is a relationship between entities.
We usually classify associations based on their multiplicity.
If E
and F
are both entity classes, then:
a one-to-one association relates at most one unique instance
with at most one unique instance ofF
, -
a many-to-one association relates zero or more instances of
with a unique instance ofF
, and -
a many-to-many association relates zero or more instances of
with zero or more instance ofF
An association between entity classes may be either:
unidirectional, navigable from
but not fromF
, or -
bidirectional, and navigable in either direction.
In this example data model, we can see the sorts of associations which are possible:

An astute observer of the diagram above might notice that the relationship we’ve presented as a unidirectional one-to-one association could reasonably be represented in Java using subtyping.
This is quite normal.
A one-to-one association is the usual way we implement subtyping in a fully-normalized relational model.
It’s related to the |
There are three annotations for mapping associations: @ManyToOne
, @OneToMany
, and @ManyToMany
They share some common annotation members:
Member | Interpretation | Default value |
Persistence operations which should cascade to the associated entity; a list of |
Whether the association is eagerly fetched or may be proxied |
The associated entity class |
Determined from the attribute type declaration |
For a |
For a bidirectional association, an attribute of the associated entity which maps the association |
By default, the association is assumed unidirectional |
We’ll explain the effect of these members as we consider the various types of association mapping.
It’s not a requirement to represent every foreign key relationship as an association at the Java level.
It’s perfectly acceptable to replace a @ManyToOne
mapping with a basic-typed attribute holding an identifier, if it’s inconvenient to think of this relationship as an association at the Java level.
That said, it’s possible to take this idea way to far.
Now that we know that associations are actually good and useful, let’s see how to model the various kinds of association we might find need to map to a relational data model. We begin with the most common association multiplicity.
3.17. Many-to-one
A many-to-one association is the most basic sort of association we can imagine. It maps completely naturally to a foreign key in the database. Almost all the associations in your domain model are going to be of this form.
Later, we’ll see how to map a many-to-one association to an association table. |
The @ManyToOne
annotation marks the "to one" side of the association, so a unidirectional many-to-one association looks like this:
class Book {
@Id @GeneratedValue
Long id;
Publisher publisher;
Here, the Book
table has a foreign key column holding the identifier of the associated Publisher
A very unfortunate misfeature of JPA is that |
Most of the time, we would like to be able to easily navigate our associations in both directions.
We do need a way to get the Publisher
of a given Book
, but we would also like to be able to obtain all the Book
s belonging to a given publisher.
To make this association bidirectional, we need to add a collection-valued attribute to the Publisher
class, and annotate it @OneToMany
Hibernate needs to proxy unfetched associations at runtime.
Therefore, the many-valued side must be declared using an interface type like |
To indicate clearly that this is a bidirectional association, and to reuse any mapping information already specified in the Book
entity, we must use the mappedBy
annotation member to refer back to Book.publisher
class Publisher {
@Id @GeneratedValue
Long id;
Set<Book> books;
The Publisher.books
field is called the unowned side of the association.
Now, we passionately hate the stringly-typed mappedBy
reference to the owning side of the association.
Thankfully, the Hibernate Processor gives us a way to make it a
bit more type safe:
@OneToMany(mappedBy=Book_.PUBLISHER) // get used to doing it this way!
Set<Book> books;
We’re going to use this approach for the rest of the Introduction.
To modify a bidirectional association, we must change the owning side.
Changes made to the unowned side of an association are never synchronized to the database.
If we desire to change an association in the database, we must change it from the owning side.
Here, we must set In fact, it’s often necessary to change both sides of a bidirectional association.
For example, if the collection |
That said, it’s not a hard requirement to update the unowned side, at least if you’re sure you know what you’re doing.
In principle Hibernate does allow you to have a unidirectional one-to-many, that is, a |
Here we’ve used Set
as the type of the collection, but Hibernate also allows the use of List
or Collection
here, with almost no difference in semantics.
In particular, the List
may not contain duplicate elements, and its order will not be persistent.
Collection<Book> books;
We’ll see how to map a collection with a persistent order much later.
3.18. One-to-one (first way)
The simplest sort of one-to-one association is almost exactly like a @ManyToOne
association, except that it maps to a foreign key column with a UNIQUE
Later, we’ll see how to map a one-to-one association to an association table. |
A one-to-one association must be annotated @OneToOne
class Author {
@Id @GeneratedValue
Long id;
@OneToOne(optional=false, fetch=LAZY)
Person author;
Here, the Author
table has a foreign key column holding the identifier of the associated Person
A one-to-one association often models a "type of" relationship.
In our example, an |
We can make this association bidirectional by adding a reference back to the Author
in the Person
class Person {
@Id @GeneratedValue
Long id;
@OneToOne(mappedBy = Author_.PERSON)
Author author;
is the unowned side, because it’s the side marked mappedBy
This is not the only sort of one-to-one association.
3.19. One-to-one (second way)
An arguably more elegant way to represent such a relationship is to share a primary key between the two tables.
To use this approach, the Author
class must be annotated like this:
class Author {
Long id;
@OneToOne(optional=false, fetch=LAZY)
Person author;
Notice that, compared with the previous mapping:
attribute is no longer a@GeneratedValue
and, -
instead, the
association is annotated@MapsId
This lets Hibernate know that the association to Person
is the source of primary key values for Author
Here, there’s no extra foreign key column in the Author
table, since the id
column holds the identifier of Person
That is, the primary key of the Author
table does double duty as the foreign key referring to the Person
The Person
class doesn’t change.
If the association is bidirectional, we annotate the unowned side @OneToOne(mappedBy = Author_.PERSON)
just as before.
3.20. Many-to-many
A unidirectional many-to-many association is represented as a collection-valued attribute. It always maps to a separate association table in the database.
It tends to happen that a many-to-many association eventually turns out to be an entity in disguise.
Suppose we start with a nice clean many-to-many association between For example, imagine that we needed to report the percentage contribution of each author to a book.
That information naturally belongs to the association table.
We can’t easily store it as an attribute of When this happens, we need to change our Java model, usually introducing a new entity class which maps the association table directly.
In our example, we might call this entity something like We can evade the disruption occasioned by such "discoveries" by simply avoiding the use of |
A many-to-many association must be annotated @ManyToMany
class Book {
@Id @GeneratedValue
Long id;
Set<Author> authors;
If the association is bidirectional, we add a very similar-looking attribute to Book
, but this time we must specify mappedBy
to indicate that this is the unowned side of the association:
class Book {
@Id @GeneratedValue
Long id;
Set<Author> authors;
Remember, if we wish to the modify the collection we must change the owning side.
We’ve again used Set
s to represent the association.
As before, we have the option to use Collection
or List
But in this case it does make a difference to the semantics of the association.
A many-to-many association represented as a |
3.21. Collections of basic values and embeddable objects
We’ve now seen the following kinds of entity attribute:
Kind of entity attribute | Kind of reference | Multiplicity | Examples |
Single-valued attribute of basic type |
Non-entity |
At most one |
Single-valued attribute of embeddable type |
Non-entity |
At most one |
Single-valued association |
Entity |
At most one |
Many-valued association |
Entity |
Zero or more |
Scanning this taxonomy, you might ask: does Hibernate have multivalued attributes of basic or embeddable type?
Well, actually, we’ve already seen that it does, at least in two special cases.
So first, lets recall that JPA treats byte[]
and char[]
arrays as basic types.
Hibernate persists a byte[]
or char[]
array to a VARBINARY
column, respectively.
But in this section we’re really concerned with cases other than these two special cases.
So then, apart from byte[]
and char[]
, does Hibernate have multivalued attributes of basic or embeddable type?
And the answer again is that it does. Indeed, there are two different ways to handle such a collection, by mapping it:
to a column of SQL
type (assuming the database has anARRAY
type), or -
to a separate table.
So we may expand our taxonomy with:
Kind of entity attribute | Kind of reference | Multiplicity | Examples |
Non-entity |
Zero or more |
Collection of basic-typed elements |
Non-entity |
Zero or more |
Collection of embeddable elements |
Non-entity |
Zero or more |
There’s actually two new kinds of mapping here: @Array
mappings, and @ElementCollection
These sorts of mappings are overused. There are situations where we think it’s appropriate to use a collection of basic-typed values in our entity class. But such situations are rare. Almost every many-valued relationship should map to a foreign key association between separate tables. And almost every table should be mapped by an entity class. The features we’re about to meet in the next two subsections are used much more often by beginners than they’re used by experts. So if you’re a beginner, you’ll save yourself same hassle by staying away from these features for now. |
We’ll talk about @Array
mappings first.
3.22. Collections mapped to SQL arrays
Let’s consider a calendar event which repeats on certain days of the week.
We might represent this in our Event
entity as an attribute of type DayOfWeek[]
or List<DayOfWeek>
Since the number of elements of this array or list is upper bounded by 7, this is a reasonable case for the use of an ARRAY
-typed column.
It’s hard to see much value in storing this collection in a separate table.
Unfortunately, JPA doesn’t define a standard way to map SQL arrays, but here’s how we can do it in Hibernate:
class Event {
@Id @GeneratedValue
Long id;
DayOfWeek[] daysOfWeek; // stored as a SQL ARRAY type
The @Array
annotation is optional, but it’s important to limit the amount of storage space the database allocates to the ARRAY
By writing @Array(length=7)
here, we specified that DDL should be generated with the column type TINYINT ARRAY[7]
Just for fun, we used an enumerated type in the code above, but the array element time may be almost any basic type.
For example, the Java array types String[]
, UUID[]
, double[]
, BigDecimal[]
, LocalDate[]
, and OffsetDateTime[]
are all allowed, mapping to the SQL types VARCHAR(n) ARRAY
, respectively.
Now for the gotcha: not every database has a SQL In particular, neither DB2 nor SQL Server have array-typed columns.
On these databases, Hibernate falls back to something much worse: it uses Java serialization to encode the array to a binary representation, and stores the binary stream in a |
Alternatively, we could store this array or list in a separate table.
3.23. Collections mapped to a separate table
JPA does define a standard way to map a collection to an auxiliary table: the @ElementCollection
class Event {
@Id @GeneratedValue
Long id;
DayOfWeek[] daysOfWeek; // stored in a dedicated table
Actually, we shouldn’t use an array here, since array types can’t be proxied, and so the JPA specification doesn’t even say they’re supported.
Instead, we should use Set
, List
, or Map
class Event {
@Id @GeneratedValue
Long id;
List<DayOfWeek> daysOfWeek; // stored in a dedicated table
Here, each collection element is stored as a separate row of the auxiliary table. By default, this table has the following definition:
create table Event_daysOfWeek (
Event_id bigint not null,
daysOfWeek tinyint check (daysOfWeek between 0 and 6),
daysOfWeek_ORDER integer not null,
primary key (Event_id, daysOfWeek_ORDER)
Which is fine, but it’s still a mapping we prefer to avoid.
The code above results in a table with three columns:
Instead of a surrogate primary key, it has a composite key comprising the foreign key of When—inevitably—we find that we need to add a fourth column to that table, our Java code must change completely. Most likely, we’ll realize that we need to add a separate entity after all. So this mapping isn’t very robust in the face of minor changes to our data model. |
There’s much more we could say about "element collections", but we won’t say it, because we don’t want to hand you the gun you’ll shoot your foot with.
3.24. Summary of annotations
Let’s pause to remember the annotations we’ve met so far.
Annotation | Purpose | JPA-standard |
Declare an entity class |
✔ |
Declare a non-entity class with mapped attributes inherited by an entity |
✔ |
Declare an embeddable type |
✔ |
Declare the identifier class for an entity with multiple |
✔ |
Annotation | Purpose | JPA-standard | |
Declare a basic-typed identifier attribute |
✔ |
Declare a version attribute |
✔ |
Declare a basic attribute |
Default |
✔ |
Declare an embeddable-typed identifier attribute |
✔ |
Declare an embeddable-typed attribute |
Inferred |
✔ |
Declare an |
Inferred |
✔ |
Declare that an attribute maps to a SQL |
Inferred |
✖ |
Declare that a collection is mapped to a dedicated table |
✔ |
Annotation | Purpose | JPA-standard |
Register an |
✔ |
Apply a converter to an attribute |
✔ |
Explicitly specify an implementation of |
✖ |
Explicitly specify an implementation of |
✖ |
Explicitly specify a JDBC type code used to determine the |
✖ |
Register a |
✖ |
Register a |
✖ |
Annotation | Purpose | JPA-standard |
Specify that an identifier is system-generated |
✔ |
Define an id generator backed by a database sequence |
✔ |
Define an id generated backed by a database table |
✔ |
Declare an annotation that associates a custom |
✖ |
Declare an annotation that associates a custom |
✖ |
Annotation | Purpose | JPA-standard |
Declare the single-valued side of a many-to-one association (the owning side) |
✔ |
Declare the many-valued side of a many-to-one association (the unowned side) |
✔ |
Declare either side of a many-to-many association |
✔ |
Declare either side of a one-to-one association |
✔ |
Declare that the owning side of a |
✔ |
Phew! That’s already a lot of annotations, and we have not even started with the annotations for O/R mapping!
3.25. equals()
and hashCode()
Entity classes should override equals()
and hashCode()
, especially when associations are represented as sets.
People new to Hibernate or JPA are often confused by exactly which fields should be included in the hashCode()
And people with more experience often argue quite religiously that one or another approach is the only right way.
The truth is, there’s no unique right way to do it, but there are some constraints.
So please keep the following principles in mind:
You should not include a mutable field in the hashcode, since that would require rehashing every collection containing the entity whenever the field is mutated.
It’s not completely wrong to include a generated identifier (surrogate key) in the hashcode, but since the identifier is not generated until the entity instance is made persistent, you must take great care to not add it to any hashed collection before the identifier is generated. We therefore advise against including any database-generated field in the hashcode.
It’s OK to include any immutable, non-generated field in the hashcode.
We therefore recommend identifying a natural key for each entity, that is, a combination of fields that uniquely identifies an instance of the entity, from the perspective of the data model of the program. The natural key should correspond to a unique constraint on the database, and to the fields which are included in equals() and hashCode() .
In this example, the equals()
and hashCode()
methods agree with the @NaturalId
class Book {
@Id @GeneratedValue
Long id;
String isbn;
String getIsbn() {
return isbn;
public boolean equals(Object other) {
return other instanceof Book // check type with instanceof, not getClass()
&& ((Book) other).getIsbn().equals(isbn); // compare natural ids
public int hashCode() {
return isbn.hashCode(); // hashcode based on the natural id
That said, an implementation of equals()
and hashCode()
based on the generated identifier of the entity can work if you’re careful.
Your implementation of equals() must be written to accommodate the possibility that the object passed to the equals() might be a proxy.
Therefore, you should use instanceof , not getClass() to check the type of the argument, and should access fields of the passed entity via its accessor methods.
4. Object/relational mapping
Given a domain model—that is, a collection of entity classes decorated with all the fancy annotations we just met in the previous chapter—Hibernate will happily go away and infer a complete relational schema, and even export it to your database if you ask politely.
The resulting schema will be entirely sane and reasonable, though if you look closely, you’ll find some flaws.
For example, by default, every VARCHAR
column will have the same length, VARCHAR(255)
But the process I just described—which we call top down mapping—simply doesn’t fit the most common scenario for the use of O/R mapping. It’s only rarely that the Java classes precede the relational schema. Usually, we already have a relational schema, and we’re constructing our domain model around the schema. This is called bottom up mapping.
Developers often refer to a pre-existing relational database as "legacy" data. This tends to conjure images of bad old "legacy apps" written in COBOL or something. But legacy data is valuable, and learning to work with it is important. |
Especially when mapping bottom up, we often need to customize the inferred object/relational mappings. This is a somewhat tedious topic, and so we don’t want to spend too many words on it. Instead, we’ll quickly skim the most important mapping annotations.
4.1. Mapping entity inheritance hierarchies
In Entity class inheritance we saw that entity classes may exist within an inheritance hierarchy. There’s three basic strategies for mapping an entity hierarchy to relational tables. Let’s put them in a table, so we can more easily compare the points of difference between them.
Strategy | Mapping | Polymorphic queries | Constraints | Normalization | When to use it |
Map every class in the hierarchy to the same table, and uses the value of a discriminator column to determine which concrete class each row represents. |
To retrieve instances of a given class, we only need to query the one table. |
Attributes declared by subclasses map to columns without Any association may have a |
Subclass data is denormalized. 🧐 |
Works well when subclasses declare few or no additional attributes. |
Map every class in the hierarchy to a separate table, but each table only maps the attributes declared by the class itself. Optionally, a discriminator column may be used. |
To retrieve instances of a given class, we must
Any attribute may map to a column with a Any association may have a |
The tables are normalized. 🤓 |
The best option when we care a lot about constraints and normalization. |
Map every concrete class in the hierarchy to a separate table, but denormalize all inherited attributes into the table. |
To retrieve instances of a given class, we must take a |
Associations targeting a superclass cannot have a corresponding Any attribute may map to a column with a |
Superclass data is denormalized. 🧐 |
Not very popular. From a certain point of view, competes with |
The three mapping strategies are enumerated by InheritanceType
We specify an inheritance mapping strategy using the @Inheritance
For mappings with a discriminator column, we should:
specify the discriminator column name and type by annotating the root entity
, and -
specify the values of this discriminator by annotating each entity in the hierarchy
For single table inheritance we always need a discriminator:
@DiscriminatorColumn(discriminatorType=CHAR, name="kind")
class Person { ... }
class Author { ... }
We don’t need to explicitly specify @Inheritance(strategy=SINGLE_TABLE)
, since that’s the default.
inheritance we don’t need a discriminator:
class Person { ... }
class Author { ... }
However, we can add a discriminator column if we like, and in that case the generated SQL for polymorphic queries will be slightly simpler. |
Similarly, for TABLE_PER_CLASS
inheritance we have:
class Person { ... }
class Author { ... }
Hibernate doesn’t allow discriminator columns for |
Notice that in this last case, a polymorphic association like:
@ManyToOne Person person;
is a bad idea, since it’s impossible to create a foreign key constraint that targets both mapped tables.
4.2. Mapping to tables
The following annotations specify exactly how elements of the domain model map to tables of the relational model:
Annotation | Purpose |
Map an entity class to its primary table |
Define a secondary table for an entity class |
Map a many-to-many or many-to-one association to its association table |
Map an |
The first two annotations are used to map an entity to its primary table and, optionally, one or more secondary tables.
4.3. Mapping entities to tables
By default, an entity maps to a single table, which may be specified using @Table
class Person { ... }
However, the @SecondaryTable
annotation allows us to spread its attributes across multiple secondary tables.
class Book { ... }
The @Table
annotation can do more than just specify a name:
Annotation member | Purpose |
The name of the mapped table |
The schema to which the table belongs |
The catalog to which the table belongs |
One or more |
One or more |
One or more |
A DDL comment |
It only makes sense to explicitly specify the Otherwise, it’s a bad idea to hardcode the schema (or catalog) in a
The @SecondaryTable
annotation is even more interesting:
Annotation member | Purpose |
The name of the mapped table |
The schema to which the table belongs |
The catalog to which the table belongs |
One or more |
One or more |
One or more |
A |
One or more |
A DDL comment |
Using |
4.4. Mapping associations to tables
The @JoinTable
annotation specifies an association table, that is, a table holding foreign keys of both associated entities.
This annotation is usually used with @ManyToMany
class Book {
Set<Author> authors;
But it’s even possible to use it to map a @ManyToOne
or @OneToOne
association to an association table.
class Book {
Publisher publisher;
Here, there should be a UNIQUE
constraint on one of the columns of the association table.
class Author {
@OneToOne(optional=false, fetch=LAZY)
Person author;
Here, there should be a UNIQUE
constraint on both columns of the association table.
Annotation member | Purpose |
The name of the mapped association table |
The schema to which the table belongs |
The catalog to which the table belongs |
One or more |
One or more |
One or more |
One or more |
A |
A |
One or more |
A DDL comment |
To better understand these annotations, we must first discuss column mappings in general.
4.5. Mapping to columns
These annotations specify how elements of the domain model map to columns of tables in the relational model:
Annotation | Purpose |
Map an attribute to a column |
Map an association to a foreign key column |
Map the primary key used to join a secondary table with its primary, or a subclass table in |
Specifies a column that should be used to maintain the order of a |
Specified a column that should be used to persist the keys of a |
We’ll come back to the last two annotations much later, in Ordered and sorted collections and map keys.
We use the @Column
annotation to map basic attributes.
4.6. Mapping basic attributes to columns
The @Column
annotation is not only useful for specifying the column name.
Annotation member | Purpose |
The name of the mapped column |
The name of the table to which this column belongs |
The length of a |
The decimal digits of precision of a |
The scale of a |
The digits of precision occurring to the right of the decimal point in the seconds field of a |
Whether the column has a |
Whether the column has a |
Whether the column should appear in generated SQL |
Whether the column should appear in generated SQL |
A DDL fragment that should be used to declare the column |
One or more |
A DDL comment |
We no longer recommend the use of |
Here we see four different ways to use the @Column
class Book {
@Id @GeneratedValue
@Column(name="bookId") // customize column name
Long id;
@Column(length=100, nullable=false) // declare column as VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL
String title;
@Column(length=17, unique=true, nullable=false) // declare column as VARCHAR(17) NOT NULL UNIQUE
String isbn;
@Column(table="Editions", updatable=false) // column belongs to the secondary table, and is never updated
int edition;
We don’t use @Column
to map associations.
4.7. Mapping associations to foreign key columns
The @JoinColumn
annotation is used to customize a foreign key column.
Annotation member | Purpose |
The name of the mapped foreign key column |
The name of the table to which this column belongs |
The name of the column to which the mapped foreign key column refers |
Whether the column has a |
Whether the column has a |
Whether the column should appear in generated SQL |
Whether the column should appear in generated SQL |
A DDL fragment that should be used to declare the column |
A |
One or more |
A DDL comment |
A foreign key column doesn’t necessarily have to refer to the primary key of the referenced table. It’s quite acceptable for the foreign key to refer to any other unique key of the referenced entity, even to a unique key of a secondary table.
Here we see how to use @JoinColumn
to define a @ManyToOne
association mapping a foreign key column which refers to the @NaturalId
of Book
class Item {
@ManyToOne(optional=false) // implies nullable=false
@JoinColumn(name = "bookIsbn", referencedColumnName = "isbn", // a reference to a non-PK column
foreignKey = @ForeignKey(name="ItemsToBooksBySsn")) // supply a name for the FK constraint
Book book;
In case this is confusing:
is the name of the foreign key column in theItems
table, -
it refers to a unique key
in theBooks
table, and -
it has a foreign key constraint named
Note that the foreignKey
member is completely optional and only affects DDL generation.
If you don’t supply an explicit name using |
For composite foreign keys we might have multiple @JoinColumn
class Item {
@JoinColumn(name = "bookIsbn", referencedColumnName = "isbn")
@JoinColumn(name = "bookPrinting", referencedColumnName = "printing")
Book book;
If we need to specify the @ForeignKey
, this starts to get a bit messy:
class Item {
@JoinColumns(value = {@JoinColumn(name = "bookIsbn", referencedColumnName = "isbn"),
@JoinColumn(name = "bookPrinting", referencedColumnName = "printing")},
foreignKey = @ForeignKey(name="ItemsToBooksBySsn"))
Book book;
For associations mapped to a @JoinTable
, fetching the association requires two joins, and so we must declare the @JoinColumn
s inside the @JoinTable
class Book {
@Id @GeneratedValue
Long id;
Set<Author> authors;
Again, the foreignKey
member is optional.
For mapping a
Arguably, the use of |
4.8. Mapping primary key joins between tables
The @PrimaryKeyJoinColumn
is a special-purpose annotation for mapping:
the primary key column of a
—which is also a foreign key referencing the primary table, or -
the primary key column of the primary table mapped by a subclass in a
inheritance hierarchy—which is also a foreign key referencing the primary table mapped by the root entity.
Annotation member | Purpose |
The name of the mapped foreign key column |
The name of the column to which the mapped foreign key column refers |
A DDL fragment that should be used to declare the column |
A |
When mapping a subclass table primary key, we place the @PrimaryKeyJoinColumn
annotation on the entity class:
class Person { ... }
@PrimaryKeyJoinColumn(name="personId") // the primary key of the Authors table
class Author { ... }
But to map a secondary table primary key, the @PrimaryKeyJoinColumn
annotation must occur inside the @SecondaryTable
pkJoinColumns = @PrimaryKeyJoinColumn(name="bookId")) // the primary key of the Editions table
class Book {
@Id @GeneratedValue
@Column(name="bookId") // the name of the primary key of the Books table
Long id;
4.9. Column lengths and adaptive column types
Hibernate automatically adjusts the column type used in generated DDL based on the column length specified by the @Column
So we don’t usually need to explicitly specify that a column should be of type TEXT
—or worry about the parade of TINYTEXT
types on MySQL—because Hibernate automatically selects one of those types if required to accommodate a string of the length
we specify.
The constant values defined in the class Length
are very helpful here:
Constant | Value | Description |
255 |
The default length of a |
32600 |
The largest column length for a |
32767 |
The maximum length that can be represented using 16 bits (but this length is too large for a |
2147483647 |
The maximum length for a Java string |
We can use these constants in the @Column
String text;
byte[] binaryData;
This is usually all you need to do to make use of large object types in Hibernate.
4.10. LOBs
JPA provides a @Lob
annotation which specifies that a field should be persisted as a BLOB
Hibernate interprets this annotation in what we think is the most reasonable way.
In Hibernate, an attribute annotated @Lob
will be written to JDBC using the setClob()
or setBlob()
method of PreparedStatement
, and will be read from JDBC using the getClob()
or getBlob()
method of ResultSet
Now, the use of these JDBC methods is usually unnecessary!
JDBC drivers are perfectly capable of converting between String
and CLOB
or between byte[]
and BLOB
So unless you specifically need to use these JDBC LOB APIs, you don’t need the @Lob
Instead, as we just saw in Column lengths and adaptive column types, all you need is to specify a large enough column length
to accommodate the data you plan to write to that column.
You should usually write this:
@Column(length=LONG32) // good, correct column type inferred
String text;
instead of this:
@Lob // almost always unnecessary
String text;
This is particularly true for PostgreSQL.
Unfortunately, the driver for PostgreSQL doesn’t allow This limitation of the Postgres driver has resulted in a whole cottage industry of bloggers and stackoverflow question-answerers recommending convoluted ways to hack the Hibernate But simply removing the Conclusion:
Finally, as an alternative, Hibernate lets you declare an attribute of type java.sql.Blob
or java.sql.Clob
class Book {
Clob text;
Blob coverArt;
The advantage is that a java.sql.Clob
or java.sql.Blob
can in principle index up to 263 characters or bytes, much more data than you can fit in a Java String
or byte[]
array (or in your computer).
To assign a value to these fields, we’ll need to use a LobHelper
We can get one from the Session
LobHelper helper = session.getLobHelper();
book.text = helper.createClob(text);
book.coverArt = helper.createBlob(image);
In principle, the Blob
and Clob
objects provide efficient ways to read or stream LOB data from the server.
Book book = session.find(Book.class, bookId);
String text = book.text.getSubString(1, textLength);
InputStream bytes = book.coverArt.getBinaryStream();
Of course, the behavior here depends very much on the JDBC driver, and so we really can’t promise that this is a sensible thing to do on your database.
4.11. Mapping embeddable types to UDTs or to JSON
There’s a couple of alternative ways to represent an embeddable type on the database side.
Embeddables as UDTs
First, a really nice option, at least in the case of Java record types, and for databases which support user-defined types (UDTs), is to define a UDT which represents the record type.
Hibernate 6 makes this really easy.
Just annotate the record type, or the attribute which holds a reference to it, with the new @Struct
record Name(String firstName, String middleName, String lastName) {}
class Person {
Name name;
This results in the following UDT:
create type PersonName as (firstName varchar(255), middleName varchar(255), lastName varchar(255))
And the name
column of the Author
table will have the type PersonName
Embeddables to JSON
A second option that’s available is to map the embeddable type to a JSON
) column.
Now, this isn’t something we would exactly recommend if you’re defining a data model from scratch, but it’s at least useful for mapping pre-existing tables with JSON-typed columns.
Since embeddable types are nestable, we can map some JSON formats this way, and even query JSON properties using HQL.
At this time, JSON arrays are not supported! |
To map an attribute of embeddable type to JSON, we must annotate the attribute @JdbcTypeCode(SqlTypes.JSON)
, instead of annotating the embeddable type.
But the embeddable type Name
should still be annotated @Embeddable
if we want to query its attributes using HQL.
record Name(String firstName, String middleName, String lastName) {}
class Person {
Name name;
We also need to add Jackson or an implementation of JSONB—for example, Yasson—to our runtime classpath. To use Jackson we could add this line to our Gradle build:
runtimeOnly 'com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-databind:{jacksonVersion}'
Now the name
column of the Author
table will have the type jsonb
, and Hibernate will automatically use Jackson to serialize a Name
to and from JSON format.
4.12. Summary of SQL column type mappings
So, as we’ve seen, there are quite a few annotations that affect the mapping of Java types to SQL column types in DDL. Here we summarize the ones we’ve just seen in the second half of this chapter, along with some we already mentioned in earlier chapters.
Annotation | Interpretation |
Specify how an |
Use a nationalized character type: |
Use JDBC LOB APIs to read and write the annotated attribute |
Map a collection to a SQL |
Map an embeddable to a SQL UDT with the given name |
Specify how the time zone information should be persisted |
Use an implementation of |
Specify a collation for a column |
In addition, there are some configuration properties which have a global effect on how basic types map to SQL column types:
Configuration property name | Purpose |
Enable use of nationalized character types by default |
Specify the default SQL column type for storing a |
Specify the default SQL column type for storing a |
Specify the default SQL column type for storing a |
Specify the default SQL column type for storing an |
Specify the default strategy for storing time zone information |
Use named enum types on PostgreSQL and Oracle |
Earlier, we saw how to use these settings to control the default mappings for Instant
and Duration
These are global settings and thus quite clumsy. We recommend against messing with any of these settings unless you have a really good reason for it. |
There’s one more topic we would like to cover in this chapter.
4.13. Mapping to formulas
Hibernate lets us map an attribute of an entity to a SQL formula involving columns of the mapped table. Thus, the attribute is a sort of "derived" value.
Annotation | Purpose |
Map an attribute to a SQL formula |
Map an association to a SQL formula |
Use a SQL formula as the discriminator in single table inheritance. |
For example:
class Order {
@Column(name = "sub_total", scale=2, precision=8)
BigDecimal subTotal;
@Column(name = "tax", scale=4, precision=4)
BigDecimal taxRate;
@Formula("sub_total * (1.0 + tax)")
BigDecimal totalWithTax;
The formula is evaluated every time the entity is read from the database.
4.14. Derived Identity
An entity has a derived identity if it inherits part of its primary key from an associated "parent" entity. We’ve already met a kind of degenerate case of derived identity when we talked about one-to-one associations with a shared primary key.
But a @ManyToOne
association may also form part of a derived identity.
That is to say, there could be a foreign key column or columns included as part of the composite primary key.
There’s three different ways to represent this situation on the Java side of things:
, -
, or -
Let’s suppose we have a Parent
entity class defined as follows:
class Parent {
Long parentId;
The parentId
field holds the primary key of the Parent
table, which will also form part of the composite primary key of every Child
belonging to the Parent
First way
In the first, slightly simpler approach, we define an @IdClass
to represent the primary key of Child
class DerivedId {
Long parent;
String childId;
// constructors, equals, hashcode, etc
And a Child
entity class with a @ManyToOne
association annotated @Id
class Child {
String childId;
@Id @ManyToOne
Parent parent;
Then the primary key of the Child
table comprises the columns (childId,parentId)
Second way
This is fine, but sometimes it’s nice to have a field for each element of the primary key.
We may use the @MapsId
annotation we met earlier:
class Child {
Long parentId;
String childId;
@MapsId(Child_.PARENT_ID) // typesafe reference to Child.parentId
Parent parent;
We’re using the approach we saw previously to refer to the parentId
property of Child
in a typesafe way.
Note that we must place column mapping information on the association annotated @MapsId
, not on the @Id
We must slightly modify our @IdClass
so that field names align:
class DerivedId {
Long parentId;
String childId;
// constructors, equals, hashcode, etc
Third way
The third alternative is to redefine our @IdClass
as an @Embeddable
We don’t actually need to change the DerivedId
class, but we do need to add the annotation.
class DerivedId {
Long parentId;
String childId;
// constructors, equals, hashcode, etc
Then we may use @EmbeddedId
in Child
class Child {
DerivedId id;
@MapsId(DerivedId_.PARENT_ID) // typesafe reference to DerivedId.parentId
Parent parent;
The choice between @IdClass
and @EmbeddedId
boils down to taste.
The @EmbeddedId
is perhaps a little DRYer.
4.15. Adding constraints
Database constraints are important. Even if you’re sure that your program has no bugs 🧐, it’s probably not the only program with access to the database. Constraints help ensure that different programs (and human administrators) play nicely with each other.
Hibernate adds certain constraints to generated DDL automatically: primary key constraints, foreign key constraints, and some unique constraints. But it’s common to need to:
add additional unique constraints,
add check constraints, or
customize the name of a foreign key constraint.
We’ve already seen how to use @ForeignKey
to specify the name of a foreign key constraint.
There are two ways to add a unique constraint to a table:
to indicate a single-column unique key, or -
using the
annotation to define a uniqueness constraint on a combination of columns.
@Table(uniqueConstraints=@UniqueConstraint(columnNames={"title", "year", "publisher_id"}))
class Book { ... }
This annotation looks a bit ugly perhaps, but it’s actually useful even as documentation.
The @Check
annotation adds a check constraint to the table.
@Check(name="ValidISBN", constraints="length(isbn)=13")
class Book { ... }
The @Check
annotation is commonly used at the field level:
@Id @Check(constraints="length(isbn)=13")
String isbn;
5. Interacting with the database
To interact with the database, that is, to execute queries, or to insert, update, or delete data, we need an instance of one of the following objects:
, -
a Hibernate
, or -
a Hibernate
The Session
interface extends EntityManager
, and so the only difference between the two interfaces is that Session
offers a few more operations.
Actually, in Hibernate, every
An instance of Session
(or of EntityManager
) is a stateful session.
It mediates the interaction between your program and the database via operations on a persistence context.
In this chapter, we’re not going to talk much about StatelessSession
We’ll come back to this very useful API when we talk about performance.
What you need to know for now is that a stateless session doesn’t have a persistence context.
Still, we should let you know that some people prefer to use Stateful sessions certainly have their advantages, but they’re more difficult to reason about, and when something goes wrong, the error messages can be more difficult to understand. |
5.1. Persistence contexts
A persistence context is a sort of cache; we sometimes call it the "first-level cache", to distinguish it from the second-level cache. For every entity instance read from the database within the scope of a persistence context, and for every new entity made persistent within the scope of the persistence context, the context holds a unique mapping from the identifier of the entity instance to the instance itself.
Thus, an entity instance may be in one of three states with respect to a given persistence context:
transient — never persistent, and not associated with the persistence context,
persistent — currently associated with the persistence context, or
detached — previously persistent in another session, but not currently associated with this persistence context.

