Interface EnhancementContext

All Known Implementing Classes:
DefaultEnhancementContext, EnhancementContextWrapper, EnhancerTestContext

public interface EnhancementContext
The context for performing an enhancement. Enhancement can happen in any number of ways:
  • Build time, via Ant
  • Build time, via Maven
  • Build time, via Gradle
  • Runtime, via agent
  • Runtime, via JPA constructs

This interface isolates the code that actually does the enhancement from the underlying context in which the enhancement is being performed.

  • Method Details

    • getLoadingClassLoader

      ClassLoader getLoadingClassLoader()
      Obtain access to the ClassLoader that can be used to load Class references. In JPA SPI terms, this should be a "temporary class loader" as defined by PersistenceUnitInfo.getNewTempClassLoader()
      The class loader that the enhancer can use.
    • isEntityClass

      boolean isEntityClass(UnloadedClass classDescriptor)
      Does the given class descriptor represent an entity class?
      classDescriptor - The descriptor of the class to check.
      true if the class is an entity; false otherwise.
    • isCompositeClass

      boolean isCompositeClass(UnloadedClass classDescriptor)
      Does the given class name represent an embeddable/component class?
      classDescriptor - The descriptor of the class to check.
      true if the class is an embeddable/component; false otherwise.
    • isMappedSuperclassClass

      boolean isMappedSuperclassClass(UnloadedClass classDescriptor)
      Does the given class name represent a MappedSuperclass class?
      classDescriptor - The descriptor of the class to check.
      true if the class is a mapped super class; false otherwise.
    • doBiDirectionalAssociationManagement

      boolean doBiDirectionalAssociationManagement(UnloadedField field)
      Should we manage association of bi-directional persistent attributes for this field?
      field - The field to check.
      true indicates that the field is enhanced so that for bi-directional persistent fields the association is managed, i.e. the associations are automatically set; false indicates that the management is handled by the user.
    • doDirtyCheckingInline

      @Deprecated(forRemoval=true) boolean doDirtyCheckingInline(UnloadedClass classDescriptor)
      Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
      Will be removed without replacement. See HHH-15641
      Should we in-line dirty checking for persistent attributes for this class?
      classDescriptor - The descriptor of the class to check.
      true indicates that dirty checking should be in-lined within the entity; false indicates it should not. In-lined is more easily serializable and probably more performant.
    • doExtendedEnhancement

      boolean doExtendedEnhancement(UnloadedClass classDescriptor)
      Should we enhance field access to entities from this class?
      classDescriptor - The descriptor of the class to check.
      true indicates that any direct access to fields of entities should be routed to the enhanced getter / setter method.
    • hasLazyLoadableAttributes

      @Deprecated(forRemoval=true) boolean hasLazyLoadableAttributes(UnloadedClass classDescriptor)
      Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
      Will be removed without replacement. See HHH-15641
      Does the given class define any lazy loadable attributes?
      classDescriptor - The class to check
    • isPersistentField

      boolean isPersistentField(UnloadedField ctField)
      Does the field represent persistent state? Persistent fields will be "enhanced".

      may be better to perform basic checks in the caller (non-static, etc) and call out with just the Class name and field name...

      ctField - The field reference.
      true if the field is ; false otherwise.
    • order

      UnloadedField[] order(UnloadedField[] persistentFields)
      For fields which are persistent (according to isPersistentField(org.hibernate.bytecode.enhance.spi.UnloadedField)), determine the corresponding ordering maintained within the Hibernate metamodel.
      persistentFields - The persistent field references.
      The ordered references.
    • isLazyLoadable

      boolean isLazyLoadable(UnloadedField field)
      Determine if a field is lazy loadable.
      field - The field to check
      true if the field is lazy loadable; false otherwise.
    • isMappedCollection

      boolean isMappedCollection(UnloadedField field)
      field - the field to check
      true if the field is mapped
    • isDiscoveredType

      boolean isDiscoveredType(UnloadedClass classDescriptor)
    • registerDiscoveredType

      void registerDiscoveredType(UnloadedClass classDescriptor, Type.PersistenceType type)
    • getUnsupportedEnhancementStrategy

      @Incubating default UnsupportedEnhancementStrategy getUnsupportedEnhancementStrategy()
      The expected behavior when encountering a class that cannot be enhanced, in particular when attribute names don't match field names.
      See Also: