Uses of Interface

Packages that use ClassLoaderService
Support for integrating Jakarta Bean Validation.
Implementation of the service for processing and handling cfg.xml files.
Defines service registry contracts a program may use for configuring Hibernate.
The class loading service internals.
The internals for building service registries.
Internals for building StrategySelector
Implementation of the SPI for extensions which integrate with Hibernate via the Service mechanism.
Internal utility classes
The packages in this namespace are responsible for implementing certain requirements of the JPA specification, especially things which are only needed when Hibernate is acting as a JPA persistence provider.
An SPI used to initiate and control the JPA bootstrap process, along with SPI interfaces allowing certain sorts of extensions to be contributed during the bootstrap process.
Defines an SPI for integration with CDI-like containers.
An implementation of the SPI for the tooling related to DDL generation, export, migration, and validation.