Uses of Package

Packages that use org.hibernate.boot.registry
This package contains the interfaces that make up the bootstrap API for Hibernate.
Implementation of the service for processing and handling cfg.xml files.
Defines service registry contracts a program may use for configuring Hibernate.
The internals for building service registries.
A range of SPIs allowing integration with—and customization of—the process of building metadata.
Internal implementations and support for second-level caching.
This package defines APIs for configuring Hibernate.
The built-in implementation of the configuration service.
Internals for JDBC batching support.
Various implementations of the SPI contracts for obtaining JDBC Connections.
Internals for JDBC REF_CURSOR support.
Internal support for Dialect resolution (from JDBC metadata) and Dialect building.
Internals for supporting various aspects of JDBC interaction
Internal contracts defining the JNDI support within Hibernate
A range of container-specific implementations of JtaPlatform.
This package defines a default set of event listeners that implement the default behaviors of Hibernate session operations.
Built-in implementation of the SPI for integrating entity and collection persisters.
Contains various implementations of PropertyAccessStrategy.
Defines an SPI for integration with CDI-like containers.
Internal implementation details for the resource-level transaction capabilities of Hibernate.
Defines a framework for pluggable services, allowing for customization of key components of Hibernate, and abstraction of these components as SPI interfaces.
Implementation of the SPI for integrating pluggable services.
Defines an SPI for integrating pluggable services.
An implementation of the SPI for the tooling related to DDL generation, export, migration, and validation.
Support for reading SQL scripts supplied to the schema tooling.