Class H2Dialect

All Implemented Interfaces:
FunctionContributor, TypeContributor, ConversionContext

public class H2Dialect extends Dialect
A SQL dialect for H2.

Please refer to the H2 documentation.

  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • determineDatabaseVersion

      public DatabaseVersion determineDatabaseVersion(DialectResolutionInfo info)
      Description copied from class: Dialect
      Determine the database version, as precise as possible and using Dialect-specific techniques, from a DialectResolutionInfo object.
      determineDatabaseVersion in class Dialect
      info - The dialect resolution info that would be passed by Hibernate ORM to the constructor of a Dialect of the same type.
      The corresponding database version.
    • getMinimumSupportedVersion

      protected DatabaseVersion getMinimumSupportedVersion()
      Description copied from class: Dialect
      Get the version of the SQL dialect that is the minimum supported by this implementation.
      getMinimumSupportedVersion in class Dialect
    • getDefaultNonContextualLobCreation

      public boolean getDefaultNonContextualLobCreation()
      Description copied from class: Dialect
      The default value to use for the configuration property "hibernate.jdbc.lob.non_contextual_creation".
      getDefaultNonContextualLobCreation in class Dialect
    • supportsStandardArrays

      public boolean supportsStandardArrays()
      Description copied from class: Dialect
      Does this database have native support for ANSI SQL standard arrays which are expressed in terms of the element type name: integer array.
      supportsStandardArrays in class Dialect
    • useArrayForMultiValuedParameters

      public boolean useArrayForMultiValuedParameters()
      Description copied from class: Dialect
      Does this database prefer to use array types for multi-valued parameters.
      useArrayForMultiValuedParameters in class Dialect
    • columnType

      protected String columnType(int sqlTypeCode)
      Description copied from class: Dialect
      The database column type name for a given JDBC type code defined in Types or SqlTypes. This default implementation returns the ANSI-standard type name.

      This method may be overridden by concrete Dialects as an alternative to Dialect.registerColumnTypes(TypeContributions, ServiceRegistry) for simple registrations.

      Note that:

      1. Implementations of this method are expected to define a sensible mapping forTypes.NCLOB Types.NCHAR, and Types.NVARCHAR. On some database, these types are simply remapped to CLOB, CHAR, and VARCHAR.
      2. Mappings for Types.TIMESTAMP and Types.TIMESTAMP_WITH_TIMEZONE should support explicit specification of precision if possible.
      3. As specified by DdlTypeRegistry.getDescriptor(int), this method never receives Types.LONGVARCHAR, Types.LONGNVARCHAR, nor Types.LONGVARBINARY, which are considered synonyms for their non-LONG counterparts.
      4. On the other hand, the types SqlTypes.LONG32VARCHAR, SqlTypes.LONG32NVARCHAR, and SqlTypes.LONG32VARBINARY are not synonyms, and implementations of this method must define sensible mappings, for example to database-native TEXT or CLOB types.
      columnType in class Dialect
      sqlTypeCode - a SQL type code
      a column type name, with $l, $p, $s placeholders for length, precision, scale
      See Also:
    • castType

      protected String castType(int sqlTypeCode)
      Description copied from class: Dialect
      The SQL type to use in cast( ... as ... ) expressions when casting to the target type represented by the given JDBC type code.
      castType in class Dialect
      sqlTypeCode - The JDBC type code representing the target type
      The SQL type to use in cast()
    • registerColumnTypes

      protected void registerColumnTypes(TypeContributions typeContributions, ServiceRegistry serviceRegistry)
      Description copied from class: Dialect
      Register ANSI-standard column types using the length limits defined by Dialect.getMaxVarcharLength(), Dialect.getMaxNVarcharLength(), and Dialect.getMaxVarbinaryLength().

      This method is always called when a Dialect is instantiated.

      registerColumnTypes in class Dialect
    • contributeTypes

      public void contributeTypes(TypeContributions typeContributions, ServiceRegistry serviceRegistry)
      Description copied from class: Dialect
      A callback which allows the Dialect to contribute types.
      contributeTypes in class Dialect
      typeContributions - Callback to contribute the types
      serviceRegistry - The service registry
    • getAggregateSupport

      public AggregateSupport getAggregateSupport()
      Description copied from class: Dialect
      How does this dialect support aggregate types like SqlTypes.STRUCT.
      getAggregateSupport in class Dialect
    • getDefaultStatementBatchSize

      public int getDefaultStatementBatchSize()
      Description copied from class: Dialect
      The default value to use for the configuration property "hibernate.jdbc.batch_size".
      getDefaultStatementBatchSize in class Dialect
    • hasOddDstBehavior

      public boolean hasOddDstBehavior()
    • initializeFunctionRegistry

      public void initializeFunctionRegistry(FunctionContributions functionContributions)
      Description copied from class: Dialect
      Initialize the given registry with any dialect-specific functions.

