Uses of Class
Packages that use RevisionDoesNotExistException
Uses of RevisionDoesNotExistException in org.hibernate.envers
Methods in org.hibernate.envers that throw RevisionDoesNotExistExceptionModifier and TypeMethodDescription<T> T
(Class<T> cls, Object primaryKey, LocalDateTime datetime) Find an entity by primary key on the given datetime.<T> T
Find an entity by primary key on the given date.<T> T
(Class<T> revisionEntityClass, Number revision) A helper method; should be used only if a custom revision entity is used.AuditReader.getRevisionDate
(Number revision) Get the date, at which a revision was created.AuditReader.getRevisionNumberForDate
(Instant date) Gets the revision number, that corresponds to the given date.AuditReader.getRevisionNumberForDate
(LocalDateTime date) Gets the revision number, that corresponds to the given date.AuditReader.getRevisionNumberForDate
(Date date) Gets the revision number, that corresponds to the given date. -
Uses of RevisionDoesNotExistException in org.hibernate.envers.internal.reader
Methods in org.hibernate.envers.internal.reader that throw RevisionDoesNotExistExceptionModifier and TypeMethodDescription<T> T
(Class<T> cls, Object primaryKey, LocalDateTime datetime) <T> T
<T> T
(Class<T> revisionEntityClass, Number revision) AuditReaderImpl.getRevisionDate
(Number revision)