Class LobCreationHelper


public class LobCreationHelper extends Object
Utilities for LOB creation
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • LobCreationHelper

      public LobCreationHelper()
  • Method Details

    • getSupportedContextualLobTypes

      public static EnumSet<LobTypes> getSupportedContextualLobTypes(Dialect dialect, Map<String,Object> configValues, Connection jdbcConnection)
      Basically here we are simply checking whether we can call the Connection methods for LOB creation added in JDBC 4. We not only check whether the Connection declares these methods, but also whether the actual Connection instance implements them (i.e. can be called without simply throwing an exception).
      dialect - The Dialect in use
      configValues - The map of settings
      jdbcConnection - The connection which can be used in level-of-support testing.