Package org.hibernate.boot.spi
Interface EffectiveMappingDefaults
- All Known Implementing Classes:
public interface EffectiveMappingDefaults
Defaults which are in effect for each mapping.
A combination of global settings and XML-specific settings
Field Summary
Fields -
Method Summary
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionThe defaultPropertyAccessStrategy
name to use if none specified in the mapping.The default cache access strategy to use if none is specifiedThe default cascade styles to apply to associations.The default database catalog name to useThe default column name to use for the discriminator column if none specified in the mapping.The default column name to use for the identifier column if none specified in the mapping.default CollectionClassification
Deprecated.No longer supportedThe default package name to use if none specified in XML mappings.The default AccessType to use if not specified in the mapping.The default database schema name to useThe default column name to use for the tenant identifier column if none is specified in the mapping.boolean
Whether auto-importing of entity names (for queries) is enabled.boolean
Whether plural attributes are lazy by default if not specified in the mapping.boolean
Whether singular associations (many-to-one, one-to-one) are lazy by default if not specified in the mapping.boolean
Whether database identifiers be quoted by default
Field Details
- See Also:
- See Also:
- See Also:
Method Details
String getDefaultCatalogName()The default database catalog name to use -
String getDefaultSchemaName()The default database schema name to use -
boolean isDefaultQuoteIdentifiers()Whether database identifiers be quoted by default -
String getDefaultIdColumnName()The default column name to use for the identifier column if none specified in the mapping. Falls back to "id". -
String getDefaultDiscriminatorColumnName()The default column name to use for the discriminator column if none specified in the mapping. Falls back to "class". -
String getDefaultTenantIdColumnName()The default column name to use for the tenant identifier column if none is specified in the mapping. Falls back to "tenant_id". -
String getDefaultPackageName()The default package name to use if none specified in XML mappings. Useful when all (or most) domain classes are in a single package. -
boolean isDefaultAutoImport()Whether auto-importing of entity names (for queries) is enabled. -
EnumSet<CascadeType> getDefaultCascadeTypes()The default cascade styles to apply to associations. -
AccessType getDefaultPropertyAccessType()The default AccessType to use if not specified in the mapping.- See Also:
String getDefaultAccessStrategyName()The defaultPropertyAccessStrategy
name to use if none specified in the mapping. -
boolean isDefaultEntityLaziness()Whether singular associations (many-to-one, one-to-one) are lazy by default if not specified in the mapping. -
boolean isDefaultCollectionLaziness()Whether plural attributes are lazy by default if not specified in the mapping.- See Also:
AccessType getDefaultCacheAccessType()The default cache access strategy to use if none is specified -
Deprecated.No longer supported