Class ReferenceCacheEntryImpl

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, CacheEntry

public class ReferenceCacheEntryImpl extends Object implements CacheEntry
Specialized CacheEntry for storing direct references to entity instances.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • ReferenceCacheEntryImpl

      public ReferenceCacheEntryImpl(Object reference, EntityPersister subclassPersister)
      Constructs a ReferenceCacheEntryImpl
      reference - The reference entity instance
      subclassPersister - The specific subclass persister
  • Method Details

    • getReference

      public Object getReference()
      Provides access to the stored reference.
      The stored reference
    • isReferenceEntry

      public boolean isReferenceEntry()
      Description copied from interface: CacheEntry
      Does this entry represent a direct entity reference (rather than disassembled state)?
      Specified by:
      isReferenceEntry in interface CacheEntry
    • getSubclass

      public String getSubclass()
      Description copied from interface: CacheEntry
      Hibernate stores all entries pertaining to a given entity hierarchy in a single region. This attribute tells us the specific entity type represented by the cached data.
      Specified by:
      getSubclass in interface CacheEntry
      The entry's exact entity type.
    • getSubclassPersister

      public EntityPersister getSubclassPersister()
    • getVersion

      public Object getVersion()
      Description copied from interface: CacheEntry
      Retrieves the version (optimistic locking) associated with this cache entry.
      Specified by:
      getVersion in interface CacheEntry
      The version of the entity represented by this entry
    • getDisassembledState

      public Serializable[] getDisassembledState()
      Description copied from interface: CacheEntry
      Get the underlying disassembled state todo : this was added to support initializing an entity's EntityEntry snapshot during reattach; this should be refactored to instead expose a method to assemble an EntityEntry based on this state for return.
      Specified by:
      getDisassembledState in interface CacheEntry
      The disassembled state