At any given moment, an instance may be associated with at most one persistence context.
The lifetime of a persistence context usually corresponds to the lifetime of a transaction, though it’s possible to have a persistence context that spans several database-level transactions that form a single logical unit of work.
A persistence context—that is, a If you accidentally leak a session across threads, you will suffer. |
There are several reasons we like persistence contexts.
They help avoid data aliasing: if we modify an entity in one section of code, then other code executing within the same persistence context will see our modification.
They enable automatic dirty checking: after modifying an entity, we don’t need to perform any explicit operation to ask Hibernate to propagate that change back to the database. Instead, the change will be automatically synchronized with the database when the session is flushed.
They can improve performance by avoiding a trip to the database when a given entity instance is requested repeatedly in a given unit of work.
They make it possible to transparently batch together multiple database operations.
A persistence context also allows us to detect circularities when performing operations on graphs of entities. (Even in a stateless session, we need some sort of temporary cache of the entity instances we’ve visited while executing a query.)
On the other hand, stateful sessions come with some very important restrictions, since:
persistence contexts aren’t threadsafe, and can’t be shared across threads, and
a persistence context can’t be reused across unrelated transactions, since that would break the isolation and atomicity of the transactions.
Furthermore, a persistence context holds a hard references to all its entities, preventing them from being garbage collected. Thus, the session must be discarded once a unit of work is complete.
If you don’t completely understand the previous passage, go back and re-read it until you do.
A great deal of human suffering has resulted from users mismanaging the lifecycle of the Hibernate |
We’ll conclude by noting that whether a persistence context helps or harms the performance of a given unit of work depends greatly on the nature of the unit of work. For this reason Hibernate provides both stateful and stateless sessions.
5.2. Creating a session
Sticking with standard JPA-defined APIs, we saw how to obtain an EntityManagerFactory
in Configuration using JPA XML.
It’s quite unsurprising that we may use this object to create an EntityManager
EntityManager entityManager = entityManagerFactory.createEntityManager();
When we’re finished with the EntityManager
, we should explicitly clean it up:
On the other hand, if we’re starting from a SessionFactory
, as described in Programmatic configuration using JPA API, we may use:
Session session = sessionFactory.openSession();
But we still need to clean up:
Outside a container environment, we’ll also have to write code to manage database transactions.
5.3. Managing transactions
Using JPA-standard APIs, the EntityTransaction
interface allows us to control database transactions.
The idiom we recommend is the following:
EntityManager entityManager = entityManagerFactory.createEntityManager();
EntityTransaction tx = entityManager.getTransaction();
try {
//do some work
catch (Exception e) {
if (tx.isActive()) tx.rollback();
throw e;
finally {
But this code is extremely tedious, so there’s a cleaner option:
entityManagerFactory.runInTransaction(entityManager -> {
// do the work
When we need to return a value from within the anonymous function, we use callInTransaction()
instead of runInTransaction()
Using Hibernate’s native APIs we can write something very similar:
sessionFactory.inTransaction(session -> {
//do the work
The EntityTransaction
interface provides a standard way to set the transaction timeout:
entityManager.getTransaction().setTimeout(30); // 30 seconds
also provides a way to set the transaction to rollback-only mode:
A transaction in rollback-only mode will be rolled back when it completes.
5.4. Operations on the persistence context
Of course, the main reason we need an EntityManager
is to do stuff to the database.
The following important operations let us interact with the persistence context and schedule modifications to the data:
Method name and parameters | Effect |
Make a transient object persistent and schedule a SQL |
Make a persistent object transient and schedule a SQL |
Copy the state of a given detached object to a corresponding managed persistent instance and return the persistent object |
Disassociate a persistent object from a session without affecting the database |
Empty the persistence context and detach all its entities |
Detect changes made to persistent objects association with the session and synchronize the database state with the state of the session by executing SQL |
Notice that persist()
and remove()
have no immediate effect on the database, and instead simply schedule a command for later execution.
Also notice that there’s no update()
operation for a stateful session.
Modifications are automatically detected when the session is flushed.
On the other hand, except for getReference()
, the following operations all result in immediate access to the database:
Method name and parameters | Effect |
Obtain a persistent object given its type and its id |
Obtain a persistent object given its type and its id, requesting the given optimistic or pessimistic lock mode |
Obtain a persistent object given its id and an |
Obtain a reference to a persistent object given its type and its id, without actually loading its state from the database |
Obtain a reference to a persistent object with the same identity as the given detached instance, without actually loading its state from the database |
Refresh the persistent state of an object using a new SQL |
Refresh the persistent state of an object using a new SQL |
Obtain an optimistic or pessimistic lock on a persistent object |
Any of these operations might throw an exception. Now, if an exception occurs while interacting with the database, there’s no good way to resynchronize the state of the current persistence context with the state held in database tables.
Therefore, a session is considered to be unusable after any of its methods throws an exception.
The persistence context is fragile. If you receive an exception from Hibernate, you should immediately close and discard the current session. Open a new session if you need to, but throw the bad one away first. |
Some of these operations require slightly more care than others.
When you call |
Four of these operations accept options, allowing influence over their behavior.
Method name and parameters | Effect |
Obtain a persistent object given its type and its id, using the specified options |
Obtain a persistent object given its id and an |
Refresh the persistent state of an object using a new SQL |
Obtain an optimistic or pessimistic lock on a persistent object, using the specified options |
For example, JPA provides the Timeout
class which is a FindOption
, a RefreshOption
, and a LockOption
var book = entityManger.find(Book.class, isbn,, CacheStoreMode.BYPASS);
Finally, the Hibernate Session
offers the following method, which is capable of efficiently loading multiple entity instances in parallel:
Method name and parameters | Effect |
Obtain a list of persistent objects given their type and their ids, using the specified options |
The following code results in a single SQL select
List<Book> books = session.findMultiple(Book.class, bookIds);
Each of the operations we’ve seen so far affects a single entity instance passed as an argument. But there’s a way to set things up so that an operation will propagate to associated entities.
5.5. Cascading persistence operations
It’s quite often the case that the lifecycle of a child entity is completely dependent on the lifecycle of some parent. This is especially common for many-to-one and one-to-one associations, though it’s very rare for many-to-many associations.
For example, it’s quite common to make an Order
and all its Item
s persistent in the same transaction, or to delete a Project
and its Files
s at once.
This sort of relationship is sometimes called a whole/part-type relationship.
Cascading is a convenience which allows us to propagate one of the operations listed in Operations on the persistence context from a parent to its children.
To set up cascading, we specify the cascade
member of one of the association mapping annotations, usually @OneToMany
or @OneToOne
class Order {
// cascade persist(), remove(), and refresh() from Order to Item
// also remove() orphaned Items
private Set<Item> items;
Orphan removal indicates that an Item
should be automatically deleted if it is removed from the set of items belonging to its parent Order
5.6. Proxies and lazy fetching
Our data model is a set of interconnected entities, and in Java our whole dataset would be represented as an enormous interconnected graph of objects. It’s possible that this graph is disconnected, but more likely it’s connected, or composed of a relatively small number of connected subgraphs.
Therefore, when we retrieve on object belonging to this graph from the database and instantiate it in memory, we simply can’t recursively retrieve and instantiate all its associated entities. Quite aside from the waste of memory on the VM side, this process would involve a huge number of round trips to the database server, or a massive multidimensional cartesian product of tables, or both. Instead, we’re forced to cut the graph somewhere.
Hibernate solves this problem using proxies and lazy fetching. A proxy is an object that masquerades as a real entity or collection, but doesn’t actually hold any state, because that state has not yet been fetched from the database. When you call a method of the proxy, Hibernate will detect the call and fetch the state from the database before allowing the invocation to proceed to the real entity object or collection.
Now for the gotchas:
Hibernate will only do this for an entity which is currently associated with a persistence context. Once the session ends, and the persistence context is cleaned up, the proxy is no longer fetchable, and instead its methods throw the hated
. -
For a polymorphic association, Hibernate does not know the concrete type of the referenced entity when the proxy is instantiated, and so operations like
and typecasts do not work correctly when applied to a proxy. -
A round trip to the database to fetch the state of a single entity instance is just about the least efficient way to access data. It almost inevitably leads to the infamous N+1 selects problem we’ll discuss later when we talk about how to optimize association fetching.
The |
We’re getting a bit ahead of ourselves here, but let’s quickly mention the general strategy we recommend to navigate past these gotchas:
It’s important to know that some operations which may be performed with an unfetched proxy don’t require fetching its state from the database. First, we’re always allowed to obtain its identifier:
var pubId = entityManager.find(Book.class, bookId).getPublisher().getId(); // does not fetch publisher
Second, we may create an association to a proxy:
book.setPublisher(entityManager.getReference(Publisher.class, pubId)); // does not fetch publisher
Sometimes it’s useful to test whether a proxy or collection has been fetched from the database.
JPA lets us do this using the PersistenceUnitUtil
boolean authorsFetched = entityManagerFactory.getPersistenceUnitUtil().isLoaded(book.getAuthors());
Hibernate has a slightly easier way to do it:
boolean authorsFetched = Hibernate.isInitialized(book.getAuthors());
Similarly, PersistenceUnitUtil.load()
force-fetches a proxy or collection:
Book book = session.find(Book.class, bookId); // fetch just the Book, leaving authors unfetched
Again, Hibernate.initialize()
is slightly more convenient:
Book book = session.find(Book.class, bookId); // fetch just the Book, leaving authors unfetched
Hibernate.initialize(book.getAuthors()); // fetch the Authors
On the other hand, the above code is very inefficient, requiring two trips to the database to obtain data that could in principle be retrieved with just one query.
The static methods of the Hibernate
class let us do a lot more, and it’s worth getting a bit familiar with them.
Of particular interest are the operations which let us work with unfetched collections without fetching their state from the database.
For example, consider this code:
Book book = session.find(Book.class, bookId); // fetch just the Book, leaving authors unfetched
Author authorRef = session.getReference(Author.class, authorId); // obtain an unfetched proxy
boolean isByAuthor = Hibernate.contains(book.getAuthors(), authorRef); // no fetching
This code fragment leaves both the set book.authors
and the proxy authorRef
It’s clear from the discussion above that we need a way to request that an association be eagerly fetched using a database join
, thus protecting ourselves from the infamous N+1 selects.
One way to do this is by passing an EntityGraph
to find()
5.7. Entity graphs and eager fetching
When an association is mapped fetch=LAZY
, it won’t, by default, be fetched when we call the find()
We may request that an association be fetched eagerly (immediately) by passing an EntityGraph
to find()
var graph = entityManager.createEntityGraph(Book.class);
Book book = entityManager.find(graph, bookId);
This code adds a left outer join
to our SQL query, fetching the associated Publisher
along with the Book
We may even attach additional nodes to our EntityGraph
var graph = session.createEntityGraph(Book.class);
Book book = entityManager.find(graph, bookId);
This results in a SQL query with four left outer join
In the code examples above, The classes |
JPA specifies that any given EntityGraph
may be interpreted in two different ways.
A fetch graph specifies exactly the associations that should be eagerly loaded. Any association not belonging to the entity graph is proxied and loaded lazily only if required.
A load graph specifies that the associations in the entity graph are to be fetched in addition to the associations mapped
An EntityGraph
passed directly to find()
is always interpreted as a load graph.
You’re right, the names make no sense.
But don’t worry, if you take our advice, and map your associations |
JPA even specifies a way to define named entity graphs using annotations. But the annotation-based API is so verbose that it’s just not worth using. |
5.8. Flushing the session
From time to time, a flush operation is triggered, and the session synchronizes dirty state held in memory—that is, modifications to the state of entities associated with the persistence context—with persistent state held in the database. Of course, it does this by executing SQL INSERT
, and DELETE
By default, a flush is triggered:
when the current transaction commits, for example, when
is called, -
before execution of a query whose result would be affected by the synchronization of dirty state held in memory, or
when the program directly calls
In the following code, the flush occurs when the transaction commits:
var books =
// new Author does not affect results of query for Books
session.createSelectionQuery("from Book")
// no need to flush
// flush occurs here, just before transaction commits
But in this code, the flush occurs when the query is executed:
var books =
// new Book would affect results of query for Books
session.createSelectionQuery("from Book")
// flush occurs here, just before query is executed
// changes were already flushed to database, nothing to flush
It’s always possible to call flush()
session.flush(); // explicit flush
var books =
session.createSelectionQuery("from Book")
// nothing to flush
// nothing to flush
Notice that SQL statements are not usually executed synchronously by methods of the |
This behavior can be controlled by explicitly setting the flush mode. For example, to disable flushes that occur before query execution, call:
Hibernate allows greater control over the flush mode than JPA:
Since flushing is a somewhat expensive operation (the session must dirty-check every entity in the persistence context), setting the flush mode to COMMIT
can occasionally be a useful optimization.
But take care—in this mode, queries might return stale data:
session.setFlushMode(FlushModeType.COMMIT); // disable AUTO-flush
var books =
// flushing on query execution disabled
session.createSelectionQuery("from Book")
// no flush, query returns stale results
// flush occurs here, just before transaction commits
Hibernate FlushMode |
JPA FlushModeType |
Interpretation |
Never flush automatically |
Flush before transaction commit |
Flush before transaction commit, and before execution of a query whose results might be affected by modifications held in memory |
Flush before transaction commit, and before execution of every query |
A second way to reduce the cost of flushing is to load entities in read-only mode:
specifies that all entities loaded by a given session should be loaded in read-only mode by default, -
specifies that every entity returned by a given query should be loaded in read-only mode, and -
Session.setReadOnly(Object, true)
specifies that a given entity already loaded by the session should be switched to read-only mode.
Hibernate’s ReadOnlyMode
is a custom FindOption
var book = entityManager.find(Book.class, isbn, ReadOnlyMode.READ_ONLY);
It’s not necessary to dirty-check an entity instance in read-only mode.
5.9. Queries
Hibernate features three complementary ways to write queries:
the Hibernate Query Language, an extremely powerful superset of JPQL, which abstracts most of the features of modern dialects of SQL,
the JPA criteria query API, along with extensions, allowing almost any HQL query to be constructed programmatically via a typesafe API, and, of course
for when all else fails, native SQL queries.
5.10. HQL queries
A full discussion of the query language would require almost as much text as the rest of this Introduction. Fortunately, HQL is already described in exhaustive (and exhausting) detail in A Guide to Hibernate Query Language. It doesn’t make sense to repeat that information here.
Here we want to see how to execute a query via the Session
or EntityManager
The method we call depends on what kind of query it is:
selection queries return a result list, but do not modify the data, but
mutation queries modify data, and return the number of modified rows.
Selection queries usually start with the keyword select
or from
, whereas mutation queries begin with the keyword insert
, update
, or delete
Kind | Session method |
EntityManager method |
Query execution method |
Selection |
Mutation |
So for the Session
API we would write:
List<Book> matchingBooks =
session.createSelectionQuery("from Book where title like :titleSearchPattern", Book.class)
.setParameter("titleSearchPattern", titleSearchPattern)
Or, if we’re sticking to the JPA-standard APIs:
List<Book> matchingBooks =
entityManager.createQuery("select b from Book b where b.title like :titleSearchPattern", Book.class)
.setParameter("titleSearchPattern", titleSearchPattern)
The only difference between createSelectionQuery()
and createQuery()
is that createSelectionQuery()
throws an exception if passed an insert
, delete
, or update
In the query above, :titleSearchPattern
is called a named parameter.
We may also identify parameters by a number.
These are called ordinal parameters.
List<Book> matchingBooks =
session.createSelectionQuery("from Book where title like ?1", Book.class)
.setParameter(1, titleSearchPattern)
When a query has multiple parameters, named parameters tend to be easier to read, even if slightly more verbose.
Never concatenate user input with HQL and pass the concatenated string to |
If we’re expecting a query to return a single result, we can use getSingleResult()
Book book =
session.createSelectionQuery("from Book where isbn = ?1", Book.class)
.setParameter(1, isbn)
Or, if we’re expecting it to return at most one result, we can use getSingleResultOrNull()
Book bookOrNull =
session.createSelectionQuery("from Book where isbn = ?1", Book.class)
.setParameter(1, isbn)
The difference, of course, is that getSingleResult()
throws an exception if there’s no matching row in the database, whereas getSingleResultOrNull()
just returns null
By default, Hibernate dirty checks entities in the persistence context before executing a query, in order to determine if the session should be flushed. If there are many entities association with the persistence context, then this can be an expensive operation.
To disable this behavior, set the flush mode to COMMIT
Book bookOrNull =
session.createSelectionQuery("from Book where isbn = ?1", Book.class)
.setParameter(1, isbn)
Setting the flush mode to |
Occasionally we need to build a query at runtime, from a set of optional conditions. For this, JPA offers an API which allows programmatic construction of a query.
5.11. Criteria queries
Imagine we’re implementing some sort of search screen, where the user of our system is offered several different ways to constrain the query result set. For example, we might let them search for books by title and/or the author name. Of course, we could construct a HQL query by string concatenation, but this is a bit fragile, so it’s quite nice to have an alternative.
First we need an object for building criteria queries.
Using the JPA-standard APIs, this would be a CriteriaBuilder
, and we get it from the EntityManagerFactory
CriteriaBuilder builder = entityManagerFactory.getCriteriaBuilder();
But if we have a SessionFactory
, we get something much better, a HibernateCriteriaBuilder
HibernateCriteriaBuilder builder = sessionFactory.getCriteriaBuilder();
The HibernateCriteriaBuilder
extends CriteriaBuilder
and adds many operations that JPQL doesn’t have.
If you’re using
Or simply:
We’re ready to create a criteria query.
