Package org.hibernate.boot.model.relational
package org.hibernate.boot.model.relational
Some SPIs related to DDL generation and schema management.
Includes the extremely useful
ClassDescriptionConvenience base class for
s.An auxiliary database object is a trigger, function, stored procedure, or anything similar which is defined using explicit handwritten DDLcreate
statements in the mapping metadata.Additional, optional interface forAuxiliaryDatabaseObject
s that want to allow expansion of allowable dialects via mapping.A pluggable contract that allows ordering of columns withinTable
.A no-op implementation.Standard implementation that orders columns by size and name following roughly this ordering:order by max(physicalSizeBytes, 4), physicalSizeBytes > 2048, name
Database objects (table, sequence, etc) which are associated with a contributor (ORM, Envers, etc) and can be selectively exported per contributorContract for entities (in the ERD sense) which can be exported viaCREATE
, etcIdentifies metamodel objects that can produceExportable
relational stuff.A general SQL command to be used while initializing a schema.Mainly this is used to support legacy sequence exporting.Represents a namespace (named schema/catalog pair) with a Database and manages objects defined within.Models the qualified name of a database object.Parses a qualified name.Models a databaseSEQUENCE
.A simple implementation ofAbstractAuxiliaryDatabaseObject
in which theCREATE
strings are provided up front.A context provided to methods responsible for generating SQL strings on startup.