Annotation Interface JdbcTypeCode

@Target({METHOD,FIELD,ANNOTATION_TYPE}) @Inherited @Retention(RUNTIME) public @interface JdbcTypeCode
Specifies the JDBC type-code to use for the column mapping.
  • When applied to a Map-valued attribute, describes the Map value. Use MapKeyJdbcTypeCode to describe the key instead
  • When applied to a List of array-valued attribute, describes the element. Use ListIndexJdbcTypeCode to describe the index instead
  • When mapping an id-bag, describes the collection element. Use CollectionIdJdbcTypeCode to describe the collection-id
  • For other collection mappings, describes the elements
  • For discriminated association mappings (@Any and @ManyToAny), describes the discriminator value.

This code is generally as one of the values defined in Types, but are not limited to these. The code is resolved against an internal registry of JdbcType references. See the user guide for additional details.

See basic-value-mapping for high-level discussion of basic value mapping.

See Also:
  • Required Element Summary

    Required Elements
    Modifier and Type
    Required Element
    The standard JDBC Types code or a custom code.
  • Element Details

    • value

      int value
      The standard JDBC Types code or a custom code. This ultimately decides which JdbcType is used to "understand" the described SQL data type.