Package org.hibernate

Class ObjectNotFoundException

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class ObjectNotFoundException extends UnresolvableObjectException
Thrown when Session.find(Class, Object) fails to select a row with the given primary key (identifier value).

On the other hand, this exception might not be thrown immediately by Session.getReference(Class, Object) is called, even when there was no row on the database, because getReference() returns a proxy if possible. Programs should use Session.find() to test if a row exists in the database.

Like all Hibernate exceptions, this one is considered unrecoverable.

See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • ObjectNotFoundException

      public ObjectNotFoundException(Object identifier, String entityName)
      Constructs a ObjectNotFoundException using the given information.
      identifier - The identifier of the entity
      entityName - The name of the entity
    • ObjectNotFoundException

      public ObjectNotFoundException(String entityName, Object identifier)