Interface RelationalValueSourceHelper.ColumnsAndFormulasSource

All Known Implementing Classes:
BasicAttributeColumnsAndFormulasSource, ManyToOneAttributeColumnsAndFormulasSource, RelationalValueSourceHelper.AbstractColumnsAndFormulasSource
Enclosing class:

public static interface RelationalValueSourceHelper.ColumnsAndFormulasSource
Internal unifying contract used in creating Column and Formula instances. It adapts the variances across the different mappings which contribute column/formula information. For example, consider the <property/> mapping which might have:
  • a column XML attribute
  • a formula XML attribute
  • one or more nested <column/> XML elements
  • a nested <formula/> XML element
as opposed to a <timestamp/> mapping, which can only have:
  • a column XML attribute
  • Method Details

    • getSourceType

      XmlElementMetadata getSourceType()
      What kind of XML element does this information come from?
      The source XML element type
    • getSourceName

      String getSourceName()
      The name of the source. May be null if none was specified. Will be treated as null if the nature says it cannot be named.
      The name of the source.
      See Also:
    • getFormulaAttribute

      String getFormulaAttribute()
      Access to any formula defined via XML attribute.
      formula, if one, as defined via XML attribute.
    • getColumnOrFormulaElements

      List getColumnOrFormulaElements()
      Access to any nested <column/> or <formula /> XML elements.
      columns or formulas defined via nested XML elements.
    • getColumnAttribute

      String getColumnAttribute()
      Access to any column defined via XML attribute.
      column, if one, as defined via XML attribute.
    • getSizeSource

      SizeSource getSizeSource()
    • isNullable

      Boolean isNullable()
    • isUnique

      boolean isUnique()
    • getIndexConstraintNames

      Set<String> getIndexConstraintNames()
    • getUniqueKeyConstraintNames

      Set<String> getUniqueKeyConstraintNames()