Interface DomainDataCachingConfig

All Known Subinterfaces:
CollectionDataCachingConfig, EntityDataCachingConfig, NaturalIdDataCachingConfig
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractDomainDataCachingConfig, CollectionDataCachingConfigImpl, EntityDataCachingConfigImpl, NaturalIdDataCachingConfigImpl

public interface DomainDataCachingConfig
Configuration for a specific type of data to be stored in the region
  • Method Details

    • getAccessType

      AccessType getAccessType()
      The requested AccessType
    • isMutable

      boolean isMutable()
      Is the data marked as being mutable?
    • isVersioned

      boolean isVersioned()
      Is the data to be cached considered versioned?
    • getNavigableRole

      NavigableRole getNavigableRole()
      The NavigableRole of the thing to be cached