Hibernate 6 was a major redesign of the world’s most popular and feature-rich ORM solution. The redesign touched almost every subsystem of Hibernate, including the APIs, mapping annotations, and, above all else, the query language. This was the second time Hibernate Query Language had been completely reimplemented from scratch, but the first time in more than fifteen years. Hibernate 7 rests on this foundation.
In this new incarnation, HQL is far more powerful, and the HQL compiler much more robust. Today, HQL has a feature set to match that of modern dialects of SQL, and is able to take full advantage of the power of modern SQL databases.
This document is a reference guide to the full feature set of the language, and is the only up-to-date source for those who wish to learn how to write HQL effectively in Hibernate 6 and Hibernate 7.
If you are unfamiliar with Hibernate, be sure to first read the Short Guide to Hibernate.
1. Basic concepts
This document describes Hibernate Query Language (HQL), which is, I suppose we could say, a "dialect" of the Java (now Jakarta) Persistence Query Language (JPQL).
Or is it the other way around? JPQL was inspired by early versions of HQL, and is a proper subset of modern HQL. Here we focus on describing the complete, more powerful HQL language as it exists today. If strict JPA compliance is what you’re looking for, use the setting We don’t recommend the use of this setting. |
The truth is that HQL today has capabilities that go far beyond what is possible in plain JPQL. We’re not going to fuss too much about not limiting ourselves to the standard here. Faced with a choice between writing database-specific native SQL, or database-independent HQL, we know what our preference is.
1.1. HQL and SQL
Throughout this document, we’ll assume you know SQL and the relational model, at least at a basic level. HQL and JPQL are loosely based on SQL and are easy to learn for anyone familiar with SQL.
For example, if you understand this SQL query:
select book.title, /* projection */
from Book as book /* root table */
join Publisher as pub /* table join */
on book.publisherId = /* join condition */
where book.title like 'Hibernate%' /* restriction (selection) */
order by book.title /* sorting */
Then we bet you can already make sense of this HQL:
select book.title, /* projection */
from Book as book /* root entity */
join book.publisher as pub /* association join */
where book.title like 'Hibernate%' /* restriction (selection) */
order by book.title /* sorting */
You might notice that even for this very simple example, the HQL version is slightly shorter. This is typical. Actually, HQL queries are usually much more compact than the SQL they compile to.
But there’s one huge difference: in HQL, |
In this chapter, we’ll demonstrate how similar HQL is to SQL by giving a quick overview of the basic statement types.
You’ll be bored to discover they’re exactly the ones you expect: select
, insert
, update
, and delete
This is a reference guide. We’re not going to explain basic concepts like ternary logic, joins, aggregation, selection, or projection, because that information is freely available elsewhere, and anyway we couldn’t possibly do these topics justice here. If you don’t have a firm grasp of these ideas, it’s time to pick up a book about SQL or about the relational model. |
But first we need to mention something that’s a bit different to SQL. HQL has a slightly complicated way of dealing with case sensitively.
1.2. Lexical structure
Lexically, JPQL is quite similar to SQL, so in this section we’ll limit ourselves to mentioning those places where it differs.
1.2.1. Identifiers and case sensitivity
An identifier is a name used to refer to an entity, an attribute of a Java class, an identification variable, or a function.
For example, Book
, title
, author
, and upper
are all identifiers, but they refer to different kinds of things.
In HQL and JPQL, the case sensitivity of an identifier depends on the kind of thing the identifier refers to.
The rules for case sensitivity are:
keywords and function names are case-insensitive, but
identification variable names, Java class names, and the names of attributes of Java classes, are case-sensitive.
We apologize for this inconsistency. In hindsight, it might have been better to define the whole language as case-sensitive.
Incidentally, it’s standard practice to use lowercase keywords in HQL. The use of uppercase keywords indicates an endearing but unhealthy attachment to the culture of the 1970’s. |
Just to reiterate these rules:
All the same, |
Same, |
Different, refer to different Java classes |
Different, since the path expression element |
All different, since the first element of a path expression is an identification variable |
The JPQL specification defines identification variables as case-insensitive.
And so in strict JPA-compliant mode, Hibernate treats |
A quoted identifier is written in backticks. Quoting lets you use a keyword as an identifier.
select thing.interval.`from` from Thing thing
Actually, in most contexts, HQL keywords are "soft", and don’t need to be quoted. The parser is usually able to distinguish if the reserved word is being used as a keyword or as an identifier.
Comments in HQL look like multiline comments in Java.
They’re delimited by /*
and */
Neither SQL-style --
nor Java-style //
line-ending comments are allowed.
It’s quite rare to see comments in HQL, but perhaps it will be more common now that Java has text blocks.
1.2.3. Parameters
Parameters come in two flavors in JPQL, and HQL supports a third flavor for historical reasons:
Parameter type | Examples | Usage from Java |
Named parameters |
Ordinal parameters |
JDBC-style parameters 💀 |
JDBC-style parameters of form ?
are like ordinal parameters where the index is inferred from the position in the text of the query.
JDBC-style parameters are deprecated.
It’s extremely important to use parameters to pass user input to the database. Constructing a query by concatenating HQL fragments with user input is extremely dangerous, opening the door to the possibility of executing arbitrary code on the database server. |
1.2.4. Literals
Some of the syntax for literal values also departs from the standard syntax in ANSI SQL, especially in the area of date/time literals, but we’ll discuss all that later, in Literals.
1.3. Syntax
We’ll describe the syntax of the language as we go along, sometimes displaying fragments of the grammar in an ANTLR-like BNF form. (Occasionally we’ll simplify these snippets for readability, so please don’t take them as canonical.)
The full canonical grammar for HQL can be found in the github project.
The grammar for JPQL may be found in chapter 4 of the JPA specification.
1.4. Type system
JPA doesn’t have a well-specified type system, but, reading between the lines a bit, the following types may be discerned:
entity types,
numeric values,
booleans, and
enumerated types.
Such a coarse-grained type system is in some sense an insufficient constraint on implementors of the specification, or, viewed from a different perspective, it leaves us quite a lot of flexibility.
The way HQL interprets this type system is to assign a Java type to every expression in the language.
Thus, numeric expressions have types like Long
, Float
, or BigInteger
, date/time expressions have types like LocalDate
, LocalDateTime
, or Instant
, and boolean expressions are always of type Boolean
Going further, an expression like local datetime - document.created
is assigned the Java type java.time.Duration
, a type which doesn’t appear anywhere in the JPA specification.
Since the language must be executed on SQL databases, every type accommodates null values.
1.4.1. Null values and ternary logic
The SQL null
behaves quite differently to a null value in Java.
In Java, an expression like
number + 1
produces in an exception ifnumber
is null. -
But in SQL, and therefore also in HQL and JPQL, such an expression evaluates to
It’s almost always the case that an operation applied to a null value yields another null value.
This rule applies to function application, to operators like The exceptions to this rule are the |
This rule is the source of the famous (and controversial) ternary logic of SQL.
A logical expression like firstName='Gavin' and team='Hibernate'
isn’t restricted to the values true
and false
It may also be null
This can, in principle, lead to some quite unintuitive results: we can’t use the law of the excluded middle to reason about logical expressions in SQL! But in practice, we’ve never once run into a case where this caused us problems.
As you probably know, when a logical predicate occurs as a restriction, rows for which the predicate evaluates to null
are excluded from the result set.
That is, in this context at least, a logical null is interpreted as "effectively false".
1.5. Statement types
HQL features four different kinds of statement:
queries, -
statements, -
statements, and -
insert … values
andinsert … select
Collectively, insert
, update
, and delete
statements are sometimes called mutation queries.
We need to be a little bit careful when executing mutation queries via a stateful session.
The effect of an It’s the responsibility of the client program to maintain synchronization of state held in memory with the database after execution of an |
Let’s consider each type of mutation query in turn, beginning with the most useful type.
1.5.1. Update statements
The BNF for an update
statement is quite straightforward:
: "UPDATE" "VERSIONED"? targetEntity setClause whereClause?
: entityName variable?
: "SET" assignment ("," assignment)*
: simplePath "=" expression
The set
clause has a list of assignments to attributes of the given entity.
For example:
update Person set nickName = 'Nacho' where name = 'Ignacio'
Update statements are polymorphic, and affect mapped subclasses of the given entity class.
Therefore, a single HQL update
statement might result in multiple SQL update statements executed against the database.
An update
statement must be executed using Query.executeUpdate()
int updatedEntities = entityManager.createQuery(
"update Person p set = :newName where = :oldName")
.setParameter("oldName", oldName)
.setParameter("newName", newName)
// Hibernate native API
int updatedEntities = session.createMutationQuery(
"update Person set name = :newName where name = :oldName")
.setParameter("oldName", oldName)
.setParameter("newName", newName)
The integer value returned by executeUpdate()
indicates the number of entity instances affected by the operation.
In a |
An update
statement, by default, does not affect the column mapped by the @Version
attribute of the affected entities.
Adding the keyword versioned
—writing update versioned
—specifies that Hibernate should increment the version number or update the last modification timestamp.
update versioned Book set title = :newTitle where ssn = :ssn
An update
statement may not directly join
other entities, but it may:
have an implicit join, or
have subqueries in its
clause, or in itswhere
clause, and the subqueries may contain joins.
1.5.2. Delete statements
The BNF for a delete
statement is even simpler:
: "DELETE" "FROM"? targetEntity whereClause?
For example:
delete Author author where author.books is empty
As in SQL, the presence or absence of the from
keyword has absolutely no effect on the semantics of the delete
Just like update statements, delete statements are polymorphic, and affect mapped subclasses of the given entity class.
Therefore, a single HQL delete
statement might result in multiple SQL delete statements executed against the database.
A delete
statement is executed by calling Query.executeUpdate()
The integer value returned by executeUpdate()
indicates the number of entity instances affected by the operation.
A delete
statement may not directly join
other entities, but it may:
have an implicit join, or
have subqueries in its
clause, and the subqueries may contain joins.
1.5.3. Insert statements
There are two kinds of insert
insert … values
, where the attribute values to insert are given directly as tuples, and -
insert … select
, where the inserted attribute values are sourced from a subquery.
The first form inserts a single row in the database, or multiple rows if you provide multiple tuples in the values
The second form may insert many new rows, or none at all.
The first sort of But you might consider using it to set up test data. |
The BNF for an insert
statement is:
: "INSERT" "INTO"? targetEntity targetFields
(queryExpression | valuesList)
: entityName variable?
: "(" simplePath ("," simplePath)* ")"
: "VALUES" values ("," values)*
: "(" expression ("," expression)* ")"
For example:
insert Person (id, name)
values (100L, 'Jane Doe'), (200L, 'John Roe')
insert into Author (id, name, bio)
select id, name, name || ' is a newcomer for ' || str(year(local date))
from Person
where id = :pid
As in SQL, the presence or absence of the into
keyword has no effect on the semantics of the insert
From these examples we might notice that insert
statements are in one respect a bit different to update
and delete
An |
The queryExpression
in an insert … select
statement may be any valid select
query, with the caveat that the types of the values in the select
list must match the types of the target fields.
This is checked during query compilation rather than allowing the type check to delegate to the database.
This may cause problems when two Java types map to the same database type.
For example, an attribute of type |
There are two ways to assign a value to the @Id
explicitly specify the id attribute in the list of target fields, and its value in the values assigned to the target fields, or
omit it, in which case a generated value is used.
Of course, the second option is only available for entities with database-level id generation (sequences or identity/autoincrement columns). It’s not available for entities whose id generator is implemented in Java, nor for entities whose id is assigned by the application.
The same two options are available for a @Version
When no version is explicitly specified, the version for a new entity instance is used.
The on conflict
clause lets us specify what action should be taken when the database already contains the record we’re attempting to insert.
: ON CONFLICT conflictTarget? "DO" conflictAction
: ON CONSTRAINT identifier
| "(" simplePath ("," simplePath)* ")"
| "UPDATE" setClause whereClause?
Note that the on constraint
variant accepting the name of a unique constraint only works on certain databases, or when just a single row is being inserted.
insert Person (ssn, name, phone)
values ('116-76-1234', 'Jane Doe', '404 888 4319')
on conflict (ssn) do update
set phone =
Like update
and delete
statements, an insert
statement must be executed by calling Query.executeUpdate()
Now it’s time to look at something much more complicated.
1.5.4. Select statements
Select statements retrieve and analyse data. This is what we’re really here for.
The full BNF for a select
query is quite complicated, but there’s no need to understand it now.
We’re displaying it here for future reference.
: queryExpression
: withClause? orderedQuery (setOperator orderedQuery)*
: (query | "(" queryExpression ")") queryOrder?
: selectClause fromClause? whereClause? (groupByClause havingClause?)?
| fromClause whereClause? (groupByClause havingClause?)? selectClause?
| whereClause
: orderByClause limitClause? offsetClause? fetchClause?
: "FROM" entityWithJoins ("," entityWithJoins)*
: fromRoot (join | crossJoin | jpaCollectionJoin)*
: entityName variable?
| "LATERAL"? "(" subquery ")" variable?
: joinType "JOIN" "FETCH"? joinTarget joinRestriction?
: path variable?
| "LATERAL"? "(" subquery ")" variable?
: "WITH" cte ("," cte)*
Most of the complexity here arises from the interplay of set operators (union
, intersect
, and except
) with sorting.
We’ll describe the various clauses of a query later, in Root entities and joins and in Selection, projection, and aggregation, but for now, to summarize, a query might have these bits:
Clause | Jargon | Purpose |
Common table expressions |
Declares named subqueries to be used in the following query |
Roots and joins |
Specifies the entities involved in the query, and how they’re related to each other |
Selection/restriction |
Specifies a restriction on the data returned by the query |
Aggregation/grouping |
Controls aggregation |
Selection/restriction |
Specifies a restriction to apply after aggregation |
Projection |
Specifies a projection (the things to return from the query) |
Set algebra |
These are set operators applied to the results of multiple subqueries |
Ordering |
Specifies how the results should be sorted |
Limits |
Allows for limiting or paginating the results |
Every one of these clauses is optional!
For example, the simplest query in HQL has no select
clause at all:
from Book
But we don’t necessarily recommend leaving off the select
HQL doesn’t require a |
Naturally, the previous query may be written with a select
select book from Book book
But when there’s no explicit select
clause, the select list is implied by the result type of the query:
// result type Book, only the Book selected
List<Book> books =
session.createQuery("from Book join authors", Book.class)
for (Book book: books) {
// result type Object[], both Book and Author selected
List<Object[]> booksWithAuthors =
session.createQuery("from Book join authors", Book.class, Object[].class)
for (var bookWithAuthor: booksWithAuthors) {
Book book = (Book) bookWithAuthor[0];
Author author = (Author) bookWithAuthor[1];
For complicated queries, it’s probably best to explicitly specify a select
An alternative "simplest" query has only a select
select local datetime
This results in a SQL from dual
query (or equivalent).
Looking carefully at the BNF given above, you might notice that the Of course, standard SQL, and JPQL, require that the
This form of the query is more readable, because the alias is declared before it’s used, just as God and nature intended. |
Naturally, queries are always polymorphic. Indeed, a fairly innocent-looking HQL query can easily translate to a SQL statement with many joins and unions.
We need to be a bit careful about that, but actually it’s usually a good thing. HQL makes it very easy to fetch all the data we need in a single trip to the database, and that’s absolutely key to achieving high performance in data access code. Typically, it’s much worse to fetch exactly the data we need, but in many round trips to the database server, than it is to fetch just a bit more data than what we’re going to need, all in a single SQL query. |
When there’s no explicit select
clause, a further abbreviation is sometimes possible.
When the result type of a
1.6. Representing result sets in Java
One of the most uncomfortable aspects of working with data in Java is that there’s no good way to represent a table. Languages designed for working with data—R is an excellent example—always feature some sort of built-in table or "data frame" type. Of course, Java’s type system gets in the way here. This problem is much easier to solve in a dynamically-typed language. The fundamental problem for Java is that it doesn’t have tuple types.
Queries in Hibernate return tables. Sure, often a column holds whole entity objects, but we’re not restricted to returning a single entity, and we often write queries that return multiple entities in each result, or which return things which aren’t entities.
So we’re faced with the problem of representing such result sets, and, we’re sad to say, there’s no fully general and completely satisfying solution.
Let’s begin with the easy case.
1.6.1. Queries with a single projected item
If there’s just one projected item in the select
list, then, no sweat, that’s the type of each query result.
List<String> results =
entityManager.createQuery("select title from Book", String.class)
There’s really no need to fuss about with trying to represent a "tuple of length 1". We’re not even sure what to call those.
Problems arise as soon as we have multiple items in the select
list of a query.
1.6.2. Queries with multiple projected items
When there are multiple expressions in the select list then, by default, and in compliance with JPA, each query result is packaged as an array of type Object[]
List<Object[]> results =
entityManager.createQuery("select title, left(text, 200) from Book",
for (var result : results) {
String title = (String) result[0];
String preamble = (String) result[1];
This is bearable, but let’s explore some other options.
JPA lets us specify that we want each query result packaged as an instance of jakarta.persistence.Tuple
All we have to do is pass the class Tuple
to createQuery()
List<Tuple> tuples =
entityManager.createQuery("select title as title, left(text, 200) as preamble from Book",
for (Tuple tuple : tuples) {
String title = tuple.get("title", String.class);
String preamble = tuple.get("preamble", String.class);
The names of the Tuple
elements are determined by the aliases given to the projected items in the select list.
If no aliases are specified, the elements may be accessed by their position in the list, where the first item is assigned the position zero.
As an extension to JPA, and in a similar vein, Hibernate lets us pass Map
or List
, and have each result packaged as a map or list:
var results =
entityManager.createQuery("select title as title, left(text, 200) as preamble from Book",
for (var map : results) {
String title = (String) map.get("title");
String preamble = (String) map.get("preamble");
var results =
entityManager.createQuery("select title, left(text, 200) from Book",
for (var list : results) {
String title = (String) list.get(0);
String preamble = (String) list.get(1);
Unfortunately, not one of the types Object[]
, List
, Map
, nor Tuple
lets us access an individual item in a result tuple without a type cast.
Sure, Tuple
does the type cast for us when we pass a class object to get()
, but it’s logically identical.
Fortunately there’s one more option, as we’re about to see.
Actually, |
Hibernate 6 lets us pass an arbitrary class type with an appropriate constructor to createQuery()
and will use it to package the query results.
This works extremely nicely with record
record BookSummary(String title, String summary) {}
List<BookSummary> results =
entityManager.createQuery("select title, left(text, 200) from Book",
for (var result : results) {
String title = result.title();
String preamble = result.summary();
It’s important that the constructor of BookSummary
has parameters which exactly match the items in the select
This class does not need to be mapped or annotated in any way. Even if the class is an entity class, the resulting instances are not managed entities and are not associated with the session. |
We must caution that this still isn’t typesafe.
In fact, we’ve just pushed the typecasts down into the call to createQuery()
But at least we don’t have to write them explicitly.
1.6.3. Instantiation
In JPQL, and in older versions of Hibernate, this functionality required more ceremony.
Result type | Legacy syntax | Streamlined syntax | JPA standard |
✖/✖ |
✖/✖ |
Arbitrary class |
✔/✖ |
For example, the JPA-standard select new
construct packages the query results into a user-written Java class instead of an array.
record BookSummary(String title, String summary) {}
List<BookSummary> results =
entityManager.createQuery("select new BookSummary(title, left(text, 200)) from Book",
for (var result : results) {
String title = result.title();
String preamble = result.summary();
Simplifying slightly, the BNF for a projected item is:
: (expression | instantiation) alias?
: "NEW" instantiationTarget "(" selection ("," selection)* ")"
: "AS"? identifier
Where the list of selection
s in an instantiation
is essentially a nested projection list.
2. Expressions
We now switch gears, and begin describing the language from the bottom up. The very bottom of a programming language is its syntax for literal values.
2.1. Literals
The most important literal value in this language is null
. It’s assignable to any other type.
2.1.1. Boolean literals
The boolean literal values are the (case-insensitive) keywords true
and false
2.1.2. String literals
String literals are enclosed in single quotes.
select 'hello world'
To escape a single quote within a string literal, use a doubled single quote: ''
from Book where title like 'Ender''s'
Alternatively, Java-style double-quoted strings are also allowed, with the usual Java character escape syntax.
select "hello\tworld"
This option is not much used.
2.1.3. Numeric literals
Numeric literals come in several different forms:
Kind | Type | Example |
Integer literals |
Decimal literals |
Hexadecimal literals |
Scientific notation |
For example:
from Book where price < 100.0
select author, count(book)
from Author as author
join author.books as book
group by author
having count(book) > 10
The type of a numeric literal may be specified using a Java-style postfix:
Postfix | Type | Java type |
long integer |
double precision |
single precision |
large integer |
exact decimal |
It’s not usually necessary to specify the precision explicitly.
In a literal with an exponent, the |
2.1.4. Date and time literals
According to the JPQL specification, date and time literals may be specified using the JDBC escape syntax. Since this syntax is rather unpleasant to look at, HQL provides not one, but two alternatives.
Date/time type | Recommended Java type | JDBC escape syntax 💀 | Braced literal syntax | Explicitly typed literal syntax |
Date |
Time |
Time with seconds |
Datetime |
Datetime with milliseconds |
Datetime with an offset |
Datetime with a time zone |
Literals referring to the current date and time are also provided. Again there is some flexibility.
Date/time type | Java type | Underscored syntax | Spaced syntax |
Date |
Time |
Datetime |
Offset datetime |
Instant |
Date |
Time |
Datetime |
Of these, only local date
, local time
, local datetime
, current_date
, current_time
, and current_timestamp
are defined by the JPQL specification.
The use of date and time types from the |
2.1.5. Duration literals
There are two sorts of duration in HQL:
year-day durations, that is, the length of an interval between two dates, and
week-nanosecond durations, that is, the length of an interval between two datetimes.
For conceptual reasons, the two kinds of duration cannot be cleanly composed.
Literal duration expressions are of form n unit
, for example 1 day
or 10 year
or 100 nanosecond
select start, end, start - 30 minute from Event
The unit may be: day
, week
, month
, quarter
, year
, second
, minute
, hour
, or nanosecond
A HQL duration is considered to map to a Java |
2.1.6. Binary string literals
HQL also provides a choice of formats for binary strings:
the braced syntax
{0xDE, 0xAD, 0xBE, 0xEF}
, a list of Java-style hexadecimal byte literals, or -
the quoted syntax
, similar to SQL.
2.1.7. Enum literals
Literal values of a Java enumerated type may be written without needing to specify the enum class name:
from Book where status <> OUT_OF_PRINT
from Book where type in (BOOK, MAGAZINE)
update Book set status = OUT_OF_PRINT
In the examples above, the enum class is inferred from the type of the expression on the left of the comparison, assignment operator, or
from Book
order by
case type
when BOOK then 1
when MAGAZINE then 2
when JOURNAL then 3
else 4
In this example the enum class is inferred from the type of the case
2.1.8. Java constants
HQL allows any Java static
constant to be used in HQL, but it must be referenced by its fully-qualified name:
select java.lang.Math.PI
2.1.9. Literal entity names
Entity names may also occur as a literal value. They do not need to be qualified.
from Payment as payment
where type(payment) = CreditCardPayment
See Types and typecasts.
2.2. Identification variables and path expressions
A path expression is either:
a reference to an identification variable, or
a compound path, beginning with a reference to an identification variable, and followed by a period-separated list of references to entity attributes.
As an extension to the JPA spec, HQL, just like SQL, allows a compound path expression where the identification variable at the beginning of the path is missing.
That is, instead of
, it’s legal to write just
But this is only allowed when the identification variable may be unambiguously inferred from the first element, foo
of the compound path.
The query must have exactly one identification variable var
for which the path
refers to an entity attribute.
Note that we will continue to call these paths "compound", even if they only have one element.
This streamlines the query rather nicely when there’s just one root entity and no joins. But when the query has multiple identification variables it makes the query much harder to understand. |
If an element of a compound path refers to an association, the path expression produces an implicit join.
select from Book book
An element of a compound path referring to a many-to-one or on-to-one association may have the treat function applied to it.
select treat(order.payment as CreditCardPayment).cardNumber from Order order
If an element of a compound path refers to a collection or many-valued association, it must have one of these special functions applied to it.
select element(book.authors).name from Book book
No other function may be applied to a non-terminal element of a path expression.
Alternatively, if the element of the compound path refers to a list or map, it may have the indexing operator applied to it:
select book.editions[0].date from Book book
No other operator may be applied to a non-terminal element of a path expression.
2.3. Operator expressions
HQL has operators for working with strings, numeric values, and date/time types.
The operator precedence is given by this table, from highest to lowest precedence:
Precedence class | Type | Operators |
Grouping and tuple instantiation |
Case lists |
Member reference |
Binary infix |
Function application |
Postfix |
Indexing |
Postfix |
Unary numeric |
Unary prefix |
Duration conversions |
Unary postfix |
Binary multiplicative |
Binary infix |
Binary additive |
Binary infix |
Concatenation |
Binary infix |
Nullness, emptiness, truth |
Unary postfix |
Containment |
Binary infix |
Between |
Ternary infix |
Pattern matching |
Binary infix |
Comparison operators |
Binary infix |
Nullsafe comparison |
Binary infix |
Existence |
Unary prefix |
Membership |
Binary infix |
Logical negation |
Unary prefix |
Logical conjunction |
Binary infix |
Logical disjunction |
Binary infix |
2.3.1. String concatenation
JPQL defines two ways to concatenate strings:
the SQL-style concatenation operator,
, and -
the standard
See below for details of the concat()
select book.title || ' by ' || listagg(, ' & ')
from Book as book
join book.authors as author
group by book
Many more operations on strings are defined below, in Functions.
2.3.2. Numeric arithmetic
The basic SQL arithmetic operators, +
, and /
are joined by the remainder operator %
select (1.0 + :taxRate) * sum( * item.quantity)
from Order as ord
join ord.items as item
where = :oid
When both operands of a binary numeric operator have the same type, the result type of the whole expression is the same as the operands.
By default, the semantics of integer division depend on the database:
This default behavior may be changed using configuration property |
When the operands are of different types, one of the operands is implicitly converted to wider type, with wideness given, in decreasing order, by the list below:
(widest) -
Many more numeric operations are defined below, in Functions.
2.3.3. Datetime arithmetic
Arithmetic involving dates, datetimes, and durations is quite subtle. Among the issues to consider are:
There are two kinds of duration: year-day, and week-nanosecond durations. The first is a difference between dates; the second is a difference between datetimes.
We can subtract dates and datetimes, but we can’t add them.
A Java-style duration has much too much precision, and so in order to use it for anything useful, we must somehow truncate it to something coarser-grained.
Here we list the basic operations.
Operator | Expression type | Example | Resulting type |
Difference between two dates |
year-day duration |
Difference between two datetimes |
week-nanosecond duration |
Difference of a date and a year-day duration |
date |
Difference of a datetime and a week-nanosecond duration |
datetime |
Difference between two durations |
duration |
Sum of a date and a year-day duration |
date |
Sum of a datetime and a week-nanosecond duration |
datetime |
Sum of two durations |
duration |
Product of an integer and a duration |
duration |
Convert a duration to an integer |
integer |
The by unit
operator converts a duration to an integer, for example: (local date - your.birthday) by day
evaluates to the number of days you still have to wait.
The function extract(unit from …)
extracts a field from a date, time, or datetime type, for example, extract(year from your.birthday)
produces the year in which you were born, and throws away important information about your birthday.
Please carefully note the difference between these two operations: |
Additional datetime operations, including the useful format()
function, are defined below, in Functions.
2.4. Case expressions
Just like in standard SQL, there are two forms of case expression:
the simple case expression, and
the so-called searched case expression.
Case expressions are verbose.
It’s often simpler to use the |
Simple case expressions
The syntax of the simple form is defined by:
"CASE" expression ("WHEN" expression "THEN" expression)+ ("ELSE" expression)? "END"
For example:
case author.nomDePlume
when '' then
else author.nomDePlume end
from Author as author
join author.person as person
Searched case expressions
The searched form has the following syntax:
"CASE" ("WHEN" predicate "THEN" expression)+ ("ELSE" expression)? "END"
For example:
when author.nomDePlume is null then
else author.nomDePlume end
from Author as author
join author.person as person
A case
expression may contain complex expression, including operator expressions.
2.5. Tuples
A tuple instantiation is an expression like (1, 'hello')
, and may be used to "vectorize" comparison expressions.
from Person where (firstName, lastName) = ('Ludwig', 'Boltzmann')
from Event where (year, day) > (year(local date), day(local date))
This syntax may be used even when the underlying SQL dialect does not support so-called "row value" constructors.
A tuple value may be compared to an embedded field:
from Person
where address = ('1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW', 'Washington', 'DC', 20500, 'USA')
2.6. Functions
Both HQL and JPQL define some standard functions and make them portable between databases.
A program that wishes to remain portable between Jakarta Persistence providers should in principle limit itself to the use of the functions which are blessed by the specification. Unfortunately, there’s not so many of them. |
In some cases, the syntax of these functions looks a bit funny at first, for example, cast(number as String)
, or extract(year from date)
, or even trim(leading '.' from string)
This syntax is inspired by standard ANSI SQL, and we promise you’ll get used to it.
HQL abstracts away from the actual database-native SQL functions, letting you write queries which are portable between databases. For some functions, and always depending on the database, a HQL function invocation translates to a quite complicated SQL expression! |
In addition, there are several ways to use a database function that’s not known to Hibernate.
2.6.1. Types and typecasts
The following special functions make it possible to discover or narrow expression types:
Special function | Purpose | Signature | JPA standard |
The (concrete) entity or embeddable type |
✔ |
Narrow an entity or embeddable type |
✔ |
Narrow a basic type |
✔ |
Cast to a string |
✖ |
Get the ordinal value of an enum |
✖ |
Let’s see what these functions do.
Evaluating an entity type
The function type()
, applied to an identification variable or to an entity-valued or embeddable-valued path expression, evaluates to the concrete type, that is, the Java Class
, of the referenced entity or embeddable.
This is mainly useful when dealing with entity inheritance hierarchies.
select payment
from Payment as payment
where type(payment) = CreditCardPayment
Narrowing an entity type
The function treat()
may be used to narrow the type of an identification variable.
