Annotation Interface PropertyRef

Allows to specify the target of a foreign-key using a "target attribute" as opposed to join column(s). E.g.
     class Employee {
         Integer id;
         String socialSecurityNumber;
     class TaxDetails {
         @Id Integer id;
         Employee employee;
Generally more useful with composite keys:
     class Name {
         String first;
         String last;
     class Employee {
         Integer id;
         Name name;
     class TaxDetails {
         @Id Integer id;
         Employee employee;
API Note:
As Hibernate allows OneToMany.mappedBy() and ManyToMany.mappedBy() to refer to basic and embedded attributes already, this annotation is mainly useful for mapping to-one associations.
  • Required Element Summary

    Required Elements
    Modifier and Type
    Required Element
    The name of the attribute on the target entity which defines the foreign-key target.
  • Element Details

    • value

      String value
      The name of the attribute on the target entity which defines the foreign-key target.