Interface PreparedStatementGroup

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractPreparedStatementGroup, PreparedStatementGroupNone, PreparedStatementGroupSingleTable, PreparedStatementGroupStandard

@Incubating public interface PreparedStatementGroup
Grouping of PreparedStatement references.
  • Method Details

    • getNumberOfStatements

      int getNumberOfStatements()
      The number of statements in this group
    • getNumberOfActiveStatements

      int getNumberOfActiveStatements()
    • getSingleStatementDetails

      PreparedStatementDetails getSingleStatementDetails()
      Get the single statement details.
      IllegalStateException - if there is more than one statement associated with this group.
    • forEachStatement

      void forEachStatement(BiConsumer<String,PreparedStatementDetails> action)
      Visit the details for each table mutation
    • resolvePreparedStatementDetails

      PreparedStatementDetails resolvePreparedStatementDetails(String tableName)
      Get the PreparedStatement in this group related to the given table-name. If the descriptor does not already exist, this method will create it.
      See Also:
    • getPreparedStatementDetails

      PreparedStatementDetails getPreparedStatementDetails(String tableName)
      Get the PreparedStatement in this group related to the given table-name. Will return null if no descriptor (yet) exists
    • release

      void release()
      Release resources held by this group.
    • hasMatching

      boolean hasMatching(Predicate<PreparedStatementDetails> filter)