Package org.hibernate.boot.jaxb.mapping.spi
package org.hibernate.boot.jaxb.mapping.spi
ClassDescriptionMaps a discriminator value to its corresponding entity name.JAXB binding interface for discriminated association based attributes (any and many-to-any)JAXB binding interface for describing the discriminator of a discriminated associationThe key of a
- the (logical) foreign-key valueDescribes the discriminator of a discriminated association (any, many-to-any), including the mapping of discriminator values to matching entity nameSee `@org.hibernate.annotations.Any`Describes the "foreign key" of a discriminated association (any, many-to-any).JAXB binding interface for association attributes (to-one and plural mappings)JAXB binding interface for commonality between things which contain attributes.This element contains the entity field or property mappings.See `@jakarta.persistence.Basic` See `@jakarta.persistence.Lob` See `@jakarta.persistence.Temporal` See `@jakarta.persistence.Enumerated` See `@jakarta.persistence.Convert` See `@org.hibernate.annotations.Nationalized` See `@org.hibernate.annotations.OptimisticLock` See `@org.hibernate.annotations.AttributeAccessor` See `@org.hibernate.annotations.Type` See `@org.hibernate.annotations.JavaType` See `@org.hibernate.annotations.JdbcType` See `@org.hibernate.annotations.JdbcTypeCode` See `@org.hibernate.annotations.Mutability` See `@org.hibernate.annotations.Immutable`A model part that is (or can be) basic-valued - JaxbIdImpl, JaxbBasicImpl and JaxbElementCollectionImplSee @org.hibernate.annotations.Cache Used to specify Hibernate-specific extra control over the caching of entity and collection state.public enum CascadeType { ALL, PERSIST, MERGE, REMOVE, REFRESH, DETACH }See `@org.hibernate.annotations.CollectionId` See `@org.hibernate.annotations.CollectionIdType` See `@org.hibernate.annotations.CollectionIdJavaType` See `@org.hibernate.annotations.CollectionIdJdbcType` See `@org.hibernate.annotations.CollectionIdJdbcTypeCode`See `@org.hibernate.annotations.CollectionType`See @CollectionTypeRegistrationSee `@jakarta.persistence.Column` See `@org.hibernate.annotations.Comment` See `@org.hibernate.annotations.Check` See `@org.hibernate.annotations.ColumnDefault` See `@org.hibernate.annotations.ColumnTransformer`See @CompositeTypeRegistrationConfiguration parameter user-typesSee @ConverterRegistrationorg.hibernate.annotations.SQLInsert org.hibernate.annotations.SQLUpdate org.hibernate.annotations.SQLDelete org.hibernate.annotations.SQLDeleteAllJava class for database-object complex typeJava class for anonymous complex typeJava class for database-object-scope complex typeMapping of a discriminator value to the corresponding entity-nameJava class for embeddable-attributes complex typeSee `@jakarta.persistence.Embeddable`See @EmbeddableInstantiatorRegistrationA model part that is (or can be) embeddable-valued (composite) - JaxbEmbeddedIdImpl, JaxbEmbeddedIdImpl and JaxbElementCollectionImplJava class for emptyType complex typeDefines the settings and mappings for an entity.Defines an entity listener to be invoked at lifecycle events for the entities that list this listener.The entity-mappings element is the root element of a mapping file.JAXB binding interface for commonality between entity and mapped-superclass mappingsJava class for fetch-profile complex typeJava class for anonymous complex typeSpecifies a filter definition.Used to identify all bind parameters in the condition elementApplies a filter defined by hbm-filter-def usageJava class for anonymous complex typeNames a implementation (class attribute) as well as any configuration information need by the implementation (Hibernate will pass it the parameters after instantiation).Java class for hql-import complex typeSee @JavaTypeRegistrationSee @JdbcTypeRegistrationJAXB binding interface for lifecycle callbacks.JAXB binding interface for commonality between things which allow callback declarations.Non-id, non-version singular attributeCommon interface for JAXB bindings representing entities, mapped-superclasses and embeddables (JPA collective calls these "managed types" in terms of its Metamodel api).Defines the settings and mappings for a mapped superclass.See `@org.hibernate.annotations.TenantId`See `@org.hibernate.annotations.Nationalized`JAXB binding interface for natural-id definitionsSee `@org.hibernate.annotations.NaturalId`These defaults are applied to the persistence unit as a whole unless they are overridden by local annotation or XML element settings.Metadata that applies to the persistence unit and not just to the mapping file in which it is contained.Common interface for JAXB bindings that represent persistent attributes.See `@org.hibernate.annotations.ManyToAny`Java class for anonymous complex typeJAXB binding interface for plural attributesorg.hibernate.FetchMode enum valuesSee `@org.hibernate.annotations.PolymorphismType` See `@org.hibernate.annotations.Polymorphism`public @interface PropertyRef { String value(); }Models a named query hint in the JAXB modelUsed only by tools to generate finder methods for named queriesCommon interface for JAXB bindings that understand database schema (tables, sequences, etc).See `@jakarta.persistence.SecondaryTable` See `@org.hibernate.annotations.SecondaryRow`org.hibernate.FetchMode enum valuesCommonality between non-id, non-version and non-embedded.Java class for synchronized-table complex typeSee `@org.hibernate.annotations.TenantId`See `@org.hibernate.annotations.Type`See @TypeRegistrationSee `@org.hibernate.annotations.UuidGenerator`This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the org.hibernate.boot.jaxb.mapping.spi package.