This is useful when dealing with entity or embeddable inheritance hierarchies.
select payment
from Payment as payment
where length(treat(payment as CreditCardPayment).cardNumber)
between 16 and 20
The type of the expression treat(p as CreditCardPayment)
is the narrowed type, CreditCardPayment
, instead of the declared type Payment
of p
This allows the attribute cardNumber
declared by the subtype CreditCardPayment
to be referenced.
The first argument is usually an identification variable.
The second argument is the target type given as an unqualified entity name.
The treat()
function may even occur in a join.
General typecasts
The function cast()
has a similar syntax, but is used to narrow basic types.
Its first argument is usually an attribute of an entity, or a more complex expression involving entity attributes.
Its second argument is the target type given as an unqualified Java class name:
, etc.
select cast(id as String) from Order
Casting to string
The function str(x)
is a synonym for cast(x as String)
select str(id) from Order
Extracting the ordinal value of an enum
The function ordinal(x)
extracts the ordinal value of an enum.
It supports both enum fields mapped as ORDINAL
select ordinal(p.type) from Phone p
2.6.2. Functions for working with null values
The following functions make it easy to deal with null values:
Function | Purpose | Signature | JPA standard |
First non-null argument |
✔ |
Second argument if first is null |
✖ |
✔ |
Handling null values
The coalesce()
function is a sort of abbreviated case
expression that returns the first non-null operand.
select coalesce(author.nomDePlume,
from Author as author
join author.person as person
Handling null values
HQL allows ifnull()
as a synonym for coalesce()
in the case of exactly two arguments.
select ifnull(author.nomDePlume,
from Author as author
join author.person as person
Producing null values
On the other hand, nullif()
evaluates to null if its operands are equal, or to its first argument otherwise.
select ifnull(nullif(author.nomDePlume,, 'Real name')
from Author as author
join author.person as person
2.6.3. Functions for working with dates and times
There are some very important functions for working with dates and times.
Special function | Purpose | Signature | JPA standard |
Extract a datetime field |
✔ |
Format a datetime as a string |
✖ |
Datetime truncation |
✖ |
Extracting date and time fields
The special function extract()
obtains a single field of a date, time, or datetime.
Its first argument is an expression that evaluates to a date, time, or datetime.
Its second argument is a date/time field type.
Recognized Field types are listed below.
Field | Type | Range | Notes | JPA standard |
1-31 |
Calendar day of month |
✔ |
1-12 |
✔ |
✔ |
1-53 |
ISO-8601 week number (different to |
✔ |
1-4 |
Quarter defined as 3 months |
✔ |
0-23 |
Standard 24-hour time |
✔ |
0-59 |
✔ |
0-59 |
Includes fractional seconds |
✔ |
Granularity varies by database |
✖ |
1-7 |
✖ |
1-31 |
Synonym for |
✖ |
1-365 |
✖ |
1-5 |
✖ |
1-53 |
✖ |
Elapsed seconds since January 1, 1970 |
✖ |
Date part of a datetime |
✔ |
Time part of a datetime |
✔ |
Timezone offset |
✖ |
Hours of offset |
✖ |
0-59 |
Minutes of offset |
✖ |
For a full list of field types, see the Javadoc for TemporalUnit
from Order where extract(date from created) = local date
select extract(year from created), extract(month from created) from Order
The following functions are abbreviations for extract()
Function | Long form using extract() |
JPA standard |
✖ |
✖ |
✖ |
✖ |
✖ |
✖ |
These abbreviations aren’t part of the JPQL standard, but on the other hand they’re a lot less verbose. |
select year(created), month(created) from Order
Formatting dates and times
The format()
function formats a date, time, or datetime according to a pattern.
Its first argument is an expression that evaluates to a date, time, or datetime.
Its second argument is a formatting pattern, given as a string.
The pattern must be written in a subset of the pattern language defined by Java’s java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter
select format(local datetime as 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')
For a full list of format()
pattern elements, see the Javadoc for Dialect.appendDatetimeFormat
Truncating a date or time type
The truncate()
function truncates the precision of a date, time, or datetime to the temporal unit specified by field type.
Its first argument is an expression that evaluates to a date, time, or datetime.
Its second argument is a date/time field type, specifying the precision of the truncated value.
Supported temporal units are: year
, month
, day
, hour
, minute
or second
select trunc(local datetime, hour)
Truncating a date, time or datetime value means obtaining a value of the same type in which all temporal units smaller than field
have been pruned.
For hours, minutes, and seconds this means setting them to 00
. For months and days, this means setting them to 01
2.6.4. Functions for working with strings
Naturally, there are a good number of functions for working with strings.
Function | Purpose | Syntax | JPA standard / ANSI SQL Standard |
The string, with lowercase characters converted to uppercase |
✔ / ✔ |
The string, with uppercase characters converted to lowercase |
✔ / ✔ |
The length of the string |
✔ / ✖ |
Concatenate strings |
✔ / ✖ |
Location of string within a string |
✔ / ✖ |
Similar to |
✖ / ✔ |
Substring of a string (JPQL-style) |
✔ / ✖ |
Substring of a string (ANSI SQL-style) |
✖ / ✔ |
Trim characters from string |
✔ / ✔ |
For replacing a substring |
✖ / ✔ |
Pads a string with whitespace, or with a specified character |
✖ / ✖ |
The leftmost characters of a string |
✔ / ✖ |
The rightmost characters of a string |
✔ / ✖ |
Replace every occurrence of a pattern in a string |
✔ / ✖ |
Concatenate a string with itself multiple times |
✖ / ✖ |
Select a collation |
✖ / ✖ |
Encode a binary value as a hexadecimal string |
✖ / ✖ |
Let’s take a closer look at just some of these.
Contrary to Java, positions of characters within strings are indexed from 1 instead of 0! |
Concatenating strings
The JPQL-standard and ANSI SQL-standard concat()
function accepts a variable number of arguments, and produces a string by concatenating them.
select concat(book.title, ' by ', listagg(, ' & '))
from Book as book
join book.authors as author
group by book
Finding substrings
The JPQL function locate()
determines the position of a substring within another string.
The first argument is the pattern to search for within the second string.
The second argument is the string to search in.
The optional third argument is used to specify a position at which to start the search.
select locate('Hibernate', title) from Book
The position()
function has a similar purpose, but follows the ANSI SQL syntax.
select position('Hibernate' in title) from Book
Slicing strings
Unsurprisingly, substring()
returns a substring of the given string.
The second argument specifies the position of the first character of the substring.
The optional third argument specifies the maximum length of the substring.
select substring(title, 1, position(' for Dummies' in title)) from Book /* JPQL-style */
select substring(title from 1 for position(' for Dummies' in title)) from Book /* ANSI SQL-style */
Alternatively, slicing may be performed using an operator, which is just syntax sugar for the substring()
select title[1:position(' for Dummies' in title)] from Book /* Operator-style */
select name.first[1]||name.last[1] as initials from Author
Trimming strings
The trim()
function follows the syntax and semantics of ANSI SQL.
It may be used to trim leading
characters, trailing
characters, or both.
select trim(title) from Book
select trim(trailing ' ' from text) from Book
Its BNF is funky:
"TRIM" "(" (("LEADING" | "TRAILING" | "BOTH")? trimCharacter? "FROM")? expression ")" ;
Padding strings
The pad()
function has a syntax inspired by trim()
select concat(pad(b.title with 40 trailing '.'),
pad(a.firstName with 10 leading),
pad(a.lastName with 10 leading))
from Book as b
join b.authors as a
Its BNF is given by:
"PAD" "(" expression "WITH" expression ("LEADING" | "TRAILING") padCharacter? ")"
The collate()
function selects a collation to be used for its string-valued argument.
Collations are useful for binary comparisons with <
or >
, and in the order by clause.
For example, collate( as ucs_basic)
specifies the SQL standard collation ucs_basic
Collations aren’t very portable between databases. |
Some PostgreSQL collation names must be quoted with backticks, for example, collate(name as `zh_TW.UTF-8`) .
The @Collate annotation may be used to specify the collation of a column, which is usually more convenient than using the collate() function.
2.6.5. Numeric functions
Of course, we also have a number of functions for working with numeric values.
Function | Purpose | Signature | JPA standard |
The magnitude of a number |
✔ |
The sign of a number |
✔ |
Remainder of integer division |
✔ |
Square root of a number |
✔ |
Exponential function |
✔ |
Exponentiation |
✔ |
Natural logarithm |
✔ |
Numeric rounding |
✔ |
Numeric truncation |
✖ |
Floor function |
✔ |
Ceiling function |
✔ |
Base-10 logarithm |
✖ |
Arbitrary-base logarithm |
✖ |
π |
✖ |
Basic trigonometric functions |
✖ |
Two-argument arctangent (range |
✖ |
Hyperbolic functions |
✖ |
Convert radians to degrees |
✖ |
Convert degrees to radians |
✖ |
Return the smallest of the given arguments |
✖ |
Return the largest of the given arguments |
✖ |
Bitwise functions |
✖ |
We haven’t included aggregate functions, ordered set aggregate functions, or window functions in this list, because their purpose is more specialized, and because they come with extra special syntax.
2.6.6. Functions for dealing with collections
The functions described in this section are especially useful when dealing with @ElementCollection
mappings, or with collection mappings involving an @OrderColumn
or @MapKeyColumn
The following functions accept either:
an identification variable that refers to a joined collection or many-valued association, or
a compound path that refers to a collection or many-valued association of an entity.
In case 2, application of the function produces an implicit join.
Function | Applies to | Purpose | JPA standard |
Any collection |
The size of a collection |
✔ |
Any collection |
The element of a set or list |
✖ |
Lists |
The index of a list element |
✔ |
Maps |
The key of a map entry |
✔ |
Maps |
The value of a map entry |
✔ |
Maps |
The whole entry in a map |
✔ |
The next group of functions always accept a compound path referring to a collection or many-valued association of an entity. They’re interpreted as referring to the collection as a whole.
Function | Applies to | Purpose | JPA standard |
Any collection |
The elements of a set or list, collectively |
✖ |
Lists |
The indexes of a list, collectively |
✖ |
Maps |
The keys of a map, collectively |
✖ |
Maps |
The values of a map, collectively |
✖ |
Application of one of these functions produces an implicit subquery or implicit join.
