Class Collections


public final class Collections extends Object
Implements book-keeping for the collection persistence by reachability algorithm
  • Method Details

    • processUnreachableCollection

      public static void processUnreachableCollection(PersistentCollection<?> coll, SessionImplementor session)
      record the fact that this collection was dereferenced
      coll - The collection to be updated by un-reachability.
      session - The session
    • processReachableCollection

      public static void processReachableCollection(PersistentCollection<?> collection, CollectionType type, Object entity, SessionImplementor session)
      Initialize the role of the collection.
      collection - The collection to be updated by reachability.
      type - The type of the collection.
      entity - The owner of the collection.
      session - The session from which this request originates
    • skipRemoval

      public static boolean skipRemoval(EventSource session, CollectionPersister persister, Object key)
      Determines if we can skip the explicit SQL delete statement, since the rows will be deleted by on delete cascade.