CriteriaQuery<Book> query = builder.createQuery(Book.class);
Root<Book> book = query.from(Book.class);
Predicate where = builder.conjunction();
if (titlePattern != null) {
where = builder.and(where,, titlePattern));
if (namePattern != null) {
Join<Book,Author> author = book.join(;
where = builder.and(where,, namePattern));
Here, as before, the classes Book_
and Author_
are generated by Hibernate Processor.
Notice that we didn’t bother treating |
Execution of a criteria query works almost exactly like execution of HQL.
Kind | Session method |
EntityManager method |
Query execution method |
Selection |
Mutation |
For example:
List<Book> matchingBooks =
Update, insert, and delete queries work similarly:
CriteriaDelete<Book> delete = builder.createCriteriaDelete(Book.class);
Root<Book> book = delete.from(Book.class);
delete.where(, 2000));
It’s even possible to transform a HQL query string to a criteria query, and modify the query programmatically before execution:
Do you find some of the code above a bit too verbose? We do.
5.12. A more comfortable way to write criteria queries
Actually, what makes the JPA criteria API less ergonomic than it should be is the need to call all operations of the CriteriaBuilder
as instance methods, instead of having them as static
The reason it works this way is that each JPA provider has its own implementation of CriteriaBuilder
Hibernate 6.3 introduces the helper class CriteriaDefinition
to reduce the verbosity of criteria queries.
Our example looks like this:
CriteriaQuery<Book> query =
new CriteriaDefinition(entityManagerFactory, Book.class) {{
if (titlePattern != null) {
restrict(like(book.get(Book_.title), titlePattern));
if (namePattern != null) {
var author = book.join(;
restrict(like(author.get(, namePattern));
When all else fails, and sometimes even before that, we’re left with the option of writing a query in SQL.
5.13. Native SQL queries
HQL is a powerful language which helps reduce the verbosity of SQL, and significantly increases portability of queries between databases. But ultimately, the true value of ORM is not in avoiding SQL, but in alleviating the pain involved in dealing with SQL result sets once we get them back to our Java program. As we said right up front, Hibernate’s generated SQL is meant to be used in conjunction with handwritten SQL, and native SQL queries are one of the facilities we provide to make that easy.
Kind | Session method |
EntityManager method |
Query execution method |
Selection |
Mutation |
Stored procedure |
For the most simple cases, Hibernate can infer the shape of the result set:
Book book =
session.createNativeQuery("select * from Books where isbn = ?1", Book.class)
.setParameter(1, isbn)
String title =
session.createNativeQuery("select title from Books where isbn = ?1", String.class)
.setParameter(1, isbn)
However, in general, there isn’t enough information in the JDBC ResultSetMetaData
to infer the mapping of columns to entity objects.
So for more complicated cases, you’ll need to use the @SqlResultSetMapping
annotation to define a named mapping, and pass the name to createNativeQuery()
. This gets fairly messy, so we don’t want to hurt your eyes by showing you an example of it.
By default, Hibernate doesn’t flush the session before execution of a native query. That’s because the session is unaware of which modifications held in memory would affect the results of the query.
So if there are any unflushed changes to Book
s, this query might return stale data:
List<Book> books =
session.createNativeQuery("select * from Books", Book.class)
There’s two ways to ensure the persistence context is flushed before this query is executed.
Either, we could simply force a flush by calling flush()
or by setting the flush mode to ALWAYS
List<Book> books =
session.createNativeQuery("select * from Books", Book.class)
Or, alternatively, we could tell Hibernate which modified state affects the results of the query:
List<Book> books =
session.createNativeQuery("select * from Books", Book.class)
You can call stored procedures using |
5.14. Limits, pagination, and ordering
If a query might return more results than we can handle at one time, we may specify:
a limit on the maximum number of rows returned, and,
optionally, an offset, the first row of an ordered result set to return.
The offset is used to paginate query results. |
There’s two ways to add a limit or offset to a HQL or native SQL query:
using the syntax of the query language itself, for example,
offset 10 rows fetch next 20 rows only
, or -
using the methods
of theSelectionQuery
If the limit or offset is parameterized, the second option is simpler. For example, this:
List<Book> books =
session.createSelectionQuery("from Book where title like ?1 order by title", Book.class)
.setParameter(1, titlePattern)
is simpler than:
// a worse way to do pagination
List<Book> books =
session.createSelectionQuery("from Book where title like ?1 order by title fetch first ?2 rows only", Book.class)
.setParameter(1, titlePattern)
.setParameter(2, MAX_RESULTS)
Hibernate’s SelectionQuery
has a slightly different way to paginate the query results:
List<Book> books =
session.createSelectionQuery("from Book where title like ?1 order by title", Book.class)
.setParameter(1, titlePattern)
The getResultCount()
method is useful for displaying the number of pages of results:
SelectionQuery<Book> query =
session.createSelectionQuery("from Book where title like ?1 order by title", Book.class)
.setParameter(1, titlePattern);
long results = query.getResultCount();
long pages = results / MAX_RESULTS + (results % MAX_RESULTS == 0 ? 0 : 1);
List<Book> books = query.setMaxResults(MAX_RESULTS).getResultList();
A closely-related issue is ordering.
It’s quite common for pagination to be combined with the need to order query results by a field that’s determined at runtime.
So, as an alternative to the HQL order by
clause, SelectionQuery
offers the ability to specify that the query results should be ordered by one or more fields of the entity type returned by the query:
List<Book> books =
session.createSelectionQuery("from Book where title like ?1", Book.class)
.setParameter(1, titlePattern)
.setOrder(List.of(Order.asc(Book_.title), Order.asc(Book_.isbn)))
Unfortunately, there’s no way to do this using JPA’s TypedQuery
Method name | Purpose | JPA-standard |
Set a limit on the number of results returned by a query |
✔ |
Set an offset on the results returned by a query |
✔ |
Set the limit and offset by specifying a |
✖ |
Specify how the query results should be ordered |
✖ |
Determine how many results the query would return in the absence of any limit or offset |
✖ |
The approach to pagination we’ve just seen is sometimes called offset-based pagination. Since Hibernate 6.5, there’s an alternative approach, which offers some advantages, though it’s a little more difficult to use.
5.15. Key-based pagination
Key-based pagination aims to reduce the likelihood of missed or duplicate results when data is modified between page requests. It’s most easily illustrated with an example:
String QUERY = "from Book where publicationDate > :minDate";
// obtain the first page of results
KeyedResultList<Book> first =
session.createSelectionQuery(QUERY, Book.class)
.setParameter("minDate", minDate)
List<Book> firstPage = first.getResultList();
if (!firstPage.isLastPage()) {
// obtain the second page of results
KeyedResultList<Book> second =
session.createSelectionQuery(QUERY, Book.class)
.setParameter("minDate", minDate))
List<Book> secondPage = second.getResultList();
The "key" in key-based pagination refers to a unique key of the result set which determines a total order on the query results.
In this example, Book.isbn
is the key.
Since this code is a little bit fiddly, key-based pagination works best with generated query or finder methods.
5.16. Representing projection lists
A projection list is the list of things that a query returns, that is, the list of expressions in the select
Since Java has no tuple types, representing query projection lists in Java has always been a problem for JPA and Hibernate.
Traditionally, we’ve just used Object[]
most of the time:
var results =
session.createSelectionQuery("select isbn, title from Book", Object[].class)
for (var result : results) {
var isbn = (String) result[0];
var title = (String) result[1];
This is really a bit ugly.
Java’s record
types now offer an interesting alternative:
record IsbnTitle(String isbn, String title) {}
var results =
session.createSelectionQuery("select isbn, title from Book", IsbnTitle.class)
for (var result : results) {
var isbn = result.isbn();
var title = result.title();
Notice that we’re able to declare the record
right before the line which executes the query.
Now, this is only superficially more typesafe, since the query itself is not checked statically, and so we can’t say it’s objectively better.
But perhaps you find it more aesthetically pleasing.
And if we’re going to be passing query results around the system, the use of a record
type is much better.
The criteria query API offers a much more satisfying solution to the problem. Consider the following code:
var builder = sessionFactory.getCriteriaBuilder();
var query = builder.createTupleQuery();
var book = query.from(Book.class);
var bookTitle = book.get(Book_.title);
var bookIsbn = book.get(Book_.isbn);
var bookPrice = book.get(Book_.price);, bookIsbn, bookPrice));
var resultList = session.createSelectionQuery(query).getResultList();
for (var result : resultList) {
String title = result.get(bookTitle);
String isbn = result.get(bookIsbn);
BigDecimal price = result.get(bookPrice);
This code is manifestly completely typesafe, and much better than we can hope to do with HQL.
5.17. Named queries
The @NamedQuery
annotation lets us define a HQL query that is compiled and checked as part of the bootstrap process.
This means we find out about errors in our queries earlier, instead of waiting until the query is actually executed.
We can place the @NamedQuery
annotation on any class, even on an entity class.
@NamedQuery(name = "10BooksByTitle",
query = "from Book where title like :titlePattern order by title fetch first 10 rows only")
class BookQueries {}
We have to make sure that the class with the @NamedQuery
annotation will be scanned by Hibernate, either:
by adding
, or -
by calling
Unfortunately, JPA’s
so that Hibernate knows where to find it. |
The @NamedNativeQuery
annotation lets us do the same for native SQL queries.
There’s much less advantage to using @NamedNativeQuery
, because there is very little that Hibernate can do to validate the correctness of a query written in the native SQL dialect of your database.
Kind | Session method |
EntityManager method |
Query execution method |
Selection |
Mutation |
We execute our named query like this:
List<Book> books =
.setParameter("titlePattern", titlePattern)
Here, BookQueries_._10BooksByTitle_
is an element of the JPA static metamodel of type TypedQueryReference<Book>
, generated by Hibernate Processor.
Note that the code which executes the named query is not aware of whether the query was written in HQL or in native SQL, making it slightly easier to change and optimize the query later.
It’s nice to have our queries checked at startup time.
It’s even better to have them checked at compile time.
In Organizing persistence logic, we mentioned that the Hibernate Processor can do that for us, with the help of the But actually, Hibernate has a separate Query Validator capable of performing compile-time validation of HQL query strings that occur as arguments to |
5.18. Controlling lookup by id
We can do almost anything via HQL, criteria, or native SQL queries. But when we already know the identifier of the entity we need, a query can feel like overkill. And queries don’t make efficient use of the second level cache.
We met the find()
and findMultiple()
methods earlier.
These are the most basic ways to perform a lookup by id.
But they can’t quite do everything.
Therefore, Hibernate has some APIs that streamline certain more complicated lookups:
Method name | Purpose |
Lets us specify association fetching via an |
Lets us load a batch of ids at the same time |
Since the introduction of |
Batch loading is very useful when we need to retrieve multiple instances of the same entity class by id:
var graph = session.createEntityGraph(Book.class);
List<Book> books =
.withFetchGraph(graph) // control association fetching
.withBatchSize(20) // specify an explicit batch size
.with(CacheMode.GET) // control interaction with the cache
The given list of bookIds
will be broken into batches, and each batch will be fetched from the database in a single select
If we don’t specify the batch size explicitly, a batch size will be chosen automatically.
We also have some operations for working with lookups by natural id:
Method name | Purpose |
For an entity with just one attribute is annotated |
For an entity with multiple attributes are annotated |
Lets us load a batch of natural ids at the same time |
Here’s how we can retrieve an entity by its composite natural id:
Book book =
.using(Book_.isbn, isbn)
.using(Book_.printing, printing)
Notice that this code fragment is completely typesafe, again thanks to Hibernate Processor.
5.19. Interacting directly with JDBC
From time to time we run into the need to write some code that calls JDBC directly.
The EntityManager
now offers a convenient way to do this:
entityManager.runWithConnection((Connection connection) -> {
try (var callable = connection.prepareCall("{call myproc(?)}")) {
callable.setLong(1, argument);
To return a value, use callWithConnection()
instead of runWithConnection()
The Hibernate Session
has an older, slightly simpler API:
session.doWork(connection -> {
try (var callable = connection.prepareCall("{call myproc(?)}")) {
callable.setLong(1, argument);
If the work returns a value, use doReturningWork()
instead of doWork()
The Connection
passed to the work is the same connection being used by the session, and so any work performed using that connection occurs in the same transaction context.
In a container environment where transactions and database connections are managed by the container, this might not be the easiest way to obtain the JDBC connection. |
5.20. Lifecycle callbacks and entity listeners
The annotations @PrePersist
, @PreRemove
, @PreUpdate
, @PostPersist
, @PostRemove
, @PostUpdate
, and @PostLoad
allow an entity to respond to persistence lifecycle operations and maintain its transient internal state.
For example:
class Order {
transient double total;
void computeTotal() {
total = -> i.price * i.quantity).sum();
If we need to interact with technical objects, we can place the lifecycle callback on a separate class, called an entity listener.
The @EntityListeners
annotation specifies the listeners for a given entity class:
class Order { ... }
An entity listener may inject CDI beans:
// entity listener class
class OrderEvents {
Event<NewOrder> newOrderEvent;
void newOrder(Order order) {
// send a CDI event NewOrder(order));
A single entity listener class may even be a generic listener that receives lifecycle callbacks for multiple different entity classes.
5.21. What to do when things go wrong
Object/relational mapping has been called the "Vietnam of computer science". The person who made this analogy is American, and so one supposes that he meant to imply some kind of unwinnable war. This is quite ironic, since at the very moment he made this comment, Hibernate was already on the brink of winning the war.
Today, Vietnam is a peaceful country with exploding per-capita GDP, and ORM is a solved problem. That said, Hibernate is complex, and ORM still presents many pitfalls for the inexperienced, even occasionally for the experienced. Sometimes things go wrong.
In this section we’ll quickly sketch some general strategies for avoiding "quagmires".
Understand SQL and the relational model. Know the capabilities of your RDBMS. Work closely with the DBA if you’re lucky enough to have one. Hibernate is not about "transparent persistence" for Java objects. It’s about making two excellent technologies work smoothly together.
Log the SQL executed by Hibernate. You cannot know that your persistence logic is correct until you’ve actually inspected the SQL that’s being executed. Even when everything seems to be "working", there might be a lurking N+1 selects monster.
Be careful when modifying bidirectional associations. In principle, you should update both ends of the association. But Hibernate doesn’t strictly enforce that, since there are some situations where such a rule would be too heavy-handed. Whatever the case, it’s up to you to maintain consistency across your model.
Never leak a persistence context across threads or concurrent transactions. Have a strategy or framework to guarantee this never happens.
When running queries that return large result sets, take care to consider the size of the session cache. Consider using a stateless session.
Think carefully about the semantics of the second-level cache, and how the caching policies impact transaction isolation.
Avoid fancy bells and whistles you don’t need. Hibernate is incredibly feature-rich, and that’s a good thing, because it serves the needs of a huge number of users, many of whom have one or two very specialized needs. But nobody has all those specialized needs. In all probability, you have none of them. Write your domain model in the simplest way that’s reasonable, using the simplest mapping strategies that make sense.
When something isn’t behaving as you expect, simplify. Isolate the problem. Find the absolute minimum test case which reproduces the behavior, before asking for help online. Most of the time, the mere act of isolating the problem will suggest an obvious solution.
Avoid frameworks and libraries that "wrap" JPA. If there’s any one criticism of Hibernate and ORM that sometimes does ring true, it’s that it takes you too far from direct control over JDBC. An additional layer just takes you even further.
Avoid copy/pasting code from random bloggers or stackoverflow reply guys. Many of the suggestions you’ll find online just aren’t the simplest solution, and many aren’t correct for Hibernate 6. Instead, understand what you’re doing; study the Javadoc of the APIs you’re using; read the JPA specification; follow the advice we give in this document; go direct to the Hibernate team on Zulip. (Sure, we can be a bit cantankerous at times, but we do always want you to be successful.)
Always consider other options. You don’t have to use Hibernate for everything.
6. Compile-time tooling
The static metamodel generator is a standard part of JPA.
We’ve actually already seen its handiwork in the code examples earlier: it’s the author of the class Book_
, which contains the static metamodel of the entity class Book
We’ve already seen how to set up the annotation processor in the Gradle build we saw earlier. For more details on how to integrate the Hibernate Processor, check out the Static Metamodel Generator section in the User Guide. |
Here’s an example of the sort of code that’s generated for an entity class, as mandated by the JPA specification:
public abstract class Book_ {
* @see org.example.Book#isbn
public static volatile SingularAttribute<Book, String> isbn;
* @see org.example.Book#text
public static volatile SingularAttribute<Book, String> text;
* @see org.example.Book#title
public static volatile SingularAttribute<Book, String> title;
* @see org.example.Book#type
public static volatile SingularAttribute<Book, Type> type;
* @see org.example.Book#publicationDate
public static volatile SingularAttribute<Book, LocalDate> publicationDate;
* @see org.example.Book#publisher
public static volatile SingularAttribute<Book, Publisher> publisher;
* @see org.example.Book#authors
public static volatile SetAttribute<Book, Author> authors;
public static final String ISBN = "isbn";
public static final String TEXT = "text";
public static final String TITLE = "title";
public static final String TYPE = "type";
public static final String PUBLICATION_DATE = "publicationDate";
public static final String PUBLISHER = "publisher";
public static final String AUTHORS = "authors";
For each attribute of the entity, the Book_
class has:
-valued constant likeTITLE
, and -
a typesafe reference like
to a metamodel object of typeAttribute
Hibernate Processor allows statically-typed access to elements of the JPA
This is very useful for writing generic code in frameworks or libraries. For example, you could use it to create your own criteria query API. |
The JPA static metamodel for an entity also contains members representing the named queries and named entity graphs declared by @NamedQuery
, @NamedNativeQuery
, and @NamedEntityGraph
annotations of the entity class.
For example, if we had:
@CheckHQL // validate named queries at compile time
@NamedQuery(name = "findBooksByTitle",
query = "from Book where title like :title order by title")
class Book { ... }
Then we may execute the query as follows:
var books =
.setParameter("title", titlePattern)
Notice that no typecast was required here, since the generated code embeds the return type of the query as a type argument of the JPA TypedQueryReference
* @see #_findBooksByTitle_
public static final String QUERY_FIND_BOOKS_BY_TITLE = "findBooksByTitle";
* The query named {@value QUERY_FIND_BOOKS_BY_TITLE}
* <pre>
* from Book where title like :title order by title
* </pre>
* @see org.example.Book
public static volatile TypedQueryReference<Book> _findBooksByTitle_;
Actually, Hibernate Processor doesn’t require that such annotations be applied to the entity class itself, as we already saw earlier. |
We’ve already been using metamodel references like Book_.authors
and Book.AUTHORS
in the previous chapters.
So now let’s see what else Hibernate Processor can do for us.
The functionality we’re about to describe was developed before Jakarta Data took on its current shape, and directly triggered the apocalypse which lead to the final form of the specification. Therefore, there’s massive overlap between the functionality described in this chapter, and the functionality available via the Jakarta Data annotations. On the other hand, Jakarta Data can’t do everything described below, and in particular it doesn’t yet come with built-in support for stateful persistence contexts or reactive sessions. We’ve therefore opted not to rewrite this chapter in a Jakarta Data-centric way, and instead refer you to Introducing Hibernate Data Repositories. |
Automatic generation of finder methods and query methods is a relatively new feature of Hibernate Processor, and an extension to the functionality defined by the JPA specification. In this chapter, we’re going to explore these features.
We’re going to meet three different kinds of generated method:
a named query method has its signature and implementation generated directly from a
annotation, -
a query method has a signature that’s explicitly declared, and a generated implementation which executes a HQL or SQL query specified via a
annotation, and -
a finder method annotated
has a signature that’s explicitly declared, and a generated implementation inferred from the parameter list.
We’re also going to see two ways that these methods can be called:
as static methods of a generated abstract class, or
as instance methods of an interface with a generated implementation which may even be injected.
To whet our appetites, let’s see how this works for a @NamedQuery
The functionality described in the rest of this chapter depends on the use of the annotations described in Entities. Hibernate Processor is not currently able to generate finder methods and query methods for entities declared completely in XML, and it’s not able to validate HQL which queries such entities. (On the other hand, the O/R mappings may be specified in XML, since they’re not needed by the Processor.) |
6.1. Named queries and Hibernate Processor
The very simplest way to generate a query method is to put a @NamedQuery
annotation anywhere we like, with a name
beginning with the magical character #
Let’s just stick it on the Book
@CheckHQL // validate the query at compile time
@NamedQuery(name = "#findByTitleAndType",
query = "select book from Book book where book.title like :title and book.type = :type")
public class Book { ... }
Now the Processor adds the following method declaration to the metamodel class Book_
* Execute named query {@value #QUERY_FIND_BY_TITLE_AND_TYPE} defined by annotation of {@link Book}.
public static List<Book> findByTitleAndType(@Nonnull EntityManager entityManager, String title, Type type) {
return entityManager.createNamedQuery(QUERY_FIND_BY_TITLE_AND_TYPE)
.setParameter("title", title)
.setParameter("type", type)
We can easily call this method from wherever we like, as long as we have access to an EntityManager
List<Book> books =
Book_.findByTitleAndType(entityManager, titlePattern, Type.BOOK);
Now, this is quite nice, but it’s a bit inflexible in various ways, and so this probably isn’t the best way to generate a query method.
6.2. Generated query methods
The principal problem with generating the query method straight from the @NamedQuery
annotation is that it doesn’t let us explicitly specify the return type or parameter list.
In the case we just saw, Hibernate Processor does a reasonable job of inferring the query return type and parameter types, but we’re often going to need a bit more control.
The solution is to write down the signature of the query method explicitly, as an abstract method in Java.
We’ll need a place to put this method, and since our Book
entity isn’t an abstract class, we’ll just introduce a new interface for this purpose:
interface Queries {
@HQL("where title like :title and type = :type")
List<Book> findBooksByTitleAndType(String title, String type);
Instead of @NamedQuery
, which is a type-level annotation, we specify the HQL query using the new @HQL
annotation, which we place directly on the query method.
This results in the following generated code in the Queries_
public abstract class Queries_ {
* Execute the query {@value #FIND_BOOKS_BY_TITLE_AND_TYPE_String_Type}.
* @see org.example.Queries#findBooksByTitleAndType(String,Type)
public static List<Book> findBooksByTitleAndType(@Nonnull EntityManager entityManager, String title, Type type) {
return entityManager.createQuery(FIND_BOOKS_BY_TITLE_AND_TYPE_String_Type, Book.class)
.setParameter("title", title)
.setParameter("type", type)
static final String FIND_BOOKS_BY_TITLE_AND_TYPE_String_Type =
"where title like :title and type = :type";
Notice that the signature differs just slightly from the one we wrote down in the Queries
interface: the Processor has prepended a parameter accepting EntityManager
to the parameter list.
If we want to explicitly specify the name and type of this parameter, we may declare it explicitly:
interface Queries {
@HQL("where title like :title and type = :type")
List<Book> findBooksByTitleAndType(StatelessSession session, String title, String type);
Hibernate Processor defaults to using EntityManager
as the session type, but other types are allowed:
, -
, or -
from Hibernate Reactive.
The real value of all this is in the checks which can now be done at compile time. Hibernate Processor verifies that the parameters of our abstract method declaration match the parameters of the HQL query, for example:
for a named parameter
, there must be a method parameter namedalice
with exactly the same type, or -
for an ordinal parameter
, the second method parameter must have exactly the same type.
The query must also be syntactically legal and semantically well-typed, that is, the entities, attributes, and functions referenced in the query must actually exist and have compatible types. Hibernate Processor determines this by inspecting the annotations of the entity classes at compile time.
The |
The @HQL
annotation has a friend named @SQL
which lets us specify a query written in native SQL instead of in HQL.
In this case there’s a lot less the Processor can do to check that the query is legal and well-typed.
We imagine you’re wondering whether a static
method is really the right thing to use here.
6.3. Generating query methods as instance methods
One thing not to like about what we’ve just seen is that we can’t transparently replace a generated static
function of the Queries_
class with an improved handwritten implementation without impacting clients.
Now, if our query is only called in one place, which is quite common, this isn’t going to be a big issue, and so we’re inclined to think the static
function is fine.
But if this function is called from many places, it’s probably better to promote it to an instance method of some class or interface. Fortunately, this is straightforward.
All we need to do is add an abstract getter method for the session object to our Queries
(And remove the session from the method parameter list.)
We may call this method anything we like:
interface Queries {
EntityManager entityManager();
@HQL("where title like :title and type = :type")
List<Book> findBooksByTitleAndType(String title, String type);
Here we’ve used EntityManager
as the session type, but other types are allowed, as we saw above.
Now Hibernate Processor does something a bit different:
public class Queries_ implements Queries {
private final @Nonnull EntityManager entityManager;
public Queries_(@Nonnull EntityManager entityManager) {
this.entityManager = entityManager;
public @Nonnull EntityManager entityManager() {
return entityManager;
* Execute the query {@value #FIND_BOOKS_BY_TITLE_AND_TYPE_String_Type}.
* @see org.example.Queries#findBooksByTitleAndType(String,Type)
public List<Book> findBooksByTitleAndType(String title, Type type) {
return entityManager.createQuery(FIND_BOOKS_BY_TITLE_AND_TYPE_String_Type, Book.class)
.setParameter("title", title)
.setParameter("type", type)
static final String FIND_BOOKS_BY_TITLE_AND_TYPE_String_Type =
"where title like :title and type = :type";
The generated class Queries_
now implements the Queries
interface, and the generated query method implements our abstract method directly.
Of course, the protocol for calling the query method has to change:
Queries queries = new Queries_(entityManager);
List<Book> books = queries.findByTitleAndType(titlePattern, Type.BOOK);
If we ever need to swap out the generated query method with one we write by hand, without impacting clients, all we need to do is replace the abstract method with a default
method of the Queries
For example:
interface Queries {
EntityManager entityManager();
// handwritten method replacing previous generated implementation
default List<Book> findBooksByTitleAndType(String title, String type) {
.createQuery("where title like :title and type = :type", Book.class)
.setParameter("title", title)
.setParameter("type", type)
What if we would like to inject a Queries
object instead of calling its constructor directly?
As you recall, we don’t think these things really need to be container-managed objects. But if you want them to be—if you’re allergic to calling constructors, for some reason—then:
Thus, the generated implementation of |
Is the Queries
interface starting to look a lot like a DAO-style repository object?
Well, perhaps.
You can certainly decide to use this facility to create a BookRepository
if that’s what you prefer.
But unlike a repository, our Queries
doesn’t attempt to hide the
from its clients, -
doesn’t implement or extend any framework-provided interface or abstract class, at least not unless you want to create such a framework yourself, and
isn’t restricted to service a particular entity class.
We can have as many or as few interfaces with query methods as we like. There’s no one-one-correspondence between these interfaces and entity types. This approach is so flexible that we don’t even really know what to call these "interfaces with query methods".
6.4. Generated finder methods
At this point, one usually begins to question whether it’s even necessary to write a query at all. Would it be possible to just infer the query from the method signature?
In some simple cases it’s indeed possible, and this is the purpose of finder methods.
A finder method is a method annotated @Find
For example:
Book getBook(String isbn);
A finder method may have multiple parameters:
List<Book> getBooksByTitle(String title, Type type);
The name of the finder method is arbitrary and carries no semantics. But:
the return type determines the entity class to be queried, and
the parameters of the method must match the fields of the entity class exactly, by both name and type.
Considering our first example, Book
has a persistent field String isbn
, so this finder method is legal.
If there were no field named isbn
in Book
, or if it had a different type, this method declaration would be rejected with a meaningful error at compile time.
Similarly, the second example is legal, since Book
has fields String title
and Type type
You might notice that our solution to this problem is very different from the approach taken by others. In DAO-style repository frameworks, you’re asked to encode the semantics of the finder method into the name of the method. This idea came to Java from Ruby, and we think it doesn’t belong here. It’s completely unnatural in Java, and by almost any measure other than counting characters it’s objectively worse than just writing the query in a string literal. At least string literals accommodate whitespace and punctuation characters. Oh and, you know, it’s pretty useful to be able to rename a finder method without changing its semantics. 🙄 |
The code generated for this finder method depends on what kind of fields match the method parameters:
Uses |
All |
Uses |
Other persistent fields, or a mix of field types |
Uses a criteria query |
The generated code also depends on what kind of session we have, since the capabilities of stateless sessions, and of reactive sessions, differ slightly from the capabilities of regular stateful sessions.
With EntityManager
as the session type, we obtain:
* Find {@link Book} by {@link Book#isbn isbn}.
* @see org.example.Dao#getBook(String)
public Book getBook(@Nonnull String isbn) {
return entityManager.find(Book.class, isbn);
* Find {@link Book} by {@link Book#title title} and {@link Book#type type}.
* @see org.example.Dao#getBooksByTitle(String,Type)
public List<Book> getBooksByTitle(String title, Type type) {
var builder = entityManager.getEntityManagerFactory().getCriteriaBuilder();
var query = builder.createQuery(Book.class);
var entity = query.from(Book.class);
? entity.get(Book_.title).isNull()
: builder.equal(entity.get(Book_.title), title),
? entity.get(Book_.type).isNull()
: builder.equal(entity.get(Book_.type), type)
return entityManager.createQuery(query).getResultList();
It’s even possible to match a parameter of a finder method against a property of an associated entity or embeddable.
The natural syntax would be a parameter declaration like String
, but because that’s not legal Java, we can write it as String publisher$name
, taking advantage of a legal Java identifier character that nobody ever uses for anything else:
List<Book> getBooksByPublisherName(String publisher$name);
The @Pattern
annotation may be applied to a parameter of type String
, indicating that the argument is a wildcarded pattern which will be compared using like
List<Book> getBooksByTitle(@Pattern String title, Type type);
A finder method may specify fetch profiles, for example:
Book getBookWithAuthors(String isbn);
This lets us declare which associations of Book
should be pre-fetched by annotating the Book
6.5. Paging and ordering
Optionally, a query method—or a finder method which returns multiple results—may have additional "magic" parameters which do not map to query parameters:
Parameter type | Purpose | Example argument |
Specifies a page of query results |
Specifies an entity attribute to order by, if |
Specifies entity attributes to order by, if |
Specifies a column to order by, if the query returns a projection list |
Specifies columns to order by, if the query returns a projection list |
Thus, if we redefine our earlier query method as follows:
interface Queries {
@HQL("from Book where title like :title and type = :type")
List<Book> findBooksByTitleAndType(String title, Type type,
Page page, Order<? super Book>... order);
Then we can call it like this:
List<Book> books =
Queries_.findBooksByTitleAndType(entityManager, titlePattern, Type.BOOK,, page), Order.asc(Book_.isbn));
Alternatively, we could have written this query method as a finder method:
interface Queries {
List<Book> getBooksByTitle(String title, Type type,
Page page, Order<? super Book>... order);
This gives some dynamic control over query execution, but what if we would like direct control over the Query
Well, let’s talk about the return type.
6.6. Key-based pagination
A generated query or finder method can make use of key-based pagination.
@Query("where publicationDate > :minDate")
KeyedResultList<Book> booksFromDate(Session session, LocalDate minDate, KeyedPage<Book> page);
Note that this method:
accepts a
, and -
Such a method may be used like this:
// obtain the first page of results
KeyedResultList<Book> first =
Queries_.booksFromDate(session, minDate,
List<Book> firstPage = first.getResultList();
if (!firstPage.isLastPage()) {
// obtain the second page of results
KeyedResultList<Book> second =
Queries_.booksFromDate(session, minDate,
List<Book> secondPage = second.getResultList();
6.7. Query and finder method return types
A query method doesn’t need to return List
It might return a single Book
@HQL("where isbn = :isbn")
Book findBookByIsbn(String isbn);
For a query with a projection list, Object[]
or List<Object[]>
is permitted:
@HQL("select isbn, title from Book where isbn = :isbn")
Object[] findBookAttributesByIsbn(String isbn);
But when there’s just one item in the select
list, the type of that item should be used:
@HQL("select title from Book where isbn = :isbn")
String getBookTitleByIsbn(String isbn);
@HQL("select local datetime")
LocalDateTime getServerDateTime();
A query which returns a selection list may have a query method which repackages the result as a record, as we saw in Representing projection lists.
record IsbnTitle(String isbn, String title) {}
@HQL("select isbn, title from Book")
List<IsbnTitle> listIsbnAndTitleForEachBook(Page page);
A query method might even return TypedQuery
or SelectionQuery
@HQL("where title like :title")
SelectionQuery<Book> findBooksByTitle(String title);
This is extremely useful at times, since it allows the client to further manipulate the query:
List<Book> books =
Queries_.findBooksByTitle(entityManager, titlePattern)
.setOrder(Order.asc(Book_.title)) // order the results
.setPage(, page)) // return the given page of results
.setFlushMode(FlushModeType.COMMIT) // don't flush session before query execution
.setReadOnly(true) // load the entities in read-only mode
.setCacheStoreMode(CacheStoreMode.BYPASS) // don't cache the results
.setComment("Hello world!") // add a comment to the generated SQL
An insert
, update
, or delete
query must return int
, boolean
, or void
@HQL("delete from Book")
int deleteAllBooks();
@HQL("update Book set discontinued = true where discontinued = false and isbn = :isbn")
boolean discontinueBook(String isbn);
@HQL("update Book set discontinued = true where isbn = :isbn")
void discontinueBook(String isbn);
On the other hand, finder methods are currently much more limited.
A finder method must return an entity type like Book
, or a list of the entity type, List<Book>
, for example.
As you might expect, for a reactive session, all query methods and finder methods must return |
6.8. An alternative approach
What if you just don’t like the ideas we’ve presented in this chapter, preferring to call the Session
or EntityManager
directly, but you still want compile-time validation for HQL?
Or what if you do like the ideas, but you’re working on a huge existing codebase full of code you don’t want to change?
Well, there’s a solution for you, too.
The Query Validator is a separate annotation processor that’s capable of type-checking HQL strings, not only in annotations, but even when they occur as arguments to createQuery()
, createSelectionQuery()
, or createMutationQuery()
. It’s even able to check calls to setParameter()
, with some restrictions.
The Query Validator works in javac
, Gradle, Maven, and the Eclipse Java Compiler.
Unlike Hibernate Processor, which is a completely bog-standard Java annotation processor based on only standard Java APIs, the Query Validator makes use of internal compiler APIs in |
7. Tuning and performance
Once you have a program up and running using Hibernate to access the database, it’s inevitable that you’ll find places where performance is disappointing or unacceptable.
Fortunately, most performance problems are relatively easy to solve with the tools that Hibernate makes available to you, as long as you keep a couple of simple principles in mind.
First and most important: the reason you’re using Hibernate is that it makes things easier. If, for a certain problem, it’s making things harder, stop using it. Solve this problem with a different tool instead.
Just because you’re using Hibernate in your program doesn’t mean you have to use it everywhere. |
Second: there are two main potential sources of performance bottlenecks in a program that uses Hibernate:
too many round trips to the database, and
memory consumption associated with the first-level (session) cache.
So performance tuning primarily involves reducing the number of accesses to the database, and/or controlling the size of the session cache.
But before we get to those more advanced topics, we should start by tuning the connection pool.
7.1. Tuning the connection pool
The connection pool built in to Hibernate is suitable for testing, but isn’t intended for use in production. Instead, Hibernate supports several different connection pools, including our favorite, Agroal.
To select and configure Agroal, you’ll need to set some extra configuration properties, in addition to the settings we already saw in Basic configuration settings.
