Interface ImplicitPrimaryKeyJoinColumnNameSource

All Superinterfaces:

public interface ImplicitPrimaryKeyJoinColumnNameSource extends ImplicitNameSource
Used to help determine the implicit name of columns which are part of a primary-key, well simultaneously being part of a foreign-key (join). Generally, this happens in:
  • secondary tables
  • joined inheritance tables
  • one-to-one associations
  • Method Details

    • getReferencedTableName

      Identifier getReferencedTableName()
      Access the name of the table referenced by the foreign-key described here.
      The referenced table name.
    • getReferencedPrimaryKeyColumnName

      Identifier getReferencedPrimaryKeyColumnName()
      Access the name of the column that is a primary key column in the referenced-table that is referenced by the foreign-key described here.
      The referenced primary key column name.