Class ObjectNameNormalizer


public class ObjectNameNormalizer extends Object
Provides centralized normalization of how database object names are handled.
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • normalizeIdentifierQuoting

      public Identifier normalizeIdentifierQuoting(String identifierText)
      Normalizes the quoting of identifiers.

      This implements the rules set forth in JPA 2 (section "2.13 Naming of Database Objects") which states that the double-quote (") is the character which should be used to denote a quoted identifier. Here, we handle recognizing that and converting it to the more elegant backtick (`) approach used in Hibernate. Additionally, we account for applying what JPA2 terms "globally quoted identifiers".

      identifierText - The identifier to be quoting-normalized.
      The identifier accounting for any quoting that need be applied.
    • database

      protected Database database()
    • normalizeIdentifierQuoting

      public Identifier normalizeIdentifierQuoting(Identifier identifier)
    • normalizeIdentifierQuotingAsString

      public String normalizeIdentifierQuotingAsString(String identifierText)
      Normalizes the quoting of identifiers. This form returns a String rather than an Identifier to better work with the legacy code in org.hibernate.mapping
      identifierText - The identifier to be quoting-normalized.
      The identifier accounting for any quoting that need be applied.
    • toDatabaseIdentifierText

      public String toDatabaseIdentifierText(String identifierText)
    • determineLogicalName

      public Identifier determineLogicalName(String explicitName, NamingStrategyHelper namingStrategyHelper)
      Determine the logical name give a (potentially null/empty) explicit name.
      explicitName - The explicit, user-supplied name
      namingStrategyHelper - The naming strategy helper.
      The logical name
    • applyGlobalQuoting

      public String applyGlobalQuoting(String text)
      Intended only for use in handling quoting requirements for column-definition as defined by Column.columnDefinition(), JoinColumn.columnDefinition(), etc. This method should not be called in any other scenario.
      text - The specified column definition
      The name with global quoting applied
    • getBuildingContext

      protected MetadataBuildingContext getBuildingContext()
      Access the contextual information related to the current process of building metadata. Here, that typically might be needed for accessing:
      The current building context