Interface ManagedResources

All Known Implementing Classes:
AdditionalManagedResourcesImpl, ManagedResourcesImpl

public interface ManagedResources
Represents the result of the first step of the process of building MetadataSources reference into a Metadata reference.

Essentially it represents the combination of:

  1. domain classes, packages and mapping files defined via MetadataSources
  2. attribute converters defined via MetadataBuildingOptions
  3. classes, converters, packages and mapping files auto-discovered as part of scanning
  • Method Details

    • getAttributeConverterDescriptors

      Collection<ConverterDescriptor> getAttributeConverterDescriptors()
      Informational access to the AttributeConverter definitions known about. Changes to made to the returned list have no effect.
      The AttributeConverter definitions.
    • getAnnotatedClassReferences

      Collection<Class<?>> getAnnotatedClassReferences()
      Informational access to any entity and component classes in the user domain model known by Class reference . Changes to made to the returned list have no effect.
      The list of entity/component classes known by Class reference.
    • getAnnotatedClassNames

      Collection<String> getAnnotatedClassNames()
      Informational access to any entity and component classes in the user domain model known by name. Changes to made to the returned list have no effect.
      The list of entity/component classes known by name.
    • getAnnotatedPackageNames

      Collection<String> getAnnotatedPackageNames()
      Informational access to any known annotated package names (packages with a package-info.class file that Hibernate has been told about). Changes to made to the returned list have no effect.
      The list of known annotated package names.
    • getXmlMappingBindings

      Informational access to binding for all known XML mapping files. Changes to made to the returned list have no effect.
      The list of bindings for all known XML mapping files.
    • getExtraQueryImports

      Map<String,Class<?>> getExtraQueryImports()