Uses of Package
Packages that use org.hibernate.boot.models.spi
A range of SPIs allowing integration with—and customization of—the process of building metadata.
Classes in org.hibernate.boot.models.spi used by org.hibernate.boot.internalClassDescriptionRegistrations which are considered global, collected across annotations and XML mappings.
Classes in org.hibernate.boot.models.spi used by org.hibernate.boot.model.source.internal.annotationsClassDescriptionA registered conversion.Registrations which are considered global, collected across annotations and XML mappings.
Classes in org.hibernate.boot.models.spi used by org.hibernate.boot.models.internalClassDescriptionRegistration for a UserCollectionTypeRegistration for a CompositeUserTypeA registered conversion.Registered EmbeddableInstantiatorGlobal registration of a filter definitionGlobal registration of a generic generatorRegistrations which are considered global, collected across annotations and XML mappings.JavaType registrationJdbcType registrationJPA-style event listener with support for resolving callback methods from XML or from annotation.Global registration of a sequence generatorRegistration of a SqlResultSetMapping while processing managed resources as part of building the domain metamodelGlobal registration of a table generatorRegistration for a UserType
Classes in org.hibernate.boot.models.spi used by org.hibernate.boot.models.spiClassDescriptionRegistration for a UserCollectionTypeRegistration for a CompositeUserTypeA registered conversion.Registered EmbeddableInstantiatorGlobal registration of a filter definitionGlobal registration of a generic generatorJavaType registrationJdbcType registrationJPA-style event listener with support for resolving callback methods from XML or from annotation.Global registration of a sequence generatorRegistration of a SqlResultSetMapping while processing managed resources as part of building the domain metamodelGlobal registration of a table generatorRegistration for a UserType
Classes in org.hibernate.boot.models.spi used by org.hibernate.boot.spiClassDescriptionRegistrations which are considered global, collected across annotations and XML mappings.
Classes in org.hibernate.boot.models.spi used by org.hibernate.testing.orm.junitClassDescriptionRegistrations which are considered global, collected across annotations and XML mappings.