      Support for certain SQL functions is required, and if the database does not support a required function, then the dialect must define a way to emulate it.

      These required functions include the functions defined by the JPA query language specification:

      • avg(arg) - aggregate function
      • count([distinct ]arg) - aggregate function
      • max(arg) - aggregate function
      • min(arg) - aggregate function
      • sum(arg) - aggregate function
      • coalesce(arg0, arg1, ...)
      • nullif(arg0, arg1)
      • lower(arg)
      • upper(arg)
      • length(arg)
      • concat(arg0, arg1, ...)
      • locate(pattern, string[, start])
      • substring(string, start[, length])
      • trim([[spec ][character ]from] string)
      • abs(arg)
      • mod(arg0, arg1)
      • sqrt(arg)
      • current date
      • current time
      • current timestamp
      Along with an additional set of functions defined by ANSI SQL:
      • any(arg) - aggregate function
      • every(arg) - aggregate function
      • var_samp(arg) - aggregate function
      • var_pop(arg) - aggregate function
      • stddev_samp(arg) - aggregate function
      • stddev_pop(arg) - aggregate function
      • cast(arg as Type)
      • extract(field from arg)
      • ln(arg)
      • exp(arg)
      • power(arg0, arg1)
      • floor(arg)
      • ceiling(arg)
      • position(pattern in string)
      • substring(string from start[ for length])
      • overlay(string placing replacement from start[ for length])
      And the following functions for working with java.time types:
      • local date
      • local time
      • local datetime
      • offset datetime
      • instant
      And a number of additional "standard" functions:
      • left(string, length)
      • right(string, length)
      • replace(string, pattern, replacement)
      • pad(string with length spec[ character])
      • repeat(string, times)
      • pi
      • log10(arg)
      • log(base, arg)
      • sign(arg)
      • sin(arg)
      • cos(arg)
      • tan(arg)
      • asin(arg)
      • acos(arg)
      • atan(arg)
      • atan2(arg0, arg1)
      • round(arg0[, arg1])
      • truncate(arg0[, arg1])
      • sinh(arg)
      • tanh(arg)
      • cosh(arg)
      • least(arg0, arg1, ...)
      • greatest(arg0, arg1, ...)
      • degrees(arg)
      • radians(arg)
      • bitand(arg1, arg1)
      • bitor(arg1, arg1)
      • bitxor(arg1, arg1)
      • format(datetime as pattern)
      • collate(string as collation)
      • str(arg) - synonym of cast(a as String)
      • ifnull(arg0, arg1) - synonym of coalesce(a, b)
      Finally, the following functions are defined as abbreviations for extract(), and desugared by the parser:
      • second(arg) - synonym of extract(second from a)
      • minute(arg) - synonym of extract(minute from a)
      • hour(arg) - synonym of extract(hour from a)
      • day(arg) - synonym of extract(day from a)
      • month(arg) - synonym of extract(month from a)
      • year(arg) - synonym of extract(year from a)
      Note that according to this definition, the second() function returns a floating point value, contrary to the integer type returned by the native function with this name on many databases. Thus, we don't just naively map these HQL functions to the native SQL functions with the same names.
      initializeFunctionRegistry in class Dialect
    • getMaximumArraySize

      protected int getMaximumArraySize()
      H2 requires a very special emulation, because unnest is pretty much useless, due to issue 1815. This emulation uses array_get, array_length and system_range functions to roughly achieve the same, but requires that system_range is fed with a "maximum array size".
    • getMaximumSeriesSize

      protected int getMaximumSeriesSize()
      Since H2 doesn't support ordinality for the system_range function or lateral, it's impossible to use system_range for non-constant cases. Luckily, correlation can be emulated, but requires that there is an upper bound on the amount of elements that the series can return.
    • getDefaultOrdinalityColumnName

      public @Nullable String getDefaultOrdinalityColumnName()
      Description copied from class: Dialect
      Returns the default name of the ordinality column for a set-returning function if it supports that, otherwise returns null.
      getDefaultOrdinalityColumnName in class Dialect
    • augmentPhysicalTableTypes

      public void augmentPhysicalTableTypes(List<String> tableTypesList)
      augmentPhysicalTableTypes in class Dialect
    • resolveSqlTypeCode

