Class OracleSequenceSupport

All Implemented Interfaces:

public final class OracleSequenceSupport extends NextvalSequenceSupport
Sequence support for OracleDialect.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • OracleSequenceSupport

      public OracleSequenceSupport(DatabaseVersion version)
  • Method Details

    • getInstance

      public static SequenceSupport getInstance(Dialect dialect)
    • getFromDual

      public String getFromDual()
    • sometimesNeedsStartingValue

      public boolean sometimesNeedsStartingValue()
      Description copied from interface: SequenceSupport
      Do we need to explicitly specify minvalue or maxvalue when the initial value doesn't have the same sign as the increment?
    • getDropSequenceString

      public String getDropSequenceString(String sequenceName) throws MappingException
      Description copied from interface: SequenceSupport
      Typically dialects which support sequences can drop a sequence with a single command. This is convenience form of SequenceSupport.getDropSequenceStrings(java.lang.String) to help facilitate that.

      Dialects which support sequences and can drop a sequence in a single command need *only* override this method. Dialects which support sequences but require multiple commands to drop a sequence should instead override SequenceSupport.getDropSequenceStrings(java.lang.String).

      sequenceName - The name of the sequence
      The sequence drop commands
      MappingException - If sequences are not supported.