Interface RelationQueryGenerator

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractRelationQueryGenerator, OneAuditEntityQueryGenerator, OneEntityQueryGenerator, ThreeEntityQueryGenerator, TwoEntityOneAuditedQueryGenerator, TwoEntityQueryGenerator

public interface RelationQueryGenerator
Implementations of this interface provide a method to generate queries on a relation table (a table used for mapping relations). The query can select, apart from selecting the content of the relation table, also data of other "related" entities.
  • Method Details

    • getQuery

      Query getQuery(SharedSessionContractImplementor session, Object primaryKey, Number revision, boolean removed)
      Return the query to fetch the relation.
      session - The session.
      primaryKey - The primary key of the owning object.
      revision - The revision to be fetched.
      removed - Whether to return a query that includes the removed audit rows.