      protected Integer resolveSqlTypeCode(String columnTypeName, TypeConfiguration typeConfiguration)
      Description copied from class: Dialect
      Resolves the SqlTypes type code for the given column type name as reported by the database, or null if it can't be resolved.
      resolveSqlTypeCode in class Dialect
    • resolveSqlTypeDescriptor

      public JdbcType resolveSqlTypeDescriptor(String columnTypeName, int jdbcTypeCode, int precision, int scale, JdbcTypeRegistry jdbcTypeRegistry)
      Description copied from class: Dialect
      Assigns an appropriate JdbcType to a column of a JDBC result set based on the column type name, JDBC type code, precision, and scale.
      resolveSqlTypeDescriptor in class Dialect
      columnTypeName - the column type name
      jdbcTypeCode - the type code
      precision - the precision or 0
      scale - the scale or 0
      an appropriate instance of JdbcType
    • resolveSqlTypeCode

      protected Integer resolveSqlTypeCode(String typeName, String baseTypeName, TypeConfiguration typeConfiguration)
      Description copied from class: Dialect
      Resolves the SqlTypes type code for the given column type name as reported by the database and the base type name (i.e. without precision, length and scale), or null if it can't be resolved.
      resolveSqlTypeCode in class Dialect
    • getMaxVarcharLength

      public int getMaxVarcharLength()
      Description copied from class: Dialect
      The biggest size value that can be supplied as argument to a Types.VARCHAR-like type.

      For longer column lengths, use some sort of text-like type for the column.

      getMaxVarcharLength in class Dialect
    • currentTime

      public String currentTime()
      Description copied from class: Dialect
      Translation of the HQL/JPQL current_time function, which maps to the Java type Time which is a time with no time zone. This contradicts ANSI SQL where current_time has the type TIME WITH TIME ZONE.

      It is recommended to override this in dialects for databases which support localtime or time at local.

      currentTime in class Dialect
    • currentTimestamp

      public String currentTimestamp()
      Description copied from class: Dialect
      Translation of the HQL/JPQL current_timestamp function, which maps to the Java type Timestamp which is a datetime with no time zone. This contradicts ANSI SQL where current_timestamp has the type TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE.

      It is recommended to override this in dialects for databases which support localtimestamp or timestamp at local.

      currentTimestamp in class Dialect
    • currentTimestampWithTimeZone

      public String currentTimestampWithTimeZone()
      Description copied from class: Dialect
      Translation of the HQL offset_datetime function, which maps to the Java type OffsetDateTime which is a datetime with a time zone. This in principle correctly maps to the ANSI SQL current_timestamp which has the type TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE.
      currentTimestampWithTimeZone in class Dialect
    • getSqlAstTranslatorFactory

      public SqlAstTranslatorFactory getSqlAstTranslatorFactory()
      Description copied from class: Dialect
      Return a SqlAstTranslatorFactory specific to this dialect, or null to use the standard translator.
      getSqlAstTranslatorFactory in class Dialect
      See Also:
    • extractPattern

      public String extractPattern(TemporalUnit unit)
      In H2, the extract() function does not return fractional seconds for the field TemporalUnit.SECOND. We work around this here with two calls to extract().
      extractPattern in class Dialect
      unit - the first argument
    • castPattern

      public String castPattern(CastType from, CastType to)
      Description copied from class: Dialect
      Obtain a pattern for the SQL equivalent to a cast() function call. The resulting pattern must contain ?1 and ?2 placeholders for the arguments.
      castPattern in class Dialect
      from - a CastType indicating the type of the value argument
      to - a CastType indicating the type the value argument is cast to
    • timestampaddPattern

      public String timestampaddPattern(TemporalUnit unit, TemporalType temporalType, IntervalType intervalType)
      Description copied from class: Dialect
      Obtain a pattern for the SQL equivalent to a timestampadd() function call. The resulting pattern must contain ?1, ?2, and ?3 placeholders for the arguments.
      timestampaddPattern in class Dialect
      unit - The unit to add to the temporal
      temporalType - The type of the temporal
      intervalType - The type of interval to add or null if it's not a native interval
    • timestampdiffPattern

      public String timestampdiffPattern(TemporalUnit unit, TemporalType fromTemporalType, TemporalType toTemporalType)
      Description copied from class: Dialect
      Obtain a pattern for the SQL equivalent to a timestampdiff() function call. The resulting pattern must contain ?1, ?2, and ?3 placeholders for the arguments.
      timestampdiffPattern in class Dialect
      unit - the first argument
      fromTemporalType - true if the first argument is a timestamp, false if a date
      toTemporalType - true if the second argument is
    • appendDateTimeLiteral

      public void appendDateTimeLiteral(SqlAppender appender, TemporalAccessor temporalAccessor, TemporalType precision, TimeZone jdbcTimeZone)
      Description copied from class: Dialect
      Append a datetime literal representing the given java.time value to the given SqlAppender.
      appendDateTimeLiteral in class Dialect
    • appendDateTimeLiteral

      public void appendDateTimeLiteral(SqlAppender appender, Date date, TemporalType precision, TimeZone jdbcTimeZone)
      Description copied from class: Dialect
      Append a datetime literal representing the given Date value to the given SqlAppender.
      appendDateTimeLiteral in class Dialect
    • appendDateTimeLiteral

      public void appendDateTimeLiteral(SqlAppender appender, Calendar calendar, TemporalType precision, TimeZone jdbcTimeZone)
      Description copied from class: Dialect
      Append a datetime literal representing the given Calendar value to the given SqlAppender.
      appendDateTimeLiteral in class Dialect
    • supportsTimeLiteralOffset

      public boolean supportsTimeLiteralOffset()
    • supportsTemporalLiteralOffset

      public boolean supportsTemporalLiteralOffset()
      Description copied from class: Dialect
      Does this dialect supports timezone offsets in temporal literals.
      supportsTemporalLiteralOffset in class Dialect
    • getTimeZoneSupport

      public TimeZoneSupport getTimeZoneSupport()
      Description copied from class: Dialect
      How the dialect supports time zone types like Types.TIMESTAMP_WITH_TIMEZONE.
      getTimeZoneSupport in class Dialect
    • supportsIsTrue

      public boolean supportsIsTrue()
      Description copied from class: Dialect
      Does this dialect support the is true and is false operators?
      supportsIsTrue in class Dialect
      true if the database supports is true and is false, or false if it does not. The default is is false.
    • appendBooleanValueString

      public void appendBooleanValueString(SqlAppender appender, boolean bool)
      Description copied from class: Dialect
      Append the SQL literal expression representing the given boolean value to the given SqlAppender.
      appendBooleanValueString in class Dialect
      appender - The SqlAppender to append the literal expression to
      bool - The boolean value
    • getLimitHandler

      public LimitHandler getLimitHandler()
      Description copied from class: Dialect
      Obtain a LimitHandler that implements pagination support for Query.setMaxResults(int) and Query.setFirstResult(int).
      getLimitHandler in class Dialect
    • supportsDistinctFromPredicate

      public boolean supportsDistinctFromPredicate()
      Description copied from class: Dialect
      Does this dialect support some kind of distinct from predicate?

      That is, does it support syntax like:

      supportsDistinctFromPredicate in class Dialect
      True if this SQL dialect is known to support some kind of distinct from predicate; false otherwise
    • supportsIfExistsAfterTableName

      public boolean supportsIfExistsAfterTableName()
      Description copied from class: Dialect
      For dropping a table, can the phrase if exists be applied after the table name?
      supportsIfExistsAfterTableName in class Dialect
      true if if exists can be applied after the table name
    • supportsIfExistsBeforeTableName

      public boolean supportsIfExistsBeforeTableName()
      Description copied from class: Dialect
      For dropping a table, can the phrase if exists be applied before the table name?
      supportsIfExistsBeforeTableName in class Dialect
      true if if exists can be applied before the table name
    • supportsIfExistsAfterAlterTable

      public boolean supportsIfExistsAfterAlterTable()
      Description copied from class: Dialect
      For an alter table, can the phrase if exists be applied?
      supportsIfExistsAfterAlterTable in class Dialect
      true if if exists can be applied after alter table
    • supportsIfExistsBeforeConstraintName

      public boolean supportsIfExistsBeforeConstraintName()
      Description copied from class: Dialect
      For dropping a constraint with an alter table statement, can the phrase if exists be applied before the constraint name?
      supportsIfExistsBeforeConstraintName in class Dialect
      true if if exists can be applied before the constraint name
    • getCascadeConstraintsString

      public String getCascadeConstraintsString()
      Description copied from class: Dialect
      The keyword that specifies that a drop table operation should be cascaded to its constraints, typically " cascade" where the leading space is required, or the empty string if there is no such keyword in this dialect.
      getCascadeConstraintsString in class Dialect
      The cascade drop keyword, if any, with a leading space
    • supportsAlterColumnType

