Interface NaturalIdDataAccess

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractNaturalIdDataAccess, NaturalIdNonStrictReadWriteAccess, NaturalIdReadOnlyAccess, NaturalIdReadWriteAccess, NaturalIdTransactionalAccess

public interface NaturalIdDataAccess extends CachedDomainDataAccess
Contract for managing transactional and concurrent access to cached naturalId data. The expected call sequences related to various operations are:

Note the special case of UPDATES above. Because the cache key itself has changed here we need to remove the old entry as well

There is another usage pattern that is used to invalidate entries after a query performing "bulk" HQL/SQL operations: CachedDomainDataAccess.lockRegion() then CachedDomainDataAccess.removeAll(org.hibernate.engine.spi.SharedSessionContractImplementor) then CachedDomainDataAccess.unlockRegion(org.hibernate.cache.spi.access.SoftLock)

IMPORTANT : NaturalIds are not versioned so null will always be passed to the version parameter to: