Annotation Interface CurrentTimestamp

@Retention(RUNTIME) @Target({FIELD,METHOD,ANNOTATION_TYPE}) public @interface CurrentTimestamp
Specifies that the annotated field of property is a generated timestamp, and also specifies the timing of the timestamp generation, and whether it is generated in Java or by the database:

By default, the timestamp is generated by the database, which might require an extra round trip to the database to fetch the generated value, depending on the capabilities of the database and driver.

This annotation may be used in combination with the JPA-defined Version annotation.

The annotated property may be of any one of the following types: Date, Calendar, Date, Time, Timestamp, Instant, LocalDate, LocalDateTime, LocalTime, MonthDay, OffsetDateTime, OffsetTime, Year, YearMonth, or ZonedDateTime.

A field annotated @CurrentTimestamp may not be directly set by the application program.

See Also:
  • Optional Element Summary

    Optional Elements
    Modifier and Type
    Optional Element
    Determines when the timestamp is generated.
    Specifies how the timestamp is generated.
  • Element Details

    • event

      EventType[] event
      Determines when the timestamp is generated. But default, it is updated when any SQL insert or update statement is executed. If it should be generated just once, on the initial SQL insert, explicitly specify event = INSERT.
    • source

      SourceType source
      Specifies how the timestamp is generated. By default, it is generated by the database. Depending on the capabilities of the database and JDBC driver, this might require that the value be fetched using a subsequent select statement. Setting source = VM guarantees that this additional select never occurs.