Interface ImplicitJoinColumnNameSource

All Superinterfaces:

public interface ImplicitJoinColumnNameSource extends ImplicitNameSource
Context for determining the implicit name of a "join column" (think JoinColumn).
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • getNature

    • getEntityNaming

      EntityNaming getEntityNaming()
      Access to entity naming information. For "normal" join columns, this will be the entity where the association is defined. For "inverse" join columns, this will be the target entity.
      Owning entity naming information
    • getAttributePath

      AttributePath getAttributePath()
      Access to the name of the attribute that defines the association. For "normal" join columns, this will be the attribute where the association is defined. For "inverse" join columns, this will be the "mapped-by" attribute.
      The owning side's attribute name.
    • getReferencedTableName

      Identifier getReferencedTableName()
      Access the name of the table that is the target of the FK being described
      The referenced table name
    • getReferencedColumnName

      Identifier getReferencedColumnName()
      Access the name of the column that is the target of the FK being described
      The referenced column name