      public boolean supportsAlterColumnType()
      Description copied from class: Dialect
      Does this dialect support modifying the type of an existing column?
      supportsAlterColumnType in class Dialect
    • getAlterColumnTypeString

      public String getAlterColumnTypeString(String columnName, String columnType, String columnDefinition)
      Description copied from class: Dialect
      The fragment of an alter table command which modifies a column type, or null if column types cannot be modified. Often alter column col_name set data type col_type.
      getAlterColumnTypeString in class Dialect
      columnName - the name of the column
      columnType - the new type of the column
      columnDefinition - the full column definition
      a fragment to be appended to alter table
    • supportsCommentOn

      public boolean supportsCommentOn()
      Description copied from class: Dialect
      Does this dialect support commenting on tables and columns?
      supportsCommentOn in class Dialect
      true if commenting is supported
    • dropConstraints

      public boolean dropConstraints()
      Description copied from class: Dialect
      Do we need to drop constraints before dropping tables in this dialect?
      dropConstraints in class Dialect
      True if constraints must be dropped prior to dropping the table; false otherwise.
    • getSequenceSupport

      public SequenceSupport getSequenceSupport()
      Description copied from class: Dialect
      Get the appropriate SequenceSupport for this dialect.
      getSequenceSupport in class Dialect
    • getQuerySequencesString

      public String getQuerySequencesString()
      Description copied from class: Dialect
      Get the select command used retrieve the names of all sequences.
      getQuerySequencesString in class Dialect
      The select command; or null if sequences are not supported.
    • getSequenceInformationExtractor

      public SequenceInformationExtractor getSequenceInformationExtractor()
      Description copied from class: Dialect
      A SequenceInformationExtractor which is able to extract SequenceInformation from the JDBC result set returned when Dialect.getQuerySequencesString() is executed.
      getSequenceInformationExtractor in class Dialect
    • getNullOrdering

      public NullOrdering getNullOrdering()
      Description copied from class: Dialect
      Returns the default ordering of null.
      getNullOrdering in class Dialect
    • getFallbackSqmMutationStrategy

      public SqmMultiTableMutationStrategy getFallbackSqmMutationStrategy(EntityMappingType entityDescriptor, RuntimeModelCreationContext runtimeModelCreationContext)
      Description copied from class: Dialect
      getFallbackSqmMutationStrategy in class Dialect
      See Also:
    • getFallbackSqmInsertStrategy

      public SqmMultiTableInsertStrategy getFallbackSqmInsertStrategy(EntityMappingType entityDescriptor, RuntimeModelCreationContext runtimeModelCreationContext)
      Description copied from class: Dialect
      getFallbackSqmInsertStrategy in class Dialect
      See Also:
    • getTemporaryTableCreateOptions

      public String getTemporaryTableCreateOptions()
      Description copied from class: Dialect
      An arbitrary SQL fragment appended to the end of the statement to create a temporary table, specifying dialect-specific options, or null if there are no options to specify.
      getTemporaryTableCreateOptions in class Dialect
    • getSupportedTemporaryTableKind

      public TemporaryTableKind getSupportedTemporaryTableKind()
      Description copied from class: Dialect
      The kind of temporary tables that are supported on this database.
      getSupportedTemporaryTableKind in class Dialect
    • getViolatedConstraintNameExtractor

      public ViolatedConstraintNameExtractor getViolatedConstraintNameExtractor()
      Description copied from class: Dialect
      A ViolatedConstraintNameExtractor for extracting the name of a violated constraint from a SQLException.
      Specified by:
      getViolatedConstraintNameExtractor in interface ConversionContext
      getViolatedConstraintNameExtractor in class Dialect
    • buildSQLExceptionConversionDelegate

      public SQLExceptionConversionDelegate buildSQLExceptionConversionDelegate()
      Description copied from class: Dialect
      An instance of SQLExceptionConversionDelegate for interpreting dialect-specific error or SQLState codes.

      If this method is overridden to return a non-null value, the default SQLExceptionConverter will use the returned SQLExceptionConversionDelegate in addition to the following standard delegates:

      1. a "static" delegate based on the JDBC4-defined SQLException hierarchy, and
      2. a delegate that interprets SQLState codes as either X/Open or SQL-2003 codes, depending on what is reported by the JDBC driver.

