Class DB2zSequenceSupport

All Implemented Interfaces:

public final class DB2zSequenceSupport extends Object implements SequenceSupport
Sequence support for DB2zDialect.
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • DB2zSequenceSupport

      public DB2zSequenceSupport()
  • Method Details

    • getFromDual

      public String getFromDual()
      Specified by:
      getFromDual in interface SequenceSupport
    • getSelectSequenceNextValString

      public String getSelectSequenceNextValString(String sequenceName)
      Description copied from interface: SequenceSupport
      Generate the select expression fragment that will retrieve the next value of a sequence as part of another (typically DML) statement.

      This differs from SequenceSupport.getSequenceNextValString(String) in that it must return an expression usable within another statement.

      Specified by:
      getSelectSequenceNextValString in interface SequenceSupport
      sequenceName - the name of the sequence
      The "next value" fragment.
    • getSelectSequencePreviousValString

      public String getSelectSequencePreviousValString(String sequenceName)
      Description copied from interface: SequenceSupport
      Generate the select expression fragment that will retrieve the previous value of a sequence as part of another (typically DML) statement.

      This differs from SequenceSupport.getSequencePreviousValString(String) in that it must return an expression usable within another statement.

      Specified by:
      getSelectSequencePreviousValString in interface SequenceSupport
      sequenceName - the name of the sequence
      The "previous value" fragment.
    • getCreateSequenceString

      public String getCreateSequenceString(String sequenceName)
      Description copied from interface: SequenceSupport
      Typically dialects which support sequences can create a sequence with a single command. This method is a convenience making it easier to implement SequenceSupport.getCreateSequenceStrings(String,int,int) for these dialects.

      The default definition is to return create sequence sequenceName for the argument sequenceName. Dialects need to override this method if a sequence created in this manner does not start at 1, or if the syntax is nonstandard.

      Dialects which support sequences and can create a sequence in a single command need *only* override this method. Dialects which support sequences but require multiple commands to create a sequence should override SequenceSupport.getCreateSequenceStrings(String,int,int) instead.

      Specified by:
      getCreateSequenceString in interface SequenceSupport
      sequenceName - The name of the sequence
      The sequence creation command
    • getCreateSequenceString

      public String getCreateSequenceString(String sequenceName, int initialValue, int incrementSize)
      Description copied from interface: SequenceSupport
      Typically dialects which support sequences can create a sequence with a single command. This method is a convenience making it easier to implement SequenceSupport.getCreateSequenceStrings(String,int,int) for these dialects.

      Overloaded form of SequenceSupport.getCreateSequenceString(String), additionally taking the initial value and increment size to be applied to the sequence definition.

      The default definition is to suffix SequenceSupport.getCreateSequenceString(String) with the string: start with initialValue increment by incrementSize for the arguments initialValue and incrementSize. Dialects need to override this method if different key phrases are used to apply the allocation information.
      Specified by:
      getCreateSequenceString in interface SequenceSupport
      sequenceName - The name of the sequence
      initialValue - The initial value to apply to 'create sequence' statement
      incrementSize - The increment value to apply to 'create sequence' statement
      The sequence creation command