Properties with the prefix hibernate.agroal
are passed through to Agroal:
# configure Agroal connection pool
hibernate.agroal.maxSize 20
hibernate.agroal.minSize 10
hibernate.agroal.acquisitionTimeout PT1s
hibernate.agroal.reapTimeout PT10s
As long as you set at least one property with the prefix hibernate.agroal
, the AgroalConnectionProvider
will be selected automatically.
There are many to choose from, as enumerated by AgroalSettings
Configuration property name | Purpose |
The maximum number of connections present on the pool |
The minimum number of connections present on the pool |
The number of connections added to the pool when it is started |
The maximum amount of time a connection can live, after which it is removed from the pool |
The maximum amount of time a thread can wait for a connection, after which an exception is thrown instead |
The duration for eviction of idle connections |
The duration of time a connection can be held without causing a leak to be reported |
A foreground validation is executed if a connection has been idle on the pool for longer than this duration |
The interval between background validation checks |
A SQL command to be executed when a connection is created |
The following settings are common to all connection pools supported by Hibernate:
The default autocommit mode |
The default transaction isolation level |
A popular alternative to Agroal is HikariCP.
Its setting are enumerated by HikariCPSettings
7.2. Enabling statement batching
An easy way to improve performance of some transactions, with almost no work at all, is to turn on automatic DML statement batching. Batching only helps in cases where a program executes many inserts, updates, or deletes against the same table in a single transaction.
All we need to do is set a single property:
Configuration property name | Purpose | Alternative |
Maximum batch size for SQL statement batching |
Even better than DML statement batching is the use of HQL |
7.3. Association fetching
Achieving high performance in ORM means minimizing the number of round trips to the database. This goal should be uppermost in your mind whenever you’re writing data access code with Hibernate. The most fundamental rule of thumb in ORM is:
explicitly specify all the data you’re going to need right at the start of a session/transaction, and fetch it immediately in one or two queries,
and only then start navigating associations between persistent entities.

Without question, the most common cause of poorly-performing data access code in Java programs is the problem of N+1 selects. Here, a list of N rows is retrieved from the database in an initial query, and then associated instances of a related entity are fetched using N subsequent queries.
This isn’t a bug or limitation of Hibernate; this problem even affects typical handwritten JDBC code behind DAOs. Only you, the developer, can solve this problem, because only you know ahead of time what data you’re going to need in a given unit of work. But that’s OK. Hibernate gives you all the tools you need. |
In this section we’re going to discuss different ways to avoid such "chatty" interaction with the database.
Hibernate provides several strategies for efficiently fetching associations and avoiding N+1 selects:
outer join fetching—where an association is fetched using a
left outer join
, -
batch fetching—where an association is fetched using a subsequent
with a batch of primary keys, and -
subselect fetching—where an association is fetched using a subsequent
with keys re-queried in a subselect.
Of these, you should almost always use outer join fetching. But let’s consider the alternatives first.
7.4. Batch fetching and subselect fetching
Consider the following code:
List<Book> books =
session.createSelectionQuery("from Book order by isbn", Book.class)
books.forEach(book -> book.getAuthors().forEach(author -> out.println(book.title + " by " +;
This code is very inefficient, resulting, by default, in the execution of N+1 select
statements, where N is the number of Book
Let’s see how we can improve on that.
SQL for batch fetching
With batch fetching enabled, Hibernate might execute the following SQL on PostgreSQL:
/* initial query for Books */
select b1_0.isbn,b1_0.price,b1_0.published,b1_0.publisher_id,b1_0.title
from Book b1_0
order by b1_0.isbn
/* first batch of associated Authors */
select a1_0.books_isbn,,,
from Book_Author a1_0
join Author a1_1 on
where a1_0.books_isbn = any (?)
/* second batch of associated Authors */
select a1_0.books_isbn,,,
from Book_Author a1_0
join Author a1_1 on
where a1_0.books_isbn = any (?)
The first select
statement queries and retrieves Book
The second and third queries fetch the associated Author
s in batches.
The number of batches required depends on the configured batch size.
Here, two batches were required, so two SQL statements were executed.
The SQL for batch fetching looks slightly different depending on the database.
Here, on PostgreSQL, Hibernate passes a batch of primary key values as a SQL |
SQL for subselect fetching
On the other hand, with subselect fetching, Hibernate would execute this SQL:
/* initial query for Books */
select b1_0.isbn,b1_0.price,b1_0.published,b1_0.publisher_id,b1_0.title
from Book b1_0
order by b1_0.isbn
/* fetch all associated Authors */
select a1_0.books_isbn,,,
from Book_Author a1_0
join Author a1_1 on
where a1_0.books_isbn in (select b1_0.isbn from Book b1_0)
Notice that the first query is re-executed in a subselect in the second query. The execution of the subselect is likely to be relatively inexpensive, since the data should already be cached by the database. Clever, huh?
Enabling the use of batch or subselect fetching
Both batch fetching and subselect fetching are disabled by default, but we may enable one or the other globally using properties.
Configuration property name | Property value | Alternatives |
A sensible batch size |
Alternatively, we can enable one or the other in a given session:
We may request subselect fetching more selectively by annotating a collection or many-valued association with the
Note that Later, we’ll see how we can use fetch profiles to do this even more selectively. |
That’s all there is to it. Too easy, right?
Sadly, that’s not the end of the story. While batch fetching might mitigate problems involving N+1 selects, it won’t solve them. The truly correct solution is to fetch associations using joins. Batch fetching (or subselect fetching) can only be the best solution in rare cases where outer join fetching would result in a cartesian product and a huge result set.
But batch fetching and subselect fetching have one important characteristic in common: they can be performed lazily. This is, in principle, pretty convenient. When we query data, and then navigate an object graph, lazy fetching saves us the effort of planning ahead. It turns out that this is a convenience we’re going to have to surrender.
7.5. Join fetching
Outer join fetching is usually the best way to fetch associations, and it’s what we use most of the time. Unfortunately, by its very nature, join fetching simply can’t be lazy. So to make use of join fetching, we must plan ahead. Our general advice is:
Avoid the use of lazy fetching, which is often the source of N+1 selects. |
Now, we’re not saying that associations should be mapped for eager fetching by default! That would be a terrible idea, resulting in simple session operations that fetch almost the entire database. Therefore:
Most associations should be mapped for lazy fetching by default. |
It sounds as if this tip is in contradiction to the previous one, but it’s not. It’s saying that you must explicitly specify eager fetching for associations precisely when and where they are needed.
If we need eager join fetching in some particular transaction, we have four different ways to specify that.
Passing a JPA |
We’ve already seen this in Entity graphs and eager fetching |
Specifying a named fetch profile |
We’ll discuss this approach later in Named fetch profiles |
Using |
See A Guide to Hibernate Query Language for details |
Using |
Same semantics as |
Typically, a query is the most convenient option. Here’s how we can ask for join fetching in HQL:
List<Book> booksWithJoinFetchedAuthors =
session.createSelectionQuery("from Book join fetch authors order by isbn")
And this is the same query, written using the criteria API:
var builder = sessionFactory.getCriteriaBuilder();
var query = builder.createQuery(Book.class);
var book = query.from(Book.class);
List<Book> booksWithJoinFetchedAuthors =
Either way, a single SQL select
statement is executed:
select b1_0.isbn,a1_0.books_isbn,,,,b1_0.price,b1_0.published,b1_0.publisher_id,b1_0.title
from Book b1_0
join (Book_Author a1_0 join Author a1_1 on
on b1_0.isbn=a1_0.books_isbn
order by b1_0.isbn
Much better!
Join fetching, despite its non-lazy nature, is clearly more efficient than either batch or subselect fetching, and this is the source of our recommendation to avoid the use of lazy fetching.
There’s one interesting case where join fetching becomes inefficient: when we fetch two many-valued associations in parallel.
Imagine we wanted to fetch both |
Of course, an alternative way to avoid many round trips to the database is to cache the data we need in the Java client. If we’re expecting to find the associated data in a local cache, we probably don’t need join fetching at all.
But what if we can’t be certain that all associated data will be in the cache? In that case, we might be able to reduce the cost of cache misses by enabling batch fetching. |
7.6. The second-level cache
A classic way to reduce the number of accesses to the database is to use a second-level cache, allowing data cached in memory to be shared between sessions.
By nature, a second-level cache tends to undermine the ACID properties of transaction processing in a relational database. We don’t use a distributed transaction with two-phase commit to ensure that changes to the cache and database happen atomically. So a second-level cache is often by far the easiest way to improve the performance of a system, but only at the cost of making it much more difficult to reason about concurrency. And so the cache is a potential source of bugs which are difficult to isolate and reproduce.
Therefore, by default, an entity is not eligible for storage in the second-level cache.
We must explicitly mark each entity that will be stored in the second-level cache with the @Cache
annotation from org.hibernate.annotations
But that’s still not enough. Hibernate does not itself contain an implementation of a second-level cache, so it’s necessary to configure an external cache provider.
Caching is disabled by default. To minimize the risk of data loss, we force you to stop and think before any entity goes into the cache. |
Hibernate segments the second-level cache into named regions, one for each:
mapped entity hierarchy or
collection role.
For example, there might be separate cache regions for Author
, Book
, Author.books
, and Book.authors
Each region is permitted its own policies for expiry, persistence, and replication. These policies must be configured externally to Hibernate.
The appropriate policies depend on the kind of data an entity represents. For example, a program might have different caching policies for "reference" data, for transactional data, and for data used for analytics. Ordinarily, the implementation of those policies is the responsibility of the underlying cache implementation.
7.7. Specifying which data is cached
By default, no data is eligible for storage in the second-level cache.
An entity hierarchy or collection role may be assigned a region using the @Cache
If no region name is explicitly specified, the region name is just the name of the entity class or collection role.
@Cache(usage=NONSTRICT_READ_WRITE, region="Publishers")
class Publisher {
@Cache(usage=READ_WRITE, region="PublishedBooks")
Set<Book> books;
The cache defined by a @Cache
annotation is automatically utilized by Hibernate to:
retrieve an entity by id when
is called, or -
to resolve an association by id.
The |
The @Cache
annotation always specifies a CacheConcurrencyStrategy
, a policy governing access to the second-level cache by concurrent transactions.
Concurrency policy | Interpretation | Explanation |
Indicates that the cached object is immutable, and is never updated. If an entity with this cache concurrency is updated, an exception is thrown. This is the simplest, safest, and best-performing cache concurrency strategy. It’s particularly suitable for so-called "reference" data. |
Indicates that the cached object is sometimes updated, but that it’s extremely unlikely that two transactions will attempt to update the same item of data at the same time. This strategy does not use locks. When an item is updated, the cache is invalidated both before and after completion of the updating transaction. But without locking, it’s impossible to completely rule out the possibility of a second transaction storing or retrieving stale data in or from the cache during the completion process of the first transaction. |
Indicates a non-vanishing likelihood that two concurrent transactions attempt to update the same item of data simultaneously. This strategy uses "soft" locks to prevent concurrent transactions from retrieving or storing a stale item from or in the cache during the transaction completion process. A soft lock is simply a marker entry placed in the cache while the updating transaction completes.
Indicates that concurrent writes are common, and the only way to maintain synchronization between the second-level cache and the database is via the use of a fully transactional cache provider. In this case, the cache and the database must cooperate via JTA or the XA protocol, and Hibernate itself takes on little responsibility for maintaining the integrity of the cache. |
Which policies make sense may also depend on the underlying second-level cache implementation.
JPA has a similar annotation, named
7.8. Caching by natural id
If our entity has a natural id, we can enable an additional cache, which holds cross-references from natural id to primary id, by annotating the entity @NaturalIdCache
By default, the natural id cache is stored in a dedicated region of the second-level cache, separate from the cached entity data.
@Cache(usage=READ_WRITE, region="Book")
class Book {
String isbn;
int printing;
This cache is utilized when the entity is retrieved using one of the operations of Session
which performs lookup by natural id.
Since the natural id cache doesn’t contain the actual state of the entity, it doesn’t make sense to annotate an entity |
It’s worth noticing that, unlike the primary identifier of an entity, a natural id might be mutable.
We must now consider a subtlety that often arises when we have to deal with so-called "reference data", that is, data which fits easily in memory, and doesn’t change much.
7.9. Caching and association fetching
Let’s consider again our Publisher
@Cache(usage=NONSTRICT_READ_WRITE, region="Publishers")
class Publisher { ... }
Data about publishers doesn’t change very often, and there aren’t so many of them. Suppose we’ve set everything up so that the publishers are almost always available in the second-level cache.
Then in this case we need to think carefully about associations of type Publisher
Publisher publisher;
There’s no need for this association to be lazily fetched, since we’re expecting it to be available in memory, so we won’t set it fetch=LAZY
But on the other hand, if we leave it marked for eager fetching then, by default, Hibernate will often fetch it using a join.
This places completely unnecessary load on the database.
The solution is the @Fetch
@ManyToOne @Fetch(SELECT)
Publisher publisher;
By annotating the association @Fetch(SELECT)
, we suppress join fetching, giving Hibernate a chance to find the associated Publisher
in the cache.
Therefore, we arrive at this rule of thumb:
Many-to-one associations to "reference data", or to any other data that will almost always be available in the cache, should be mapped Other associations, as we’ve already made clear, should be |
Once we’ve marked an entity or collection as eligible for storage in the second-level cache, we still need to set up an actual cache.
7.10. Configuring the second-level cache provider
Configuring a second-level cache provider is a rather involved topic, and quite outside the scope of this document. But in case it helps, we often test Hibernate with the following configuration, which uses EHCache as the cache implementation, as above in Optional dependencies:
Configuration property name | Property value |
If you’re using EHCache, you’ll also need to include an ehcache.xml
that explicitly configures the behavior of each cache region belonging to
your entities and collections.
You’ll find more information about configuring EHCache here.
We may use any other implementation of JCache, such as Caffeine. JCache automatically selects whichever implementation it finds on the classpath. If there are multiple implementations on the classpath, we must disambiguate using:
Configuration property name | Property value | ||||
The implementation of
Alternatively, to use Infinispan as the cache implementation, the following settings are required:
Configuration property name | Property value | ||||
Path to infinispan configuration file, for example:
Infinispan is usually used when distributed caching is required. There’s more about using Infinispan with Hibernate here.
Finally, there’s a way to globally disable the second-level cache:
Configuration property name | Property value |
When hibernate.cache.region.factory_class
is set, this property defaults to true
This setting lets us easily disable the second-level cache completely when troubleshooting or profiling performance. |
You can find much more information about the second-level cache in the User Guide.
7.11. Caching query result sets
The caches we’ve described above are only used to optimize lookups by id or by natural id. Hibernate also has a way to cache the result sets of queries, though this is only rarely an efficient thing to do.
The query cache must be enabled explicitly:
Configuration property name | Property value |
To cache the results of a query, call SelectionQuery.setCacheable(true)
session.createQuery("from Product where discontinued = false")
By default, the query result set is stored in a cache region named default-query-results-region
Since different queries should have different caching policies, it’s common to explicitly specify a region name:
session.createQuery("from Product where discontinued = false")
A result set is cached together with a logical timestamp. By "logical", we mean that it doesn’t actually increase linearly with time, and in particular it’s not the system time.
When a Product
is updated, Hibernate does not go through the query cache and invalidate every cached result set that’s affected by the change.
Instead, there’s a special region of the cache which holds a logical timestamp of the most-recent update to each table.
This is called the update timestamps cache, and it’s kept in the region default-update-timestamps-region
It’s your responsibility to ensure that this cache region is configured with appropriate policies. In particular, update timestamps should never expire or be evicted. |
When a query result set is read from the cache, Hibernate compares its timestamp with the timestamp of each of the tables that affect the results of the query, and only returns the result set if the result set isn’t stale. If the result set is stale, Hibernate goes ahead and re-executes the query against the database and updates the cached result set.
As is generally the case with any second-level cache, the query cache can break the ACID properties of transactions.
7.12. Second-level cache management
For the most part, the second-level cache is transparent. Program logic which interacts with the Hibernate session is unaware of the cache, and is not impacted by changes to caching policies.
At worst, interaction with the cache may be controlled by specifying of an explicit CacheMode
Or, using JPA-standard APIs:
The JPA-defined cache modes come in two flavors: CacheRetrieveMode
and CacheStoreMode
Mode | Interpretation |
Read data from the cache if available |
Don’t read data from the cache; go direct to the database |
We might select CacheRetrieveMode.BYPASS
if we’re concerned about the possibility of reading stale data from the cache.
Mode | Interpretation |
Write data to the cache when read from the database or when modified; do not update already-cached items when reading |
Write data to the cache when read from the database or when modified; always update cached items when reading |
Don’t write data to the cache |
We should select CacheStoreMode.BYPASS
if we’re querying data that doesn’t need to be cached.
It’s a good idea to set the |
In JPA we would use this idiom:
List<Publisher> allpubs =
entityManager.createQuery("from Publisher", Publisher.class)
But Hibernate has a better way:
List<Publisher> allpubs =
session.createSelectionQuery("from Publisher", Publisher.class)
A Hibernate CacheMode
packages a CacheRetrieveMode
with a CacheStoreMode
Hibernate CacheMode |
Equivalent JPA modes |
There’s no particular reason to prefer Hibernate’s CacheMode
over the JPA equivalents.
This enumeration only exists because Hibernate had cache modes long before they were added to JPA.
For "reference" data, that is, for data which is expected to always be found in the second-level cache, it’s a good idea to prime the cache at startup.
There’s a really easy way to do this: just execute a query immediately after obtaining the
Very occasionally, it’s necessary or advantageous to control the cache explicitly, for example, to evict some data that we know to be stale.