      It is strongly recommended that every Dialect implementation override this method, since interpretation of a SQL error is much more accurate when based on the vendor-specific error code, rather than on the SQLState.

      buildSQLExceptionConversionDelegate in class Dialect
      The SQLExceptionConversionDelegate for this dialect
    • supportsCurrentTimestampSelection

      public boolean supportsCurrentTimestampSelection()
      Description copied from class: Dialect
      Does this dialect support some way to retrieve the current timestamp value from the database?
      supportsCurrentTimestampSelection in class Dialect
      True if the current timestamp can be retrieved; false otherwise.
    • isCurrentTimestampSelectStringCallable

      public boolean isCurrentTimestampSelectStringCallable()
      Description copied from class: Dialect
      Is the command returned by Dialect.getCurrentTimestampSelectString() treated as callable?

      Typically, this indicates the use of the JDBC escape syntax.

      isCurrentTimestampSelectStringCallable in class Dialect
      if the Dialect.getCurrentTimestampSelectString() is treated as callable; false otherwise.
    • getCurrentTimestampSelectString

      public String getCurrentTimestampSelectString()
      Description copied from class: Dialect
      The command used to retrieve the current timestamp from the database.
      getCurrentTimestampSelectString in class Dialect
    • supportsLobValueChangePropagation

      public boolean supportsLobValueChangePropagation()
      Description copied from class: Dialect
      Does the dialect support propagating changes to LOB values back to the database? Talking about mutating the internal value of the locator, as opposed to supplying a new locator instance.
      supportsLobValueChangePropagation in class Dialect
      True if the changes are propagated back to the database; false otherwise.
    • supportsTupleCounts

      public boolean supportsTupleCounts()
      Description copied from class: Dialect
      Does this dialect support count(a,b)?
      supportsTupleCounts in class Dialect
      True if the database supports counting tuples; false otherwise.
    • requiresParensForTupleDistinctCounts

      public boolean requiresParensForTupleDistinctCounts()
      Description copied from class: Dialect
      If Dialect.supportsTupleDistinctCounts() is true, does this dialect require the tuple to be delimited with parentheses?
      requiresParensForTupleDistinctCounts in class Dialect
    • doesReadCommittedCauseWritersToBlockReaders

      public boolean doesReadCommittedCauseWritersToBlockReaders()
      Description copied from class: Dialect
      For the underlying database, is READ_COMMITTED isolation implemented by forcing readers to wait for write locks to be released?
      doesReadCommittedCauseWritersToBlockReaders in class Dialect
      True if writers block readers to achieve READ_COMMITTED; false otherwise.
    • getGroupBySelectItemReferenceStrategy

      public SelectItemReferenceStrategy getGroupBySelectItemReferenceStrategy()
      Description copied from class: Dialect
      Determine how selected items are referenced in the group by clause.
      getGroupBySelectItemReferenceStrategy in class Dialect
    • supportsOffsetInSubquery

      public boolean supportsOffsetInSubquery()
      Description copied from class: Dialect
      Does this dialect support offset in subqueries?

      For example:

       select * from Table1 where col1 in (select col1 from Table2 order by col2 limit 1 offset 1)
      supportsOffsetInSubquery in class Dialect
      true if it does
    • supportsWindowFunctions

      public boolean supportsWindowFunctions()
      Description copied from class: Dialect
      Does this dialect support window functions like row_number() over (..)?
      supportsWindowFunctions in class Dialect
      true if the underlying database supports window functions, false otherwise. The default is false.
    • supportsRecursiveCTE

      public boolean supportsRecursiveCTE()
      Description copied from class: Dialect
      Does this dialect/database support recursive CTEs?
      supportsRecursiveCTE in class Dialect
      true if recursive CTEs are supported
    • supportsFetchClause

      public boolean supportsFetchClause(FetchClauseType type)
      Description copied from class: Dialect
      Does this dialect support the given FETCH clause type.
      supportsFetchClause in class Dialect
      type - The fetch clause type
      true if the underlying database supports the given fetch clause type, false otherwise. The default is false.
    • getFunctionalDependencyAnalysisSupport

      public FunctionalDependencyAnalysisSupport getFunctionalDependencyAnalysisSupport()
      Description copied from class: Dialect
      Get this dialect's level of support for primary key functional dependency analysis within GROUP BY and ORDER BY clauses.
      getFunctionalDependencyAnalysisSupport in class Dialect
    • getIdentityColumnSupport

      public IdentityColumnSupport getIdentityColumnSupport()
      Description copied from class: Dialect
      Get the appropriate IdentityColumnSupport for this dialect.
      getIdentityColumnSupport in class Dialect
      the IdentityColumnSupport
    • supportsInsertReturning

      public boolean supportsInsertReturning()
      Description copied from class: Dialect
      Does this dialect fully support returning arbitrary generated column values after execution of an insert statement, using native SQL syntax?

      Support for identity columns is insufficient here, we require something like:

      1. insert ... returning ..., or
      2. select from final table (insert ... ).
      supportsInsertReturning in class Dialect
      true because we can use select ... from final table (insert .... )
      See Also:
    • supportsInsertReturningRowId

      public boolean supportsInsertReturningRowId()
      Description copied from class: Dialect
      Does this dialect supports returning the RowId column after execution of an insert statement, using native SQL syntax?
      supportsInsertReturningRowId in class Dialect
      true is the dialect supports returning the rowid column
      See Also:
    • supportsInsertReturningGeneratedKeys

      public boolean supportsInsertReturningGeneratedKeys()
      Description copied from class: Dialect
      Does this dialect fully support returning arbitrary generated column values after execution of an insert statement, using the JDBC method Connection.prepareStatement(String, String[]).

      Support for returning the generated value of an identity column via the JDBC method Connection.prepareStatement(String, int) is insufficient here.

      supportsInsertReturningGeneratedKeys in class Dialect
      true if GetGeneratedKeysDelegate works for any sort of primary key column (not just identity columns), or false if GetGeneratedKeysDelegate does not work, or only works for specialized identity/"autoincrement" columns
      See Also:
    • unquoteGetGeneratedKeys

      public boolean unquoteGetGeneratedKeys()
      Description copied from class: Dialect
      Does this dialect require unquoting identifiers when passing them to the Connection.prepareStatement(String, String[]) JDBC method.
      unquoteGetGeneratedKeys in class Dialect
      See Also:
    • registerResultSetOutParameter

      public int registerResultSetOutParameter(CallableStatement statement, int position) throws SQLException
      Description copied from class: Dialect
      Registers a parameter capable of returning a ResultSet by position, either an OUT parameter, or a REF_CURSOR parameter as defined in Java 8.
      registerResultSetOutParameter in class Dialect
      statement - The callable statement.
      position - The bind position at which to register the output param.
      The number of (contiguous) bind positions used.
      SQLException - Indicates problems registering the param.
    • getQueryHintString

      public String getQueryHintString(String query, String hints)
      Description copied from class: Dialect
      Apply a hint to the given SQL query.

      The entire query is provided, allowing full control over the placement and syntax of the hint.

      By default, ignore the hint and simply return the query.

      getQueryHintString in class Dialect
      query - The query to which to apply the hint.
      hints - The hints to apply
      The modified SQL
    • appendDatetimeFormat

      public void appendDatetimeFormat(SqlAppender appender, String format)
      Description copied from class: Dialect
      Translate the given datetime format string from the pattern language defined by Java's DateTimeFormatter to whatever pattern language is understood by the native datetime formatting function for this database (often the to_char() function).

      Since it's never possible to translate every pattern letter sequences understood by DateTimeFormatter, only the following subset of pattern letters is accepted by Hibernate:

      • G: era
      • y: year of era
      • Y: year of week-based year
      • M: month of year
      • w: week of week-based year (ISO week number)
      • W: week of month
      • E: day of week (name)
      • e: day of week (number)
      • d: day of month
      • D: day of year
      • a: AM/PM
      • H: hour of day (24 hour time)
      • h: hour of AM/PM (12 hour time)
      • m: minutes
      • s: seconds
      • z,Z,x: timezone offset

      In addition, punctuation characters and single-quoted literal strings are accepted.

      Appends a pattern accepted by the function that formats dates and times in this dialect to a SQL fragment that is being constructed.

      appendDatetimeFormat in class Dialect
    • translateExtractField

      public String translateExtractField(TemporalUnit unit)
      Description copied from class: Dialect
      Return the name used to identify the given field as an argument to the extract() function, or of this dialect's equivalent function.

      This method does not need to handle TemporalUnit.NANOSECOND, TemporalUnit.NATIVE, TemporalUnit.OFFSET, TemporalUnit.DATE, TemporalUnit.TIME, TemporalUnit.WEEK_OF_YEAR, nor TemporalUnit.WEEK_OF_MONTH, which are already desugared by ExtractFunction.

      translateExtractField in class Dialect
    • generatedAs

      public String generatedAs(String generatedAs)
      Description copied from class: Dialect
      The generated as clause, or similar, for generated column declarations in DDL statements.
      generatedAs in class Dialect
      generatedAs - a SQL expression used to generate the column value
      The generated as clause containing the given expression
    • canDisableConstraints

      public boolean canDisableConstraints()
      Description copied from class: Dialect
      Is there some way to disable foreign key constraint checking while truncating tables? (If there's no way to do it, and if we can't batch truncate, we must drop and recreate the constraints instead.)
      canDisableConstraints in class Dialect
      true if there is some way to do it
      See Also:
    • getEnableConstraintsStatement

      public String getEnableConstraintsStatement()
      Description copied from class: Dialect
      A SQL statement that re-enables foreign key constraint checking for all tables.
      getEnableConstraintsStatement in class Dialect
    • getEnumTypeDeclaration

      public String getEnumTypeDeclaration(String name, String[] values)
      Description copied from class: Dialect
      If this database has a special MySQL-style enum column type, return the type declaration for the given enumeration of values.

