Interface StatementPreparer

public interface StatementPreparer
Interface to the object that prepares JDBC Statements and PreparedStatements on behalf of a JdbcCoordinator.
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • createStatement

      Statement createStatement()
      Create a statement.
      the statement
    • prepareStatement

      PreparedStatement prepareStatement(String sql)
      Prepare a statement.
      sql - The SQL the statement to be prepared
      the prepared statement
    • prepareStatement

      PreparedStatement prepareStatement(String sql, boolean isCallable)
      Prepare a statement.
      sql - The SQL the statement to be prepared
      isCallable - Whether to prepare as a callable statement.
      the prepared statement
    • prepareStatement

      PreparedStatement prepareStatement(String sql, int autoGeneratedKeys)
      Prepare an INSERT statement, specifying how auto-generated (by the database) keys should be handled. Really this is a boolean, but JDBC opted to define it instead using 2 int constants:

      Generated keys are accessed afterwards via Statement.getGeneratedKeys()

      sql - The INSERT SQL
      autoGeneratedKeys - The autoGeneratedKeys flag
      the prepared statement
      See Also:
    • prepareStatement

      PreparedStatement prepareStatement(String sql, String[] columnNames)
      Prepare an INSERT statement, specifying columns which are auto-generated values to be returned. Generated keys are accessed afterwards via Statement.getGeneratedKeys()
      sql - - the SQL for the statement to be prepared
      columnNames - The name of the columns to be returned in the generated keys result set.
      the prepared statement
      See Also:
    • prepareQueryStatement

      PreparedStatement prepareQueryStatement(String sql, boolean isCallable, @Nullable ScrollMode scrollMode)
      Get a prepared statement for use in loading / querying.
      sql - The SQL the statement to be prepared
      isCallable - Whether to prepare as a callable statement.
      scrollMode - (optional) scroll mode to be applied to the resulting result set; may be null to indicate no scrolling should be applied.
      the prepared statement