Class EntityTransactionalAccess

All Implemented Interfaces:
CachedDomainDataAccess, EntityDataAccess, AbstractDomainDataRegion.Destructible

public class EntityTransactionalAccess extends AbstractEntityDataAccess
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • insert

      public boolean insert(SharedSessionContractImplementor session, Object key, Object value, Object version)
      Description copied from interface: EntityDataAccess
      Called afterQuery an item has been inserted (beforeQuery the transaction completes), instead of calling evict(). This method is used by "synchronous" concurrency strategies.
      session - Current session
      key - The item key
      value - The item
      version - The item's version value
      Were the contents of the cache actually changed by this operation?
    • afterInsert

      public boolean afterInsert(SharedSessionContractImplementor session, Object key, Object value, Object version)
      Description copied from interface: EntityDataAccess
      Called afterQuery an item has been inserted (afterQuery the transaction completes), instead of calling release(). This method is used by "asynchronous" concurrency strategies.
      session - Current session
      key - The item key
      value - The item
      version - The item's version value
      Were the contents of the cache actual changed by this operation?
    • update

      public boolean update(SharedSessionContractImplementor session, Object key, Object value, Object currentVersion, Object previousVersion)
      Description copied from interface: EntityDataAccess
      Called afterQuery an item has been updated (beforeQuery the transaction completes), instead of calling evict(). This method is used by "synchronous" concurrency strategies.
      session - Current session
      key - The item key
      value - The item
      currentVersion - The item's current version value
      previousVersion - The item's previous version value
      Were the contents of the cache actually changed by this operation?
    • afterUpdate

      public boolean afterUpdate(SharedSessionContractImplementor session, Object key, Object value, Object currentVersion, Object previousVersion, SoftLock lock)
      Description copied from interface: EntityDataAccess
      Called afterQuery an item has been updated (afterQuery the transaction completes), instead of calling release(). This method is used by "asynchronous" concurrency strategies.
      session - Current session
      key - The item key
      value - The item
      currentVersion - The item's current version value
      previousVersion - The item's previous version value
      lock - The lock previously obtained from CachedDomainDataAccess.lockItem(org.hibernate.engine.spi.SharedSessionContractImplementor, java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object)
      Were the contents of the cache actually changed by this operation?
    • getAccessType

      public AccessType getAccessType()
      Description copied from interface: CachedDomainDataAccess
      The type of access implemented