Interface Region

All Known Subinterfaces:
DirectAccessRegion, DomainDataRegion, QueryResultsRegion, TimestampsRegion
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractDomainDataRegion, AbstractRegion, DirectAccessRegionTemplate, DomainDataRegionImpl, DomainDataRegionTemplate, JCacheDomainDataRegionImpl, QueryResultsRegionTemplate, TimestampsRegionTemplate

public interface Region
Contract for a named cache "region". A logical region might not necessarily correlate to any specific concept in the underlying caching provider - it's just a thing that can be referenced by name later.

A region's name is "unqualified"; i.e. it is not prefixed by SessionFactoryOptions.getCacheRegionPrefix().

Region is the base contract defining some common characteristics regardless of the type of data intended to be stored within the region. The more specific subtypes are:

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Clear all data cached in the region
    The "end state" contract of the region's lifecycle.
    Retrieve the unqualified name of this region.
    The RegionFactory that generated this Region
  • Method Details

    • getName

      String getName()
      Retrieve the unqualified name of this region.
    • getRegionFactory

      RegionFactory getRegionFactory()
      The RegionFactory that generated this Region
    • clear

      void clear()
      Clear all data cached in the region
    • destroy

      void destroy() throws CacheException
      The "end state" contract of the region's lifecycle. Called during SessionFactory.close() to give the region a chance to cleanup.
      CacheException - Indicates problem shutting down