      If the database has no such type, return null.

      getEnumTypeDeclaration in class Dialect
      values - the enumerated values of the type
      the DDL column type declaration
    • getDisableConstraintsStatement

      public String getDisableConstraintsStatement()
      Description copied from class: Dialect
      A SQL statement that temporarily disables foreign key constraint checking for all tables.
      getDisableConstraintsStatement in class Dialect
    • getUniqueDelegate

      public UniqueDelegate getUniqueDelegate()
      Description copied from class: Dialect
      Get the UniqueDelegate supported by this dialect
      getUniqueDelegate in class Dialect
      The UniqueDelegate
    • rowId

      public String rowId(String rowId)
      Description copied from class: Dialect
      The name of a rowid-like pseudo-column which acts as a high-performance row locator, or null if this dialect has no such pseudo-column.

      If the rowid-like value is an explicitly-declared named column instead of an implicit pseudo-column, and if the given name is nonempty, return the given name.

      rowId in class Dialect
      rowId - the name specified by RowId.value(), which is ignored if Dialect.getRowIdColumnString(java.lang.String) is not overridden
    • rowIdSqlType

      public int rowIdSqlType()
      Description copied from class: Dialect
      The JDBC type code of the rowid-like pseudo-column which acts as a high-performance row locator.
      rowIdSqlType in class Dialect
      Types.ROWID by default
    • createOptionalTableUpdateOperation

      public MutationOperation createOptionalTableUpdateOperation(EntityMutationTarget mutationTarget, OptionalTableUpdate optionalTableUpdate, SessionFactoryImplementor factory)
      Description copied from class: Dialect
      Create a MutationOperation for a updating an optional table
      createOptionalTableUpdateOperation in class Dialect
    • getNativeParameterMarkerStrategy

      public ParameterMarkerStrategy getNativeParameterMarkerStrategy()
      Description copied from class: Dialect
      Support for native parameter markers.

      This is generally dependent on both the database and the driver.

      getNativeParameterMarkerStrategy in class Dialect
      May return null to indicate that the JDBC standard strategy should be used
    • getDmlTargetColumnQualifierSupport

      public DmlTargetColumnQualifierSupport getDmlTargetColumnQualifierSupport()
      Description copied from class: Dialect
      Get the minimum DmlTargetColumnQualifierSupport required by this dialect.
      getDmlTargetColumnQualifierSupport in class Dialect
      the column qualifier support required by this dialect
    • getCaseInsensitiveLike

      public String getCaseInsensitiveLike()
      Description copied from class: Dialect
      The name of the SQL operator that performs case-insensitive LIKE comparisons.
      getCaseInsensitiveLike in class Dialect
      The dialect-specific case-insensitive like operator.
    • supportsCaseInsensitiveLike

      public boolean supportsCaseInsensitiveLike()
      Description copied from class: Dialect
      Does this dialect support case-insensitive LIKE comparisons?
      supportsCaseInsensitiveLike in class Dialect
      true if the database supports case-insensitive like comparisons, false otherwise. The default is false.
    • supportsBindingNullSqlTypeForSetNull

      public boolean supportsBindingNullSqlTypeForSetNull()
      Description copied from class: Dialect
      Does this dialect support binding Types.NULL for PreparedStatement.setNull(int, int)? if it does, then call of PreparedStatement.getParameterMetaData() could be eliminated for better performance.
      supportsBindingNullSqlTypeForSetNull in class Dialect
      true indicates it does; false indicates it does not;
      See Also:
    • supportsValuesList

      public boolean supportsValuesList()
      Description copied from class: Dialect
      Does this dialect support values lists of form VALUES (1), (2), (3)?
      supportsValuesList in class Dialect
      true if values list are supported
    • getDual

      public String getDual()
      Description copied from class: Dialect
      Returns a table expression that has one row.
      getDual in class Dialect
      the SQL equivalent to Oracle's dual.