Uses of Class
Packages that use NotAuditedException
Uses of NotAuditedException in org.hibernate.envers
Methods in org.hibernate.envers that throw NotAuditedExceptionModifier and TypeMethodDescription<T> T
Find an entity by primary key at the given revision.<T> T
(Class<T> cls, Object primaryKey, LocalDateTime datetime) Find an entity by primary key on the given datetime.<T> T
Find an entity by primary key on the given date.<T> T
Find an entity by primary key at the given revision with the specified entityName.<T> T
(Class<T> cls, String entityName, Object primaryKey, Number revision, boolean includeDeletions) Find an entity by primary key at the given revision with the specified entityName, possibly including deleted entities in the search.AuditReader.getRevisions
(Class<?> cls, Object primaryKey) Get a list of revision numbers, at which an entity was modified.AuditReader.getRevisions
(Class<?> cls, String entityName, Object primaryKey) Get a list of revision numbers, at which an entity was modified, looking by entityName. -
Uses of NotAuditedException in org.hibernate.envers.internal.reader
Methods in org.hibernate.envers.internal.reader that throw NotAuditedExceptionModifier and TypeMethodDescription<T> T
<T> T
(Class<T> cls, Object primaryKey, LocalDateTime datetime) <T> T
<T> T
<T> T
(Class<T> cls, String entityName, Object primaryKey, Number revision, boolean includeDeletions) AuditReaderImpl.getRevisions
(Class<?> cls, Object primaryKey) AuditReaderImpl.getRevisions
(Class<?> cls, String entityName, Object primaryKey)