This query has an implicit join:
select title, element(tags) from Book
This query has an implicit subquery:
select title from Book where 'hibernate' in elements(tags)
It never makes sense to apply the functions elements() , indices() , keys() , or values() to an identification variable or single-valued path expression.
These functions must be applied to a reference to a many-valued path expression.
Collection sizes
The size()
function returns the number of elements of a collection or to-many association.
select name, size(books) from Author
Set or list elements
The element()
function returns a reference to an element of a joined set or list.
For an identification variable (case 1 above), this function is optional.
For a compound path (case 2), it’s required.
List indexes
The index()
function returns a reference to the index of a joined list.
In this example, element()
is optional, but index()
is required:
select id(book), index(ed), element(ed)
from Book book as book
join book.editions as ed
Map keys and values
The key()
function returns a reference to a key of a joined map.
The value()
function returns a reference to its value.
select key(entry), value(entry)
from Thing as thing
join thing.entries as entry
Quantification over collections
The functions elements()
, indices()
, keys()
, and values()
are used to quantify over collections.
We may use them with:
a relational comparison, or
Shortcut | Equivalent subquery |
For example:
select title from Book where 'hibernate' in elements(tags)
Don’t confuse the elements()
function with element()
, the indices()
function with index()
, the keys()
function with key()
, or the values()
function with value()
The functions named in singular deal with elements of "flattened" collections.
If not already joined, they add an implicit join to the query.
The functions with plural naming do not flatten a collection by joining it.
The following queries are different:
The first query produces a single row, with |
2.6.7. Functions for working with ids and versions
Finally, the following functions evaluate the id, version, or natural id of an entity, or the foreign key of a to-one association:
Function | Purpose | JPA standard |
The value of the entity |
✔ |
The value of the entity |
✔ |
The value of the entity |
✖ |
The value of the foreign key column mapped by a |
✖ |
2.6.8. Array, XML, and JSON functions
On supported platforms, HQL provides a rich suite of functions for working with:
JSON, and
The use of these functions is outside the scope of this guide. However, we note that the following language constructs work with arrays, and are implemented as syntactic sugar for the underlying functions:
Syntax | Interpretation |
Instantiate an array |
Array element |
Array slice |
Length of an array |
Position of an element within an array |
Typecast array to string |
Determine if an element belongs to an array |
Determine if the elements of one array include all the elements of a second array |
2.7. Hash functions
The following functions work on most supported platforms:
Function | Purpose | JPA standard |
The SHA256 hash of a string. |
✖ |
The MD5 hash of a string. |
✖ |
These functions accept a string and return byte[]
The return value is compatible with the byte array produced by Java’s MessageDigest
2.7.1. Embedding SQL expressions
The following special functions let us embed a call to a native SQL function, refer directly to a column, or evaluate an expression written in native SQL.
Function | Purpose | Signature | JPA standard |
Call a SQL function |
✔ |
Call a SQL function |
✖ |
A column value |
✖ |
Evaluate a SQL expression |
✖ |
Before using one of these functions, ask yourself if it might be better to just write the whole query in native SQL. |
Direct column references
The column()
function lets us refer to an unmapped column of a table.
The column name must be qualified by an identification variable or path expression.
select column(log.ctid as String)
from Log log
Of course, the table itself must be mapped by an entity class.
Native and user-defined functions
The functions we’ve described above are the functions abstracted by HQL and made portable across databases. But, of course, HQL can’t abstract every function in your database.
There are several ways to call native or user-defined SQL functions.
A native or user-defined function may be called using JPQL’s
syntax, for example,function('sinh', phi)
, or HQL’s extension to that syntax, for examplefunction(sinh as Double, phi)
. (This is the easiest way, but not the best way.) -
A user-written
may register user-defined functions. -
A custom
may register additional native functions by overridinginitializeFunctionRegistry()
Registering a function isn’t hard, but is beyond the scope of this guide. (It’s even possible to use the APIs Hibernate provides to make your own portable functions!) |
Fortunately, every built-in Dialect
already registers many native functions for the database it supports.
Try setting the log category |
Embedding native SQL in HQL
The special function sql()
allows the use of native SQL fragments inside an HQL query.
The signature of this function is sql(pattern[, argN]*)
, where pattern
must be a string literal but the remaining arguments may be of any type.
The pattern literal is unquoted and embedded in the generated SQL.
Occurrences of ?
in the pattern are replaced with the remaining arguments of the function.
We may use this, for example, to perform a native PostgreSQL typecast:
from Computer c where c.ipAddress = sql('?::inet', '')
This results in SQL logically equivalent to:
select * from Computer c where c.ipAddress = ''::inet
Or we can use a native SQL operator:
from Human h order by sql('(? <-> ?)', h.workLocation, h.homeLocation)
And this time the SQL is logically equivalent to:
select * from Human h where (h.workLocation <-> h.homeLocation)
2.8. Predicates
A predicate is an operator which, when applied to some argument, evaluates to true
or false
In the world of SQL-style ternary logic, we must expand this definition to encompass the possibility that the predicate evaluates to null
Typically, a predicate evaluates to null
when one of its arguments is null
Predicates occur in the where
clause, the having
clause and in searched case expressions.
2.8.1. Comparison operators
The binary comparison operators are borrowed from SQL: =
, >
, >=
, <
, <=
, <>
If you prefer, HQL treats != as a synonym for <> .
The operands should be of the same type.
from Book where price < 1.0
from Author as author where author.nomDePlume <>
select id, total
from (
select as id, sum( * item.quantity) as total
from Order as ord
join Item as item
group by ord
where total > 100.0
2.8.2. The between
The ternary between
operator, and its negation, not between
, determine if a value falls within a range.
Of course, all three operands must be of compatible type.
from Book where price between 1.0 and 100.0
2.8.3. Operators for dealing with null
The following operators make it easier to deal with null values.
These predicates never evaluate to null
Operator | Negation | Type | Semantics |
Unary postfix |
Binary |
from Author where nomDePlume is not null
2.8.4. Operators for dealing with boolean values
These operators perform comparisons on values of type boolean
These predicates never evaluate to null
The values |
For logical operations on predicates, see Logical operators below.
Operator | Negation | Type | Semantics |
Unary postfix |
Binary |
from Book where discontinued is not true
2.8.5. Collection predicates
The following operators apply to collection-valued attributes and to-many associations.
Operator | Negation | Type | Semantics |
Unary postfix |
Binary |
from Author where books is empty
select author, book
from Author as author, Book as book
where author member of book.authors
2.8.6. String pattern matching
The like
operator performs pattern matching on strings.
Its friend ilike
performs case-insensitive matching.
Their syntax is defined by:
expression "NOT"? ("LIKE" | "ILIKE") expression ("ESCAPE" character)?
The expression on the right is a pattern, where:
matches any single character, -
matches any number of characters, and -
if an escape character is specified, it may be used to escape either of these wildcards.
from Book where title not like '% for Dummies'
The optional escape
character allows a pattern to include a literal _
or %
As you can guess, not like
and not ilike
are the enemies of like
and ilike
, and evaluate to the exact opposite boolean values.
2.8.7. The in
The in
predicates evaluates to true if the value to its left is in … well, whatever it finds to its right.
Its syntax is unexpectedly complicated:
expression "NOT"? "IN" inList
: collectionQuantifier "(" simplePath ")"
| "(" (expression ("," expression)*)? ")"
| "(" subquery ")"
| parameter
| expression
This less-than-lovely fragment of the HQL ANTLR grammar tells us that the thing to the right might be:
The type of the expression on the left, and the types of all the values on the right must be compatible.
JPQL limits the legal types to string, numeric, date/time, and enum types, and in JPQL the left expression must be either:
HQL is far more permissive. HQL itself does not restrict the type in any way, though the database itself might. Even embedded attributes are allowed, although that feature depends on the level of support for tuple or "row value" constructors in the underlying database. |
from Payment as payment
where type(payment) in (CreditCardPayment, WireTransferPayment)
from Author as author
where in (select name from OldAuthorData)
from Book as book
where :edition in elements(book.editions)
It’s quite common to have a parameterized list of values.
Here’s a very useful idiom:
We may even "vectorize" an in
predicate, using a tuple constructor and a subquery with multiple selection items:
from Author as author
where (, author.person.birthdate)
in (select name, birthdate from OldAuthorData)
2.8.8. Comparison operators and subqueries
The binary comparisons we met above may involve a quantifier, either:
a quantified subquery, or
a quantifier applied to one of the functions defined above.
The quantifiers are unary prefix operators: all
, every
, any
, and some
Subquery operator | Synonym | Semantics |
Evaluates to true of the comparison is true for every value in the result set of the subquery |
Evaluates to true of the comparison is true for at least one value in the result set of the subquery |
from Publisher pub where 100.0 < all(select price from pub.books)
from Publisher pub where :title = some(select title from pub.books)
2.8.9. The exists
The unary prefix exists
operator evaluates to true if the thing to its right is nonempty.
The thing to its right might be:
a subquery, or
one of the functions defined above.
As you can surely guess, not exists
evaluates to true if the thing to the right is empty.
from Author where exists elements(books)
from Author as author
where exists (
from Order join items
where book in elements(author.books)
2.8.10. Logical operators
The logical operators are binary infix and
and or
, and unary prefix not
Just like SQL, logical expressions are based on ternary logic. A logical operator evaluates to null if it has a null operand.
3. Root entities and joins
The from
clause, and its subordinate join
clauses sit right at the heart of most queries.
3.1. Declaring root entities
The from
clause is responsible for declaring the entities available in the rest of the query, and assigning them aliases, or, in the language of the JPQL specification, identification variables.
3.1.1. Identification variables
An identification variable is just a name we can use to refer to an entity and its attributes from expressions in the query. It may be any legal Java identifier. According to the JPQL specification, identification variables must be treated as case-insensitive language elements.
The identification variable is actually optional, but for queries involving more than one entity it’s almost always a good idea to declare one. This works, but it isn’t particularly good form:
Identification variables may be declared with the as
keyword, but this is optional.
3.1.2. Root entity references
A root entity reference, or what the JPQL specification calls a range variable declaration, is a direct reference to a mapped @Entity
type by its entity name.
Remember, the entity name is the value of the |
select book from Book as book
In this example, Book
is the entity name, and book
is the identification variable.
The as
keyword is optional.
Alternatively, a fully-qualified Java class name may be specified. Then Hibernate will query every entity which inherits the named type.
select doc from org.hibernate.example.AbstractDocument as doc where doc.text like :pattern
Of course, there may be multiple root entities.
select a, b
from Author a, Author b, Book book
where a in elements(book.authors)
and b in elements(book.authors)
This query may even be written using the syntax cross join
in place of the commas:
select a, b
from Book book
cross join Author a
cross join Author b
where a in elements(book.authors)
and b in elements(book.authors)
Of course, it’s possible to write old-fashioned pre-ANSI-era joins:
select book.title,
from Book book, Publisher publisher
where book.publisher = publisher
and book.title like :titlePattern
But we never write HQL this way.
3.1.3. Polymorphism
HQL and JPQL queries are inherently polymorphic. Consider:
select payment from Payment as payment
This query names the Payment
entity explicitly.
But the CreditCardPayment
and WireTransferPayment
entities inherit Payment
, and so payment
ranges over all three types.
Instances of all these entities are returned by the query.
The query It returns every object of every mapped entity type. |
3.1.4. Derived roots
A derived root is an uncorrelated subquery which occurs in the from
select id, total
from (
select as id, sum( * item.quantity) as total
from Order as ord
join ord.items as item
group by ord
where total > 100.0
The derived root may declare an identification variable.
from (
select as id, sum( * item.quantity) as total
from Order as ord
join ord.items as item
group by ord
) as stuff
where total > 100.0
This feature can be used to break a more complicated query into smaller pieces.
We emphasize that a derived root must be an uncorrelated subquery.
It may not refer to other roots declared in the same |
A subquery may also occur in a join, in which case it may be a correlated subquery.
3.1.5. Common table expressions in from
A common table expression (CTE) is like a derived root with a name. We’ll discuss CTEs later.
3.2. Declaring joined entities
Joins allow us to navigate from one entity to another, via its associations, or via explicit join conditions. There are:
explicit joins, declared within the
clause using the keywordjoin
, and -
implicit joins, which don’t need to be declared in the
An explicit join may be either:
an inner join, written as
orinner join
, -
a left outer join, written as
left join
orleft outer join
, -
a right outer join, written as
right join
orright outer join
, or -
a full outer join, written as
full join
orfull outer join
3.2.1. Explicit root joins
An explicit root join works just like an ANSI-style join in SQL.
select book.title,
from Book book
join Publisher publisher
on book.publisher = publisher
where book.title like :titlePattern
The join condition is written out explicitly in the on
This looks nice and familiar, but it’s not the most common sort of join in HQL or JPQL. |
3.2.2. Explicit association joins
Every explicit association join specifies an entity attribute to be joined. The specified attribute:
is usually a
, or@ManyToOne
association, but -
it could be an
, or even just a SQL array, and -
it might even be an attribute of embeddable type.
In the case of an association or collection, the generated SQL will have a join of the same type. (For a many-to-many association it will have two joins.) In the case of an embedded attribute, the join is purely logical and does not result in a join in the generated SQL.
An explicit join may assign an identification variable to the joined entity.
from Book as book
join book.publisher as publisher
join book.authors as author
where book.title like :titlePattern
select book.title,,
For an outer join, we must write our query to accommodate the possibility that the joined association is missing.
from Book as book
left join book.publisher as publisher
join book.authors as author
where book.title like :titlePattern
select book.title,, ifnull(, '-')
For further information about collection-valued association references, see Joining collections and many-valued associations.
3.2.3. Explicit association joins with join conditions
The with
or on
clause allows explicit qualification of the join conditions.
The specified join conditions are added to the join conditions specified by the foreign key association.
That’s why, historically, HQL uses the keword The |
Join conditions occurring in the with
or on
clause are added to the on
clause in the generated SQL.
from Book as book
left join book.publisher as publisher
with publisher.closureDate is not null
left join book.authors as author
with author.type <> COLLABORATION
where book.title like :titlePattern
select book.title,,
3.2.4. Association fetching
A fetch join overrides the laziness of a given association, specifying that the association should be fetched with a SQL join. The join may be an inner or outer join.
join fetch
, or, more explicitly,inner join fetch
, only returns base entities with an associated entity. -
left join fetch
, or—for lovers of verbosity—left outer join fetch
, returns all the base entities, including those which have no associated joined entity.
This is one of the most important features of Hibernate.
To achieve acceptable performance with HQL, you’ll need to use |
For example, if Person
has a one-to-many association named phones
, the use of join fetch
in the following query specifies that the collection elements should be fetched in the same SQL query:
select book
from Book as book
left join fetch book.publisher
join fetch book.authors
In this example, we used a left outer join for book.publisher
because we also wanted to obtain books with no publisher, but a regular inner join for book.authors
because every book has at least one author.
A query may have more than one fetch join, but be aware that:
it’s perfectly safe to fetch several to-one associations in series or parallel in a single query, and
a single series of nested fetch joins is also fine, but
fetching multiple collections or to-many associations in parallel results in a Cartesian product at the database level, and might exhibit very poor performance.
HQL doesn’t disallow it, but it’s usually a bad idea to apply a restriction to a join fetch
ed entity, since the elements of the fetched collection would be incomplete.
Indeed, it’s best to avoid even assigning an identification variable to a fetched joined entity except for the purpose of specifying a nested fetch join.
Fetch joins should usually be avoided in limited or paged queries. This includes:
Nor should they be used with the |
Fetch joins are disallowed in subqueries, where they would make no sense.
3.2.5. Joins with typecasts
An explicit join may narrow the type of the joined entity using treat()
from Order as ord
join treat(ord.payments as CreditCardPayment) as ccp
where length(ccp.cardNumber) between 16 and 20
select, ccp.cardNumber, ccp.amount
Here, the identification variable ccp
declared to the right of treat()
has the narrowed type CreditCardPayment
, instead of the declared type Payment
This allows the attribute cardNumber
declared by the subtype CreditCardPayment
to be referenced in the rest of the query.
See Types and typecasts for more information about treat()
3.2.6. Subqueries in joins
A join
clause may contain a subquery, either:
an uncorrelated subquery, which is almost the same as a derived root, except that it may have an
restriction, or -
a lateral join, which is a correlated subquery, and may refer to other roots declared earlier in the same
The lateral
keyword just distinguishes the two cases.
from Phone as phone
left join (
select call.duration as duration, as cid
from Call as call
order by call.duration desc
limit 1
) as longest on cid =
where phone.number = :phoneNumber
select longest.duration
This query may also be expressed using a lateral
from Phone as phone
left join lateral (
select call.duration as duration
from phone.calls as call
order by call.duration desc
limit 1
) as longest
where phone.number = :phoneNumber
select longest.duration
A lateral join may be an inner or left outer join, but not a right join, nor a full join.
Traditional SQL doesn’t allow correlated subqueries in the On some databases, It’s almost as if they’re deliberately trying to confuse us. |
Lateral joins are particularly useful for computing top-N elements of multiple groups.
Most databases support some flavor of |
3.2.7. Implicit association joins (path expressions)
It’s not necessary to explicitly join
every entity that occurs in a query.
Instead, entity associations may be navigated, just like in Java:
if an attribute is of embedded type, or is a to-one association, it may be further navigated, but
if an attribute is of basic type, it is considered terminal, and may not be further navigated, and
if an attribute is collection-valued, or is a to-many association, it may be navigated, but only with the help of
, orkey()
It’s clear that:
A path expression like
with only two elements just refers to state held directly by an entity with an aliasauthor
defined infrom
. -
But a longer path expression, for example,
, might refer to state held by an associated entity. (Alternatively, it might refer to state held by an embedded class.)
In the second case, Hibernate with automatically add a join to the generated SQL if necessary.
from Book as book
where like :pubName
As in this example, implicit joins usually appear outside the from
clause of the HQL query.
However, they always affect the from
clause of the SQL query.
The example above is equivalent to:
select book
from Book as book
join book.publisher as pub
where like :pubName
Note that:
Implicit joins are always treated as inner joins.
Multiple occurrences of the same implicit join always refer to the same SQL join.
This query:
select book
from Book as book
where like :pubName
and book.publisher.closureDate is null
results in just one SQL join, and is just a different way to write:
select book
from Book as book
join book.publisher as pub
where like :pubName
and pub.closureDate is null
3.2.8. Joining collections and many-valued associations
When a join involves a collection or many-valued association, the declared identification variable refers to the elements of the collection, that is:
to the elements of a
, -
to the elements of a
, not to their indices in the list, or -
to the values of a
, not to their keys.
from Publisher as publisher
join publisher.books as book
join book.authors as author
where like :namePattern
In this example, the identification variable author
is of type Author
, the element type of the list Book.authors
But if we need to refer to the index of an Author
in the list, we need some extra syntax.
You might recall that we mentioned List indexes and Map keys and values a bit earlier. These functions may be applied to the identification variable declared in a collection join or many-valued association join.
Function | Applies to | Interpretation | Notes |
Any collection |
The collection element or map entry value |
Often optional. |
Any |
The index of the element in the list |
For backward compatibility, it’s also an alternative to |
Any |
The key of the entry in the map |
If the key is of entity type, it may be further navigated. |
Any |
The map entry, that is, the |
Only legal as a terminal path, and only allowed in the |
In particular, index()
and key()
obtain a reference to a list index or map key.
select book.title,, index(author)
from Book as book
join book.authors as author
from Publisher as publisher
join publisher.books as book
join book.authors as leadAuthor
where like :namePattern
and index(leadAuthor) == 0
3.2.9. Implicit joins involving collections
A path expression like
is not considered legal.
We can’t just navigate a many-valued association with this syntax.
Instead, the functions element()
, index()
, key()
, and value()
may be applied to a path expression to express an implicit join.
So we must write element(book.authors).name
or index(book.authors)
select book.title, element(book.authors).name, index(book.authors)
from Book book
An element of an indexed collection (an array, list, or map) may even be identified using the index operator:
select, book.authors[0].name
from Publisher as publisher
join publisher.books as book
where book.authors[0].name like :namePattern
4. Selection, projection, and aggregation
Joining is one kind of relational operation. It’s an operation that produces relations (tables) from other relations. Such operations, taken together, form the relational algebra.