The Cache
interface allows programmatic eviction of cached items.
sessionFactory.getCache().evictEntityData(Book.class, bookId);
Second-level cache management via the |
Ordinarily, however, Hibernate automatically evicts or updates cached data after modifications, and, in addition, cached data which is unused will eventually be expired according to the configured policies.
This is quite different to what happens with the first-level cache.
7.13. Session cache management
Entity instances aren’t automatically evicted from the session cache when they’re no longer needed. Instead, they stay pinned in memory until the session they belong to is discarded by your program.
The methods detach()
and clear()
allow you to remove entities from the session cache, making them available for garbage collection.
Since most sessions are rather short-lived, you won’t need these operations very often.
And if you find yourself thinking you do need them in a certain situation, you should strongly consider an alternative solution: a stateless session.
7.14. Stateless sessions
An arguably-underappreciated feature of Hibernate is the StatelessSession
interface, which provides a command-oriented, more bare-metal approach to interacting with the database.
You may obtain a stateless session from the SessionFactory
StatelessSession ss = getSessionFactory().openStatelessSession();
A stateless session:
doesn’t have a first-level cache (persistence context), nor does it interact with any second-level caches, and
doesn’t implement transactional write-behind or automatic dirty checking, so all operations are executed immediately when they’re explicitly called.
For a stateless session, we’re always working with detached objects. Thus, the programming model is a bit different:
Method name and parameters | Effect |
Obtain a detached object, given its type and its id, by executing a |
Fetch an association of a detached object |
Refresh the state of a detached object by executing
a |
Immediately |
Immediately |
Immediately |
Immediately |
The operations of a stateless session have no corresponding CascadeType s, and so these operations never cascade to associated entity instances.
There’s no flush() operation, and so update() is always explicit.
In certain circumstances, this makes stateless sessions easier to work with and simpler to reason about, but with the caveat that a stateless session is much more vulnerable to data aliasing effects, since it’s easy to get two non-identical Java objects which both represent the same row of a database table.
If we use |
In particular, the absence of a persistence context means that we can safely perform bulk-processing tasks without allocating huge quantities of memory.
Use of a StatelessSession
alleviates the need to call:
to perform first-level cache management, and -
to bypass interaction with the second-level cache.
Stateless sessions can be useful, but for bulk operations on huge datasets, Hibernate can’t possibly compete with stored procedures! |
7.15. Optimistic and pessimistic locking
Finally, an aspect of behavior under load that we didn’t mention above is row-level data contention. When many transactions try to read and update the same data, the program might become unresponsive with lock escalation, deadlocks, and lock acquisition timeout errors.
There’s two basic approaches to data concurrency in Hibernate:
optimistic locking using
columns, and -
database-level pessimistic locking using the SQL
for update
syntax (or equivalent).
In the Hibernate community it’s much more common to use optimistic locking, and Hibernate makes that incredibly easy.
Where possible, in a multiuser system, avoid holding a pessimistic lock across a user interaction. Indeed, the usual practice is to avoid having transactions that span user interactions. For multiuser systems, optimistic locking is king. |
That said, there is also a place for pessimistic locks, which can sometimes reduce the probability of transaction rollbacks.
Therefore, the find()
, lock()
, and refresh()
methods of the reactive session accept an optional LockMode
We can also specify a LockMode
for a query.
The lock mode can be used to request a pessimistic lock, or to customize the behavior of optimistic locking:
LockMode type |
Meaning |
An optimistic lock obtained implicitly whenever
an entity is read from the database using |
An optimistic lock obtained when an entity is
read from the database, and verified using a
An optimistic lock obtained when an entity is
read from the database, and enforced using an
A pessimistic lock obtained implicitly whenever
an entity is written to the database using
A pessimistic |
A pessimistic |
A pessimistic lock enforced using an immediate
No lock; assigned when an entity is read from the second-level cache |
Note that an OPTIMISTIC
lock is always verified at the end of the transaction, even when the entity has not been modified.
This is slightly different to what most people mean when they talk about an "optimistic lock".
It’s never necessary to request an OPTIMISTIC
lock on a modified entity, since the version number is always verified when a SQL update
is executed.
JPA has its own |
7.16. Collecting statistics
We may ask Hibernate to collect statistics about its activity by setting this configuration property:
Configuration property name | Property value |
The statistics are exposed by the Statistics
long failedVersionChecks =
long publisherCacheMissCount =
Hibernate’s statistics enable observability. Both Micrometer and SmallRye Metrics are capable of exposing these metrics.
7.17. Using Java Flight Recorder
Hibernate JFR is a separate module which reports events to Java Flight Recorder. This is different to reporting aggregated metrics via a tool like Micrometer, since JFR records information about the timing and duration of each discrete event, along with a stack trace. If anything, the information reported by JFR is a little too detailed to make it really useful for performance tuning—it’s perhaps more useful for troubleshooting.
No special configuration is required to use Hibernate JFR.
Just include org.hibernate.orm:hibernate-jfr
as a runtime dependency.
In particular, you don’t need to enable hibernate.generate_statistics
7.18. Tracking down slow queries
When a poorly-performing SQL query is discovered in production, it can sometimes be hard to track down exactly where in the Java code the query originates. Hibernate offers two configuration properties that can make it easier to identify a slow query and find its source.
Configuration property name | Purpose | Property value |
Log slow queries at the |
The minimum execution time, in milliseconds, which characterizes a "slow" query |
Prepend comments to the executed SQL |
When hibernate.use_sql_comments
is enabled, the text of the HQL query is prepended as a comment to the generated SQL, which usually makes it easy to find the HQL in the Java code.
The comment text may be customized:
by calling
, or -
via the
Once you’ve identified a slow query, one of the best ways to make it faster is to actually go and talk to someone who is an expert at making queries go fast. These people are called "database administrators", and if you’re reading this document you probably aren’t one. Database administrators know lots of stuff that Java developers don’t. So if you’re lucky enough to have a DBA about, you don’t need to Dunning-Kruger your way out of a slow query. |
An expertly-defined index might be all you need to fix a slow query.
7.19. Adding indexes
The @Index
annotation may be used to add an index to a table:
@Table(indexes=@Index(columnList="title, year, publisher_id"))
class Book { ... }
It’s even possible to specify an ordering for an indexed column, or that the index should be case-insensitive:
@Table(indexes=@Index(columnList="(lower(title)), year desc, publisher_id"))
class Book { ... }
This lets us create a customized index for a particular query.
Note that SQL expressions like lower(title)
must be enclosed in parentheses in the columnList
of the index definition.
It’s not clear that information about indexes belongs in annotations of Java code.
Indexes are usually maintained and modified by a database administrator, ideally by an expert in tuning the performance of one particular RDBMS.
So it might be better to keep the definition of indexes in a SQL DDL script that your DBA can easily read and modify.
Remember, we can ask Hibernate to execute a DDL script using the property |
7.20. Dealing with denormalized data
A typical relational database table in a well-normalized schema has a relatively small number of columns, and so there’s little to be gained by selectively querying columns and populating only certain fields of an entity class.
But occasionally, we hear from someone asking how to map a table with a hundred columns or more! This situation can arise when:
data is intentionally denormalized for performance,
the results of a complicated analytic query are exposed via a view, or
someone has done something crazy and wrong.
Let’s suppose that we’re not dealing with the last possibility. Then we would like to be able to query the monster table without returning all of its columns. At first glance, Hibernate doesn’t offer a perfect bottled solution to this problem. This first impression is misleading. Actually, Hibernate features more than one way to deal with this situation, and the real problem is deciding between the ways. We could:
map multiple entity classes to the same table or view, being careful about "overlaps" where a mutable column is mapped to more than one of the entities,
use HQL or native SQL queries returning results into record types instead of retrieving entity instances, or
use the bytecode enhancer and
for attribute-level lazy fetching.
Some other ORM solutions push the third option as the recommended way to handle huge tables, but this has never been the preference of the Hibernate team or Hibernate community. It’s much more typesafe to use one of the first two options.
7.21. Reactive programming with Hibernate
Finally, many systems which require high scalability now make use of reactive programming and reactive streams. Hibernate Reactive brings O/R mapping to the world of reactive programming. You can learn much more about Hibernate Reactive from its Reference Documentation.
Hibernate Reactive may be used alongside vanilla Hibernate in the same program, and can reuse the same entity classes. This means you can use the reactive programming model exactly where you need it—perhaps only in one or two places in your system. You don’t need to rewrite your whole program using reactive streams. |
8. Advanced Topics
In the last chapter of this Introduction, we turn to some topics that don’t really belong in an introduction. Here we consider some problems, and solutions, that you’re probably not going to run into immediately if you’re new to Hibernate. But we do want you to know about them, so that when the time comes, you’ll know what tool to reach for.
8.1. Filters
Filters are one of the nicest and under-usedest features of Hibernate, and we’re quite proud of them. A filter is a named, globally-defined, parameterized restriction on the data that is visible in a given session.
Examples of well-defined filters might include:
a filter that restricts the data visible to a given user according to row-level permissions,
a filter which hides data which has been soft-deleted,
in a versioned database, a filter that displays versions which were current at a given instant in the past, or
a filter that restricts to data associated with a certain geographical region.
A filter must be declared somewhere.
A package descriptor is as good a place as any for a @FilterDef
@FilterDef(name = "ByRegion",
parameters = @ParamDef(name = "region", type = String.class))
package org.hibernate.example;
This filter has one parameter. Fancier filters might in principle have multiple parameters, though we admit this must be quite rare.
If you add annotations to a package descriptor, and you’re using |
Typically, but not necessarily, a @FilterDef
specifies a default restriction:
@FilterDef(name = "ByRegion",
parameters = @ParamDef(name = "region", type = String.class),
defaultCondition = "region = :region")
package org.hibernate.example;
Note that filter restrictions are always written in the native SQL dialect of the database, not in HQL.
The restriction must contain a reference to the parameter of the filter, specified using the usual syntax for named parameters.
Any entity or collection which is affected by a filter must be annotated @Filter
@Filter(name = example_.BY_REGION)
class User {
@Id String username;
String region;
Here, as usual, example_.BY_REGION
is generated by Hibernate Processor, and is just a constant with the value "ByRegion"
If the @Filter
annotation does not explicitly specify a restriction, the default restriction given by the @FilterDef
will be applied to the entity.
But an entity is free to override the default condition.
@Filter(name = example_.FILTER_BY_REGION, condition = "name = :region")
class Region {
@Id String name;
Note that the restriction specified by the condition
or defaultCondition
is a native SQL expression.
Annotation | Purpose |
Defines a filter and declares its name (exactly one per filter) |
Specifies how a filter applies to a given entity or collection (many per filter) |
A filter
Only unqualified column names like |
By default, a new session comes with every filter disabled.
A filter may be explicitly enabled in a given session by calling enableFilter()
and assigning arguments to the parameters of the filter using the returned instance of Filter
You should do this right at the start of the session.
sessionFactory.inTransaction(session -> {
.setParameter("region", "es")
Now, any queries executed within the session will have the filter restriction applied.
Collections annotated @Filter
will also have their members correctly filtered.
On the other hand, filters are not applied to |
More than one filter may be enabled in a given session.
Alternatively, since Hibernate 6.5, a filter may be declared as autoEnabled
in every session.
In this case, the argument to a filter parameter must be obtained from a Supplier
@FilterDef(name = "ByRegion",
autoEnabled = true,
parameters = @ParamDef(name = "region", type = String.class,
resolver = RegionSupplier.class),
defaultCondition = "region = :region")
package org.hibernate.example;
It’s not necessary to call enableFilter()
for a filter declared autoEnabled = true
When we only need to filter rows by a static condition with no parameters, we don’t need a filter, since |
We’ve mentioned that a filter can be used to implement versioning, and to provide historical views of the data. Being such a general-purpose construct, filters provide a lot of flexibility here. But if you’re after a more focused/opinionated solution to this problem, you should definitely check out Envers.
Historically, filters where often used to implement soft-delete. But, since 6.4, Hibernate now comes with soft-delete built in.
8.2. Soft-delete
Even when we don’t need complete historical versioning, we often prefer to "delete" a row by marking it as obsolete using a SQL update
, rather than by executing an actual SQL delete
and removing the row from the database completely.
The @SoftDelete
annotation controls how this works:
@SoftDelete(columnName = "deleted",
converter = TrueFalseConverter.class)
class Draft {
The columnName
specifies a column holding the deletion status, and the converter
is responsible for converting a Java Boolean
to the type of that column.
In this example, TrueFalseConverter
sets the column to the character 'F'
initially, and to 'T'
when the row is deleted.
Any JPA AttributeConverter
for the Java Boolean
type may be used here.
Built-in options include NumericBooleanConverter
and YesNoConverter
Much more information about soft delete is available in the User Guide.
Another feature that you could use filters for, but now don’t need to, is multi-tenancy.
8.3. Multi-tenancy
A multi-tenant database is one where the data is segregated by tenant. We don’t need to actually define what a "tenant" really represents here; all we care about at this level of abstraction is that each tenant may be distinguished by a unique identifier. And that there’s a well-defined current tenant in each session.
We may specify the current tenant when we open a session:
var session =
Or, when using JPA-standard APIs:
var entityManager =
entityManagerFactory.createEntityManager(Map.of(HibernateHints.HINT_TENANT_ID, tenantId));
However, since we often don’t have this level of control over creation of the session, it’s more common to supply an implementation of CurrentTenantIdentifierResolver
to Hibernate.
There are three common ways to implement multi-tenancy:
each tenant has its own database,
each tenant has its own schema, or
tenants share tables in a single schema, and rows are tagged with the tenant id.
From the point of view of Hibernate, there’s little difference between the first two options. Hibernate will need to obtain a JDBC connection with permissions on the database and schema owned by the current tenant.
Therefore, we must implement a MultiTenantConnectionProvider
which takes on this responsibility:
from time to time, Hibernate will ask for a connection, passing the id of the current tenant, and then we must create an appropriate connection or obtain one from a pool, and return it to Hibernate, and
later, Hibernate will release the connection and ask us to destroy it or return it to the appropriate pool.
Check out |
The third option is quite different.
In this case we don’t need a MultiTenantConnectionProvider
, but we will need a dedicated column holding the tenant id mapped by each of our entities.
class Account {
@Id String id;
@TenantId String tenantId;
The @TenantId
annotation is used to indicate an attribute of an entity which holds the tenant id.
Within a given session, our data is automatically filtered so that only rows tagged with the tenant id of the current tenant are visible in that session.
Native SQL queries are not automatically filtered by tenant id; you’ll have to do that part yourself. |
To make use of multi-tenancy, we’ll usually need to set at least one of these configuration properties:
Configuration property name | Purpose |
Specifies the |
Specifies the |
Do not configure those properties if you would like the configured BeanContainer
provide the implementation.
A longer discussion of multi-tenancy may be found in the User Guide.
8.4. Using custom-written SQL
We’ve already discussed how to run queries written in SQL, but occasionally that’s not enough. Sometimes—but much less often than you might expect—we would like to customize the SQL used by Hibernate to perform basic CRUD operations for an entity or collection.
For this we can use @SQLInsert
and friends:
@SQLInsert(sql = "insert into person (name, id, valid) values (?, ?, true)",
verify = Expectation.RowCount.class)
@SQLUpdate(sql = "update person set name = ? where id = ?")
@SQLDelete(sql = "update person set valid = false where id = ?")
@SQLSelect(sql = "select id, name from person where id = ? and valid = true")
public static class Person { ... }
Annotation | Purpose |
Overrides a generated SQL |
Overrides a generated SQL |
Overrides a generated SQL |
Overrides a generated SQL |
Overrides a generated SQL |
Adds a restriction to generated SQL |
Adds an ordering to generated SQL |
If the custom SQL should be executed via a |
Any SQL statement specified by one of these annotations must have exactly the number of JDBC parameters that Hibernate expects, that is, one for each column mapped by the entity, in the exact order Hibernate expects. In particular, the primary key columns must come last.
However, the @Column
annotation does lend some flexibility here:
if a column should not be written as part of the custom
statement, and has no corresponding JDBC parameter in the custom SQL, map it@Column(insertable=false)
, or -
if a column should not be written as part of the custom
statement, and has no corresponding JDBC parameter in the custom SQL, map it@Column(updatable=false)
The verify
member of these annotations specifies a class implementing Expectation
, allowing customized logic for checking the success of an operation executed via JDBC.
There are three built-in implementations:
, which performs no checks, -
, which is what Hibernate usually uses when executing its own generated SQL, -
, which is useful for checking an output parameter of a stored procedure.
You can write your own implementation of Expectation
if none of these options is suitable.
If you need custom SQL, but are targeting multiple dialects of SQL, you can use the annotations defined in
It’s even possible to override the custom SQL for specific versions of a database. |
Sometimes a custom insert
or update
statement assigns a value to a mapped column which is calculated when the statement is executed on the database.
For example, the value might be obtained by calling a SQL function:
@SQLInsert(sql = "insert into person (name, id) values (?, gen_random_uuid())")
But the entity instance which represents the row being inserted or updated won’t be automatically populated with that value.
And so our persistence context loses synchronization with the database.
In situations like this, we may use the @Generated
annotation to tell Hibernate to reread the state of the entity after each insert
or update
8.5. Handling database-generated columns
Sometimes, a column value is assigned or mutated by events that happen in the database, and aren’t visible to Hibernate. For example:
a table might have a column value populated by a trigger,
a mapped column might have a default value defined in DDL, or
a custom SQL
statement might assign a value to a mapped column, as we saw in the previous subsection.
One way to deal with this situation is to explicitly call refresh()
at appropriate moments, forcing the session to reread the state of the entity.
But this is annoying.
The @Generated
annotation relieves us of the burden of explicitly calling refresh()
It specifies that the value of the annotated entity attribute is generated by the database, and that the generated value should be automatically retrieved using a SQL returning
clause, or separate select
after it is generated.
