Class AbstractSelectLockingStrategy

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
PessimisticReadSelectLockingStrategy, PessimisticWriteSelectLockingStrategy, SelectLockingStrategy

public abstract class AbstractSelectLockingStrategy extends Object implements LockingStrategy
Base LockingStrategy implementation to support implementations based on issuing SQL SELECT statements. For non-read locks, this is achieved via the dialect's native SELECT ... FOR UPDATE syntax.
  • Constructor Details

    • AbstractSelectLockingStrategy

      protected AbstractSelectLockingStrategy(EntityPersister lockable, LockMode lockMode)
  • Method Details

    • getLockable

      protected EntityPersister getLockable()
    • getLockMode

      protected LockMode getLockMode()
    • generateLockString

      protected String generateLockString(int lockTimeout)
    • lock

      public void lock(Object id, Object version, Object object, int timeout, EventSource session) throws StaleObjectStateException, JDBCException
      Description copied from interface: LockingStrategy
      Acquire an appropriate type of lock on the underlying data that will endure until the end of the current transaction.
      Specified by:
      lock in interface LockingStrategy
      id - The id of the row to be locked
      version - The current version (or null if not versioned)
      object - The object logically being locked (currently not used)
      timeout - timeout in milliseconds, 0 = no wait, -1 = wait indefinitely
      session - The session from which the lock request originated
      StaleObjectStateException - Indicates an inability to locate the database row as part of acquiring the requested lock.
    • convertException

      protected HibernateException convertException(Object entity, JDBCException ex)
    • determineSql

      protected String determineSql(int timeout)
    • getNoWaitSql

      protected String getNoWaitSql()
    • getSkipLockedSql

      protected String getSkipLockedSql()