We must now understand the rest of this family: restriction a.k.a. selection, projection, aggregation, union/intersection, and, finally, ordering and limiting, operations which are not strictly part of the calculus of relations, but which usually come along for the ride because they’re very useful.
We’ll start with the operation that’s easiest to understand.
4.1. Restriction
The where
clause restricts the results returned by a select
query or limits the scope of an update
or delete
This operation is usually called selection, but since that term is often confused with the select keyword, and since both projection and selection involve "selecting" things, here we’ll use the less-ambiguous term restriction.
A restriction is nothing more than a single logical expression, a topic we exhausted above in Predicates. Therefore, we’ll move quickly onto the next, and more interesting, operation.
4.2. Aggregation
An aggregate query is one with aggregate functions in its projection list. It collapses multiple rows into a single row. Aggregate queries are used for summarizing and analysing data.
An aggregate query might have a group by
The group by
clause divides the result set into groups, so that a query with aggregate functions in the select list returns not a single result for the whole query, but one result for each group.
If an aggregate query doesn’t have a group by
clause, it always produces a single row of results.
In short, grouping controls the effect of aggregation. |
A query with aggregation may also have a having
clause, a restriction applied to the groups.
4.2.1. Aggregation and grouping
The group by
clause looks quite similar to the select
clause—it has a list of grouped items, but:
if there’s just one item, then the query will have a single result for each unique value of that item, or
if there are multiple items, the query will have a result for each unique combination or their values.
The BNF for a grouped item is just:
identifier | INTEGER_LITERAL | expression
Consider the following queries:
select book.isbn,
sum(quantity) as totalSold,
sum(quantity * book.price) as totalBilled
from Item
where book.isbn = :isbn
select book.isbn,
year(order.dateTime) as year,
sum(quantity) as yearlyTotalSold,
sum(quantity * book.price) as yearlyTotalBilled
from Item
where book.isbn = :isbn
group by year(order.dateTime)
The first query calculates complete totals over all orders in years. The second calculates totals for each year, after grouping the orders by year.
4.2.2. Totals and subtotals
The special functions rollup()
and cube()
may be used in the group by
clause, when supported by the database.
The semantics are identical to SQL.
These functions are especially useful for reporting.
group by
clause withrollup()
is used to produce subtotals and grand totals. -
group by
clause withcube()
allows totals for every combination of columns.
4.2.3. Aggregation and restriction
In a grouped query, the where
clause applies to the non-aggregated values (it determines which rows will make it into the aggregation).
The having
clause also restricts results, but it operates on the aggregated values.
In an example above, we calculated totals for every year for which data was available. But our dataset might extend far back into the past, perhaps even as far back as those terrible dark ages before Hibernate 2.0. So let’s restrict our result set to data from our own more civilized times:
select book.isbn,
year(order.dateTime) as year,
sum(quantity) as yearlyTotalSold,
sum(quantity * book.price) as yearlyTotalBilled
from Item
where book.isbn = :isbn
group by year(order.dateTime)
having year(order.dateTime) > 2003
and sum(quantity) > 0
The having
clause follows the same rules as the where
clause and is also just a logical predicate.
The having
restriction is applied after grouping and aggregation has already been performed, whereas the where
clause is applied before the data is grouped or aggregated.
4.3. Projection
The select
list identifies which objects and values to return as the query results.
This operation is called projection.
: "SELECT" "DISTINCT"? selection (","" selection)*
Any of the expression types discussed in Expressions may occur in the projection list, unless otherwise noted.
If a query has no explicit |
4.3.1. Duplicate removal
The distinct
keyword helps remove duplicate results from the query result list.
Its only effect is to add distinct
to the generated SQL.
select distinct lastName from Person
select distinct author
from Publisher as pub
join pub.books as book
join book.authors as author
where = :pid
As of Hibernate 6, duplicate results arising from the use of |
4.3.2. Aggregate functions
It’s common to have aggregate functions like count()
, sum()
, and max()
in a select list.
Aggregate functions are special functions that reduce the size of the result set.
The standard aggregate functions defined in both ANSI SQL and JPQL are these ones:
Aggregate function | Argument type | Result type | JPA standard / ANSI SQL standard |
Any |
✔/✔ |
Any numeric type |
✔/✔ |
Any numeric type |
✖/✖ |
Any numeric type, or string |
Same as the argument type |
✔/✔ |
Any numeric type, or string |
Same as the argument type |
✔/✔ |
Any numeric type |
See table below |
✔/✔ |
Any numeric type |
✖/✔ |
Any numeric type |
✖/✔ |
The median() function is not supported on MySQL or Sybase ASE.
select count(distinct
from Item as item
where year(item.order.dateTime) = :year
select sum(item.quantity) as totalSales
from Item as item
where = :isbn
year(item.order.dateTime) as year,
sum(item.quantity) as yearlyTotal
from Item as item
where = :isbn
group by year(item.order.dateTime)
month(item.order.dateTime) as month,
avg(item.quantity) as monthlyAverage
from Item as item
where = :isbn
group by month(item.order.dateTime)
In the case of sum()
, the rules for assigning a result type are:
Argument type | Result type |
Any integral numeric type except |
Any floating point numeric type |
HQL defines two additional aggregate functions which accept a logical predicate as an argument.
Aggregate function | Argument type | Result type | JPA standard |
Logical predicate |
✖ |
Logical predicate |
✖ |
We may write, for example, every(p.amount < 1000.0)
Below, we’ll meet the ordered set aggregate functions.
Aggregate functions usually appear in the select clause, but control over aggregation is the responsibility of the group by clause, as described below.
4.3.3. Aggregate functions and collections
The elements()
and indices()
functions we met earlier let us apply aggregate functions to a collection:
New syntax | Legacy HQL function 💀 | Applies to | Purpose |
Any collection with sortable elements |
The maximum element or map value |
Any collection with sortable elements |
The minimum element or map value |
— |
Any collection with numeric elements |
The sum of the elements or map values |
— |
Any collection with numeric elements |
The average of the elements or map values |
Indexed collections (lists and maps) |
The maximum list index or map key |
Indexed collections (lists and maps) |
The minimum list index or map key |
— |
Indexed collections (lists and maps) |
The sum of the list indexes or map keys |
— |
Indexed collections (lists and maps) |
The average of the list indexes or map keys |
These operations are mostly useful when working with @ElementCollection
select title, max(indices(authors))+1, max(elements(editions)) from Book
4.3.4. Aggregate functions with restriction
All aggregate functions support the inclusion of a filter clause, a sort of mini-where
applying a restriction to just one item of the select list:
year(item.order.dateTime) as year,
sum(item.quantity) filter (where not item.order.fulfilled) as unfulfilled,
sum(item.quantity) filter (where item.order.fulfilled) as fulfilled,
sum(item.quantity * filter (where item.order.paid)
from Item as item
where = :isbn
group by year(item.order.dateTime)
The BNF for the filter
clause is simple:
: "FILTER" "(" "WHERE" predicate ")"
4.3.5. Ordered set aggregate functions
An ordered set aggregate function is a special aggregate function which has:
not only an optional filter clause, as above, but also
within group
clause containing a mini-order by
The BNF for within group
is straightforward:
: "WITHIN" "GROUP" "(" "ORDER" "BY" sortSpecification ("," sortSpecification)* ")"
There are two main types of ordered set aggregate function:
an inverse distribution function calculates a value that characterizes the distribution of values within the group, for example,
is the median, andpercentile_cont(0.25)
is the lower quartile. -
a hypothetical set function determines the position of a "hypothetical" value within the ordered set of values.
The following ordered set aggregate functions are available on many platforms:
Type | Functions |
Inverse distribution functions |
Hypothetical set functions |
Other |
This query calculates the median price of a book:
select percentile_cont(0.5)
within group (order by price)
from Book
This query finds the percentage of books with prices less than 10 dollars:
select 100 * percent_rank(10.0)
within group (order by price)
from Book
Actually, the most widely-supported ordered set aggregate function is one which builds a string by concatenating the values within a group.
This function has different names on different databases, but HQL abstracts these differences, and—following ANSI SQL—calls it listagg()
select listagg(title, ', ')
within group (order by isbn)
from Book
group by element(authors)
This very useful function produces a string by concatenation of the aggregated values of its argument.
4.3.6. Window functions
A window function is one which also has an over
clause, for example:
over (order by item.order.dateTime)
as runningTotal
from Item item
This query returns a running total of sales over time.
That is, the sum()
is taken over a window comprising the current row of the result set, together with all previous rows.
A window function application may optionally specify any of the following clauses:
Optional clause | Keyword | Purpose |
Partitioning of the result set |
Very similar to |
Ordering of the partition |
Specifies the order of rows within a partition |
Windowing |
Defines the bounds of a window frame within a partition |
Restriction |
As aggregate functions, window functions may optionally specify a filter |
For example, we may partition the running total by book:
over (partition by
order by item.order.dateTime)
as runningTotal
from Item item
Every partition runs in isolation, that is, rows can’t leak across partitions.
The full syntax for window function application is amazingly involved, as shown by this BNF:
: "OVER" "(" partitionClause? orderByClause? frameClause? ")"
: "PARTITION" "BY" expression ("," expression)*
: ("RANGE"|"ROWS"|"GROUPS") frameStart frameExclusion?
| ("RANGE"|"ROWS"|"GROUPS") "BETWEEN" frameStart "AND" frameEnd frameExclusion?
| expression "PRECEDING"
| expression "FOLLOWING"
| expression "PRECEDING"
| expression "FOLLOWING"
Window functions are similar to aggregate functions in the sense that they compute some value based on a "frame" comprising multiple rows. But unlike aggregate functions, window functions don’t flatten rows within a window frame.
Window frames
The window frame is the set of rows within a given partition that is passed to the window function.
There’s a different window frame for each row of the result set.
In our example, the window frame comprised all the preceding rows within the partition, that is, all the rows with the same
and with an earlier item.order.dateTime
The boundary of the window frame is controlled via the windowing clause, which may specify one of the following modes:
Mode | Definition | Example | Interpretation |
Frame bounds defined by a given number of rows |
The previous 5 rows in the partition |
Frame bounds defined by a given number of peer groups, rows belonging to the same peer group if they are assigned the same position by |
The rows in the previous 5 peer groups in the partition |
Frame bounds defined by a maximum difference in value of the expression used to |
The rows whose |
The frame exclusion clause allows excluding rows around the current row:
Option | Interpretation |
Excludes the current row |
Excludes rows of the peer group of the current row |
Excludes rows of the peer group of the current row except the current row |
The default, does not exclude anything |
By default, the window frame is defined as rows between unbounded preceding and current row exclude no others
, meaning every row up to and including the current row.