A useful example is the following mapping:
class Entity {
@Generated @Id
UUID id;
The generated DDL is:
create table Entity (
id uuid default gen_random_uuid() not null,
primary key (uuid)
So here the value of id
is defined by the column default clause, by calling the PostgreSQL function gen_random_uuid()
When a column value is generated during updates, use @Generated(event=UPDATE)
When a value is generated by both inserts and updates, use @Generated(event={INSERT,UPDATE})
For columns which should be generated using a SQL |
Actually, the @Generated
and @GeneratedColumn
annotations are defined in terms of a more generic and user-extensible framework for handling attribute values generated in Java, or by the database.
So let’s drop down a layer, and see how that works.
8.6. User-defined generators
JPA doesn’t define a standard way to extend the set of id generation strategies, but Hibernate does:
hierarchy of interfaces in the packageorg.hibernate.generator
lets you define new generators, and -
meta-annotation from the packageorg.hibernate.annotations
lets you write an annotation which associates aGenerator
type with identifier attributes.
Furthermore, the @ValueGenerationType
meta-annotation lets you write an annotation which associates a Generator
type with a non-@Id
These APIs were new in Hibernate 6, and supersede the classic |
Hibernate has a range of built-in generators which are defined in terms of this new framework.
Annotation | Implementation | Purpose |
Generically handles database-generated values |
Handles values generated using |
Generic support for database or in-memory generation of creation or update timestamps |
A timestamp generated when an entity is first made persistent |
A timestamp generated when an entity is made persistent, and regenerated every time the entity is modified |
A more flexible generator for RFC 4122 UUIDs |
Furthermore, support for JPA’s standard id generation strategies is also defined in terms of this framework.
As an example, let’s look at how @UuidGenerator
is defined:
@ValueGenerationType(generatedBy =
@Target({ FIELD, METHOD })
public @interface UuidGenerator { ... }
is meta-annotated both @IdGeneratorType
and @ValueGenerationType
because it may be used to generate both ids and values of regular attributes.
Either way, this Generator
class does the hard work:
public class UuidGenerator
// this generator produced values before SQL is executed
implements BeforeExecutionGenerator {
// constructors accept an instance of the @UuidGenerator
// annotation, allowing the generator to be "configured"
// called to create an id generator
public UuidGenerator(
org.hibernate.annotations.UuidGenerator config,
Member idMember,
GeneratorCreationContext creationContext) {
this(config, idMember);
// called to create a generator for a regular attribute
public UuidGenerator(
org.hibernate.annotations.UuidGenerator config,
Member member,
GeneratorCreationContext creationContext) {
this(config, idMember);
public EnumSet<EventType> getEventTypes() {
// UUIDs are only assigned on insert, and never regenerated
public Object generate(SharedSessionContractImplementor session, Object owner, Object currentValue, EventType eventType) {
// actually generate a UUID and transform it to the required type
return valueTransformer.transform( generator.generateUuid( session ) );
You can find out more about custom generators from the Javadoc for @IdGeneratorType
and for org.hibernate.generator
8.7. Naming strategies
When working with a pre-existing relational schema, it’s usual to find that the column and table naming conventions used in the schema don’t match Java’s naming conventions.
Of course, the @Table
and @Column
annotations let us explicitly specify a mapped table or column name.
But we would prefer to avoid scattering these annotations across our whole domain model.
Therefore, Hibernate lets us define a mapping between Java naming conventions, and the naming conventions of the relational schema. Such a mapping is called a naming strategy.
First, we need to understand how Hibernate assigns and processes names.
Logical naming is the process of applying naming rules to determine the logical names of objects which were not explicitly assigned names in the O/R mapping. That is, when there’s no
annotation. -
Physical naming is the process of applying additional rules to transform a logical name into an actual "physical" name that will be used in the database. For example, the rules might include things like using standardized abbreviations, or trimming the length of identifiers.
Thus, there’s two flavors of naming strategy, with slightly different responsibilities. Hibernate comes with default implementations of these interfaces:
Flavor | Default implementation |
An |
A default strategy which implements the rules defined by JPA |
A |
A trivial implementation which does no processing |
We happen to not much like the naming rules defined by JPA, which specify that mixed case and camel case identifiers should be concatenated using underscores.
We bet you could easily come up with a much better |
The popular |
Custom naming strategies may be enabled using the configuration properties we already mentioned without much explanation back in Minimizing repetitive mapping information.
Configuration property name | Purpose |
Specifies the |
Specifies the |
8.8. Spatial datatypes
Hibernate Spatial augments the built-in basic types with a set of Java mappings for OGC spatial types.
Geolatte-geom defines a set of Java types implementing the OGC spatial types, and codecs for translating to and from database-native spatial datatypes.
Hibernate Spatial itself supplies integration with Hibernate.
To use Hibernate Spatial, we must add it as a dependency, as described in Optional dependencies.
Then we may immediately use Geolatte-geom and JTS types in our entities. No special annotations are needed:
import org.locationtech.jts.geom.Point;
import jakarta.persistence.*;
class Event {
Event() {}
Event(String name, Point location) { = name;
this.location = location;
@Id @GeneratedValue
Long id;
String name;
Point location;
The generated DDL uses geometry
as the type of the column mapped by location
create table Event (
id bigint not null,
location geometry,
name varchar(255),
primary key (id)
Hibernate Spatial lets us work with spatial types just as we would with any of the built-in basic attribute types.
var geometryFactory = new GeometryFactory();
Point point = geometryFactory.createPoint(new Coordinate(10, 5));
session.persist(new Event("Hibernate ORM presentation", point));
But what makes this powerful is that we may write some very fancy queries involving functions of spatial types:
Polygon triangle =
new Coordinate[] {
new Coordinate(9, 4),
new Coordinate(11, 4),
new Coordinate(11, 20),
new Coordinate(9, 4)
Point event =
session.createQuery("select location from Event where within(location, :zone) = true", Point.class)
.setParameter("zone", triangle)
Here, within()
is one of the functions for testing spatial relations defined by the OpenGIS specification.
Other such functions include touches()
, intersects()
, distance()
, boundary()
, etc.
Not every spatial relation function is supported on every database.
A matrix of support for spatial relation functions may be found in the User Guide.
If you want to play with spatial functions on H2, run the following code first:
8.9. Ordered and sorted collections and map keys
Java lists and maps don’t map very naturally to foreign key relationships between tables, and so we tend to avoid using them to represent associations between our entity classes.
But if you feel like you really need a collection with a fancier structure than Set
, Hibernate does have options.
For more detail about the use of these annotations, please refer to this post on the Hibernate blog. |
The following options let us map the index of a List
or key of a Map
to a column, and are used with:
, or -
on the owning side of an association.
They should not be used on the unowned (that is, mappedBy
) side of an association.
Annotation | Purpose | JPA-standard |
Specifies the column used to maintain the order of a list |
✔ |
The column value for the first element of the list (zero by default) |
✖ |
Specifies the column used to persist the keys of a map (used when the key is of basic type) |
✔ |
Specifies the column used to persist the keys of a map (used when the key is an entity) |
✔ |
The name of the @OrderColumn
or @MapKeyColumn
may be defaulted, for example:
@OrderColumn // order of list is persistent
List<Author> authors = new ArrayList<>();
But it’s usually better to specify the column name explicitly:
@ListIndexBase(1) // order column and base value
List<String> tags;
Such mappings can get pretty complicated:
@CollectionTable(name = "author_bios", // table name
joinColumns = @JoinColumn(name = "book_isbn")) // column holding foreign key of owner
@Column(name="bio") // column holding map values
@MapKeyJoinColumn(name="author_ssn") // column holding map keys
Map<Author,String> biographies;
As you can imagine, we think you should use such mappings very sparingly, if at all.
For a Map
representing an unowned @OneToMany
association, the column holding the key of the map must also be mapped on the owning side, usually by an attribute of the target entity.
In this case we use a different annotation:
Annotation | Purpose | JPA-standard |
Specifies an attribute of the target entity which acts as the key of the map |
✔ |
Note that @MapKey
specifies a field or property name, not a column name.
@OneToMany(mappedBy = Book_.PUBLISHER)
@MapKey(name = Book_.TITLE) // the key of the map is the title of the book
Map<String,Book> booksByTitle = new HashMap<>();
In fact, @MapKey
may also be used for owned collections.
Now, let’s introduce a little distinction:
an ordered collection is one with an ordering maintained in the database, and
a sorted collection is one which is sorted in Java code.
These annotations allow us to specify how the elements of a collection should be ordered as they are read from the database:
Annotation | Purpose | JPA-standard |
Specifies a fragment of JPQL used to order the collection |
✔ |
Specifies a fragment of SQL used to order the collection |
✖ |
On the other hand, the following annotations specify how a collection should be sorted in memory, and are used for collections of type SortedSet
or SortedMap
Annotation | Purpose | JPA-standard |
Specifies that the elements of a collection are |
✖ |
Specifies a |
✖ |
Under the covers, Hibernate uses a TreeSet
or TreeMap
to maintain the collection in sorted order.
8.10. Any mappings
An @Any
mapping is a sort of polymorphic many-to-one association where the target entity types are not related by the usual entity inheritance.
The target type is distinguished using a discriminator value stored on the referring side of the relationship.
This is quite different to discriminated inheritance where the discriminator is held in the tables mapped by the referenced entity hierarchy.
For example, consider an Order
entity containing Payment
information, where a Payment
might be a CashPayment
or a CreditCardPayment
interface Payment { ... }
class CashPayment { ... }
class CreditCardPayment { ... }
In this example, Payment
is not be declared as an entity type, and is not annotated @Entity
. It might even be an interface, or at most just a mapped superclass, of CashPayment
and CreditCardPayment
. So in terms of the object/relational mappings, CashPayment
and CreditCardPayment
would not be considered to participate in the same entity inheritance hierarchy.
On the other hand, CashPayment
and CreditCardPayment
do have the same identifier type.
This is important.
An @Any
mapping would store the discriminator value identifying the concrete type of Payment
along with the state of the associated Order
, instead of storing it in the table mapped by Payment
class Order {
@AnyKeyJavaClass(UUID.class) //the foreign key type
@JoinColumn(name="payment_id") // the foreign key column
@Column(name="payment_type") // the discriminator column
// map from discriminator values to target entity types
@AnyDiscriminatorValue(discriminator="CASH", entity=CashPayment.class)
@AnyDiscriminatorValue(discriminator="CREDIT", entity=CreditCardPayment.class)
Payment payment;
It’s reasonable to think of the "foreign key" in an @Any
mapping as a composite value made up of the foreign key and discriminator taken together. Note, however, that this composite foreign key is only conceptual and cannot be declared as a physical constraint on the relational database table.
There are a number of annotations which are useful to express this sort of complicated and unnatural mapping:
Annotations | Purpose |
Declares that an attribute is a discriminated polymorphic association mapping |
Specify the Java type of the discriminator |
Specify the JDBC type of the discriminator |
Specifies how discriminator values map to entity types |
Specify the column or formula in which the discriminator value is stored |
Specify the Java type of the foreign key (that is, of the ids of the target entities) |
Specify the JDBC type of the foreign key |
Specifies the foreign key column |
Of course, @Any
mappings are disfavored, except in extremely special cases, since it’s much more difficult to enforce referential integrity at the database level.
There’s also currently some limitations around querying @Any
associations in HQL.
This is allowed:
from Order ord
join CashPayment cash
on id(ord.payment) =
Polymorphic association joins for |
Further information may be found in the User Guide.
8.11. Selective column lists in inserts and updates
By default, Hibernate generates insert
and update
statements for each entity during boostrap, and reuses the same insert
statement every time an instance of the entity is made persistent, and the same update
statement every time an instance of the entity is modified.
This means that:
if an attribute is
when the entity is made persistent, its mapped column is redundantly included in the SQLinsert
, and -
worse, if a certain attribute is unmodified when other attributes are changed, the column mapped by that attribute is redundantly included in the SQL
Most of the time, this just isn’t an issue worth worrying about.
The cost of interacting with the database is usually dominated by the cost of a round trip, not by the number of columns in the insert
or update
But in cases where it does become important, there are two ways to be more selective about which columns are included in the SQL.
The JPA-standard way is to indicate statically which columns are eligible for inclusion via the @Column
For example, if an entity is always created with an immutable creationDate
, and with no completionDate
, then we would write:
@Column(updatable=false) LocalDate creationDate;
@Column(insertable=false) LocalDate completionDate;
This approach works quite well in many cases, but often breaks down for entities with more than a handful of updatable columns.
An alternative solution is to ask Hibernate to generate SQL dynamically each time an insert
or update
is executed.
We do this by annotating the entity class.
Annotation | Purpose |
Specifies that an |
Specifies that an |
It’s important to realize that, while @DynamicInsert
has no impact on semantics, the more useful @DynamicUpdate
annotation does have a subtle side effect.
The wrinkle is that if an entity has no version property, |
Of course, this consideration doesn’t arise for entities with a @Version
But there’s a solution!
Well-designed relational schemas should have constraints to ensure data integrity.
That’s true no matter what measures we take to preserve integrity in our program logic.
We may ask Hibernate to add a |
8.12. Using the bytecode enhancer
Hibernate’s bytecode enhancer enables the following features:
attribute-level lazy fetching for basic attributes annotated
and for lazy non-polymorphic associations, -
interception-based—instead of the usual snapshot-based—detection of modifications.
To use the bytecode enhancer, we must add the Hibernate plugin to our gradle build:
plugins {
id "org.hibernate.orm" version "7.0.0-SNAPSHOT"
hibernate { enhancement }
Consider this field:
class Book {
@Basic(optional = false, fetch = LAZY)
@Column(length = LONG32)
String fullText;
The fullText
field maps to a clob
or text
column, depending on the SQL dialect.
Since it’s expensive to retrieve the full book-length text, we’ve mapped the field fetch=LAZY
, telling Hibernate not to read the field until it’s actually used.
Without the bytecode enhancer, this instruction is ignored, and the field is always fetched immediately, as part of the initial
that retrieves theBook
entity. -
With bytecode enhancement, Hibernate is able to detect access to the field, and lazy fetching is possible.
By default, Hibernate fetches all lazy fields of a given entity at once, in a single |
Similarly, interception lets us implement lazy fetching for non-polymorphic associations without the need for a separate proxy object. However, if an association is polymorphic, that is, if the target entity type has subclasses, then a proxy is still required.
Interception-based change detection is a nice performance optimization with a slight cost in terms of correctness.
Without the bytecode enhancer, Hibernate keeps a snapshot of the state of each entity after reading from or writing to the database. When the session flushes, the snapshot state is compared to the current state of the entity to determine if the entity has been modified. Maintaining these snapshots does have an impact on performance.
With bytecode enhancement, we may avoid this cost by intercepting writes to the field and recording these modifications as they happen.
This optimization isn’t completely transparent, however.
Interception-based change detection is less accurate than snapshot-based dirty checking. For example, consider this attribute:
Interception is able to detect writes to the |
8.13. Named fetch profiles
We’ve already seen two different ways to override the default fetching strategy for an association:
JPA entity graphs, and
join fetch
clause in HQL, or, equivalently, the methodFrom.fetch()
in the criteria query API.
A third way is to define a named fetch profile.
First, we must declare the profile, by annotating a class or package @FetchProfile
@FetchProfile(name = "EagerBook")
class Book { ... }
Note that even though we’ve placed this annotation on the Book
entity, a fetch profile—unlike an entity graph—isn’t "rooted" at any particular entity.
We may specify association fetching strategies using the fetchOverrides
member of the @FetchProfile
annotation, but frankly it looks so messy that we’re embarrassed to show it to you here.
Similarly, a JPA entity graph may be defined using |
A better way is to annotate an association with the fetch profiles it should be fetched in:
@FetchProfile(name = "EagerBook")
class Book {
@ManyToOne(fetch = LAZY)
@FetchProfileOverride(profile = Book_.PROFILE_EAGER_BOOK, mode = JOIN)
Publisher publisher;
@FetchProfileOverride(profile = Book_.PROFILE_EAGER_BOOK, mode = JOIN)
Set<Author> authors;
class Author {
@FetchProfileOverride(profile = Book_.PROFILE_EAGER_BOOK, mode = JOIN)
Person person;
Here, once again, Book_.PROFILE_EAGER_BOOK
is generated by Hibernate Processor, and is just a constant with the value "EagerBook"
For collections, we may even request subselect fetching:
@FetchProfile(name = "EagerBook")
@FetchProfile(name = "BookWithAuthorsBySubselect")
class Book {
@FetchProfileOverride(profile = Book_.PROFILE_EAGER_BOOK, mode = JOIN)
Person person;
@FetchProfileOverride(profile = Book_.PROFILE_EAGER_BOOK, mode = JOIN)
@FetchProfileOverride(profile = Book_.BOOK_WITH_AUTHORS_BY_SUBSELECT,
Set<Author> authors;
We may define as many different fetch profiles as we like.
Annotation | Purpose |
Declares a named fetch profile, optionally including a list of |
Declares a fetch strategy override as part of the |
Specifies the fetch strategy for the annotated association, in a given fetch profile |
A fetch profile must be explicitly enabled for a given session by calling enableFetchProfile()
Book eagerBook = session.find(Book.class, bookId);
So why or when might we prefer named fetch profiles to entity graphs? Well, it’s really hard to say. It’s nice that this feature exists, and if you love it, that’s great. But Hibernate offers alternatives that we think are more compelling most of the time.
The one and only advantage unique to fetch profiles is that they let us very selectively request subselect fetching. We can’t do that with entity graphs, and we can’t do it with HQL.
There’s a special built-in fetch profile named
Then |
9. Credits
The full list of contributors to Hibernate ORM can be found on the GitHub repository.
The following contributors were involved in this documentation:
Gavin King