Interface ArchiveDescriptorFactory

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractArchiveDescriptorFactory, StandardArchiveDescriptorFactory

public interface ArchiveDescriptorFactory
Contract for building ArchiveDescriptor instances.
  • Method Details

    • buildArchiveDescriptor

      ArchiveDescriptor buildArchiveDescriptor(URL url)
      Build a descriptor of the archive indicated by the given url
      url - The url to the archive
      The descriptor
    • buildArchiveDescriptor

      ArchiveDescriptor buildArchiveDescriptor(URL url, String path)
      Build a descriptor of the archive indicated by the path relative to the given url
      url - The url to the archive
      path - The path within the given url that refers to the archive
      The descriptor
    • getJarURLFromURLEntry

      URL getJarURLFromURLEntry(URL url, String entry) throws IllegalArgumentException
      Given a URL which defines an entry within a JAR (really any "bundled archive" such as a jar file, zip, etc) and an entry within that JAR, find the URL to the JAR itself.
      url - The URL to an entry within a JAR
      entry - The entry that described the thing referred to by the URL relative to the JAR
      The URL to the JAR
      IllegalArgumentException - Generally indicates a problem with malformed urls.