The modes |
Widely supported window functions
The following window functions are available on all major platforms:
Window function | Purpose | Signature |
The position of the current row within its frame |
The value of a subsequent row in the frame |
The value of a previous row in the frame |
The value of a first row in the frame |
The value of a last row in the frame |
The value of the `n`th row in the frame |
In principle every aggregate or ordered set aggregate function might also be used as a window function, just by specifying over
, but not every function is supported on every database.
Window functions and ordered set aggregate functions aren’t available on every database. Even where they are available, support for particular features varies widely between databases. Therefore, we won’t waste time going into further detail here. For more information about the syntax and semantics of these functions, consult the documentation for your dialect of SQL. |
4.4. Operations on result sets
These operators apply not to expressions, but to entire result sets:
andunion all
, -
andintersect all
, and -
andexcept all
Just like in SQL, all
suppresses the elimination of duplicate results.
select nomDePlume from Author where nomDePlume is not null
select name from Person
4.5. Sorting
By default, the results of the query are returned in an arbitrary order.
Imposing an order on a set is called sorting. A relation (a database table) is a set, and therefore certain particularly dogmatic purists have argued that sorting has no place in the algebra of relations. We think this is more than a bit silly: practical data analysis almost always involves sorting, which is a perfectly well-defined operation. |
The order by
clause specifies a list of projected items used to sort the results.
Each sorted item may be:
an attribute of an entity or embeddable class,
a more complex expression,
the alias of a projected item declared in the select list, or
a literal integer indicating the ordinal position of a projected item in the select list.
Of course, in principle, only certain types may be sorted: numeric types, string, and date and time types. But HQL is very permissive here and will allow an expression of almost any type to occur in a sort list. Even the identification variable of an entity with a sortable identifier type may occur as a sorted item.
The JPQL specification requires that every sorted item in the Therefore, you might wish to avoid the use of complex expressions in the sort list. |
The BNF for a sorted item is:
sortExpression sortDirection? nullsPrecedence?
: identifier | INTEGER_LITERAL | expression
: "ASC" | "DESC"
: "NULLS" ("FIRST" | "LAST")
Each sorted item listed in the order by
clause may explicitly specify a direction, either:
for ascending order, or -
for descending order.
If no direction is explicitly specified, the results are returned in ascending order.
Of course, there’s an ambiguity with respect to null values. Therefore, the sorting of null values may be explicitly specified:
Precedence | Interpretation |
Puts null values at the beginning of the result set |
Puts them at the end |
select title,
from Book
order by title, nulls last
select book.isbn,
year(order.dateTime) as year,
sum(quantity) as yearlyTotalSold,
sum(quantity * book.price) as yearlyTotalBilled
from Item
where book.isbn = :isbn
group by year(order.dateTime)
having year(order.dateTime) > 2000
and sum(quantity) > 0
order by yearlyTotalSold desc, year desc
Queries with an ordered result list may have limits or pagination.
4.5.1. Limits and offsets
It’s often useful to place a hard upper limit on the number of results that may be returned by a query.
The limit
and offset
clauses are an alternative to the use of setMaxResults()
and setFirstResult()
and may similarly be used for pagination.
If the |
The SQL fetch
syntax is supported as an alternative:
Short form | Verbose form | Purpose |
Limit result set |
Paginate result set |
The BNF gets a bit complicated:
: "LIMIT" parameterOrIntegerLiteral
: "OFFSET" parameterOrIntegerLiteral ("ROW" | "ROWS")?
: "FETCH" ("FIRST" | "NEXT")
(parameterOrIntegerLiteral | parameterOrNumberLiteral "%")
("ROW" | "ROWS")
("ONLY" | "WITH" "TIES")
These two queries are identical:
select title from Book
order by title, published desc
limit 50
select title from Book
order by title, published desc
fetch first 50 rows only
These are well-defined limits: the number of results returned by the database will be limited to 50, as promised. But not every query is quite so well-behaved.
Limiting certainly isn’t a well-defined relational operation, and must be used with care. In particular, limits don’t play well with fetch joins. |
This next query is accepted by HQL, and no more than 50 results are returned by getResultList()
, just as expected:
select title from Book
join fetch authors
order by title, published desc
limit 50
However, if you log the SQL executed by Hibernate, you’ll notice something wrong:
Book b1_0
(Book_Author a1_0
Author a1_1
on b1_0.isbn=a1_0.books_isbn
order by
b1_0.published desc
What happened to the limit
When limits or pagination are combined with a fetch join, Hibernate must retrieve all matching results from the database and apply the limit in memory! This almost certainly isn’t the behavior you were hoping for, and in general will exhibit terrible performance characteristics. |
4.6. Common table expressions
A common table expression or CTE may be thought of as a sort of named subquery.
Any query with an uncorrelated subquery can in principle be rewritten so that the subquery occurs in the with
But CTEs have capabilities that subqueries don’t have.
The with
clause lets us:
specify materialization hints, and
write recursive queries.
On databases which don’t support CTEs natively, Hibernate attempts to rewrite any HQL query with CTEs as a SQL query with subqueries. This is impossible for recursive queries, unfortunately.
Let’s take a quick look at the BNF:
: "WITH" cte ("," cte)*
: identifier AS ("NOT"? "MATERIALIZED")? "(" queryExpression ")"
searchClause? cycleClause?
The with
clause comes right at the start of a query.
It may declare multiple CTEs with different names.
paid as (
select as oid, sum(payment.amount) as amountPaid
from Order as ord
left join ord.payments as payment
group by ord
having local datetime - ord.dateTime < 365 day
owed as (
select as oid, sum(item.quantity* as amountOwed
from Order as ord
left join ord.items as item
group by ord
having local datetime - ord.dateTime < 365 day
select id, paid.amountPaid, owed.amountOwed
from Order
where paid.amountPaid < owed.amountOwed
and paid.oid = id and owed.oid = id
Notice that if we rewrote this query using subqueries, it would look quite a lot clumsier.
4.6.1. Materialization hints
The materialized
keyword is a hint to the database that the subquery should be separately executed and its results stored in a temporary table.
On the other hand, its nemesis, not materialized
, is a hint that the subquery should be inlined at each use site, with each usage optimized independently.
The precise impact of materialization hints is quite platform-dependant. |
Our example query from above hardly changes.
We just add materialized
to the CTE declarations.
paid as materialized (
select as oid, sum(payment.amount) as amountPaid
from Order as ord
left join ord.payments as payment
group by ord
having local datetime - ord.dateTime < 365 day
owed as materialized (
select as oid, sum(item.quantity* as amountOwed
from Order as ord
left join ord.items as item
group by ord
having local datetime - ord.dateTime < 365 day
select id, paid.amountPaid, owed.amountOwed
from Order
where paid.amountPaid < owed.amountOwed
and paid.oid = id and owed.oid = id
4.6.2. Recursive queries
A recursive query is one where the CTE is defined self-referentially. Recursive queries follow a very particular pattern. The CTE is defined as a union of:
a base subquery returning an initial set of rows where the recursion begins,
a recursively-executed subquery which returns additional rows by joining against the CTE itself.
Let’s demonstrate this with an example.
First we’ll need some sort of tree-like entity:
class Node {
@Id Long id;
String text;
@ManyToOne Node parent;
We may obtain a tree of Node
s with the following recursive query:
with Tree as (
/* base query */
select as id, root.text as text, 0 as level
from Node root
where root.parent is null
union all
/* recursion */
select as id, child.text as text, level+1 as level
from Tree parent
join Node child on =
select text, level
from Tree
When querying a tree-like of data structure, the base subquery usually returns the root node or nodes. The recursively-executed subquery returns the children of the current set of nodes. It’s executed repeatedly with the results of the previous execution. Recursion terminates when the recursively-executed subquery returns no new nodes.
Hibernate cannot emulate recursive queries on databases which don’t support them natively. |
Now, if a graph contains cycles, that is, if it isn’t a tree, the recursion might never terminate.
4.6.3. Cycle detection
The cycle
clause enables cycle detection, and aborts the recursion if a node is encountered twice.
with Tree as (
/* base query */
select as id, root.text as text, 0 as level
from Node root
where root.parent is null
union all
/* recursion */
select as id, child.text as text, level+1 as level
from Tree parent
join Node child on =
) cycle id set abort to 'aborted!' default '' /* cycle detection */
select text, level, abort
from Tree
order by level
column is used to detect cycles, and -
column is set to the string value'aborted!'
if a cycle is detected.
Hibernate emulates the cycle
clause on databases which don’t support it natively.
The BNF for cycle
: "CYCLE" identifier ("," identifier)*
"SET" identifier ("TO" literal "DEFAULT" literal)?
("USING" identifier)?
The column optionally specified by using
holds the path to the current row.
4.6.4. Ordering depth-first or breadth-first
The search
clause allows us to control whether we would like the results of our query returned in an order that emulates a depth-first recursive search, or a breadth-first recursive search.
In our query above, we explicitly coded a level
column that holds the recursion depth, and ordered our result set according to this depth.
With the search
clause, that bookkeeping is already taken care of for us.
For depth-first search, we have:
with Tree as (
/* base query */
select as id, root.text as text
from Node root
where root.parent is null
union all
/* recursion */
select as id, child.text as text
from Tree parent
join Node child on =
) search depth first by id set level /* depth-first search */
from Tree
select text
order by level
And for breadth-first search, we only need to change a single keyword:
with Tree as (
/* base query */
select as id, root.text as text
from Node root
where root.parent is null
union all
/* recursion */
select as id, child.text as text
from Tree parent
join Node child on =
) search breadth first by id set level /* breadth-first search */
from Tree
select text
order by level desc
Hibernate emulates the search
clause on databases which don’t support it natively.
The BNF for search
"BY" searchSpecifications
"SET" identifier
: searchSpecification ("," searchSpecification)*
: identifier sortDirection? nullsPrecedence?
5. Credits
The full list of contributors to Hibernate ORM can be found on the GitHub repository.
The following contributors were involved in this documentation:
Gavin King