Package org.hibernate.envers.configuration.internal.metadata
package org.hibernate.envers.configuration.internal.metadata
ClassDescriptionAbstract base class for various collection-based metadata generators.Abstract base class for all metadata generator implementations.A registry of audited and not-audited entity runtime configurations.A register of all audit entity names used so far.Holds information necessary to create an audit table: its name, schema and catalog, as well as the audit entity name.Generates metadata for basic properties: immutable types (including enums).Helper class that provides a way to resolve the
attribute for collections.Metadata building context used for collections to hold per-collection state.Utility class to build a column name iterator over different column collection types.Generates metadata for components.Exception indicating that a formula mapping was encountered where it is not currently supportedGenerates metadata for primary identifiers (ids) of versions entities.An implementation ofAbstractCollectionMetadataGenerator
that builds collection metadata and association mappings where the association uses a join column mapping.An implementation ofAbstractCollectionMetadataGenerator
that builds collection metadata and association mappings where the association uses a middle table mapping.Utility class meant to help facilitate the instantiation ofPersistentEntity
implementations.Builds query generators, for reading collection middle tables, along with any related entities.Generates metadata for to-one relations (reference-valued properties).