Class AuditQueryCreator


public class AuditQueryCreator extends Object
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • forEntitiesAtRevision

      public AuditQuery forEntitiesAtRevision(Class<?> c, Number revision)
      Creates a query, which will return entities satisfying some conditions (specified later), at a given revision. Deleted entities are not included.
      c - Class of the entities for which to query.
      revision - Revision number at which to execute the query.
      A query for entities at a given revision, to which conditions can be added and which can then be executed. The result of the query will be a list of entities (beans), unless a projection is added.
    • forEntitiesAtRevision

      public AuditQuery forEntitiesAtRevision(Class<?> c, String entityName, Number revision)
      Creates a query, which will return entities satisfying some conditions (specified later), at a given revision and a given entityName. Deleted entities are not included.
      c - Class of the entities for which to query.
      entityName - Name of the entity (if it can't be guessed basing on the c).
      revision - Revision number at which to execute the query.
      A query for entities at a given revision, to which conditions can be added and which can then be executed. The result of the query will be a list of entities (beans), unless a projection is added.
    • forEntitiesAtRevision

      public AuditQuery forEntitiesAtRevision(Class<?> c, String entityName, Number revision, boolean includeDeletions)
      Creates a query, which will return entities satisfying some conditions (specified later), at a given revision and a given entityName. Deleted entities may be optionally included.
      c - Class of the entities for which to query.
      entityName - Name of the entity (if it can't be guessed basing on the c).
      revision - Revision number at which to execute the query.
      includeDeletions - Whether to include deleted entities in the search.
      A query for entities at a given revision, to which conditions can be added and which can then be executed. The result of the query will be a list of entities (beans), unless a projection is added.
    • forEntitiesModifiedAtRevision

      public AuditQuery forEntitiesModifiedAtRevision(Class<?> c, String entityName, Number revision)
      Creates a query, which will return entities modified at the specified revision.

      In comparison, the forEntitiesAtRevision(Class, String, Number) query takes into all entities which were present at a given revision, even if they were not modified.

      c - Class of the entities for which to query.
      entityName - Name of the entity (if it can't be guessed basing on the c).
      revision - Revision number at which to execute the query.
      A query for entities changed at a given revision, to which conditions can be added and which can then be executed.
      See Also:
    • forEntitiesModifiedAtRevision

      public AuditQuery forEntitiesModifiedAtRevision(Class<?> c, Number revision)
      Creates a query, which will return entities modified at the specified revision.

      In comparison, the forEntitiesAtRevision(Class, String, Number) query takes into all entities which were present at a given revision, even if they were not modified.

      c - Class of the entities for which to query.
      revision - Revision number at which to execute the query.
      A query for entities changed at a given revision, to which conditions can be added and which can then be executed.
      See Also:
    • forRevisionsOfEntity

      public AuditQuery forRevisionsOfEntity(Class<?> c, boolean selectEntitiesOnly, boolean selectDeletedEntities)
      Creates a query, which selects the revisions, at which the given entity was modified. Unless an explicit projection is set, the result will be a list of three-element arrays, containing:
      1. the entity instance
      2. revision entity, corresponding to the revision at which the entity was modified. If no custom revision entity is used, this will be an instance of DefaultRevisionEntity
      3. type of the revision (an enum instance of class RevisionType)
      Additional conditions that the results must satisfy may be specified.
      c - Class of the entities for which to query.
      selectEntitiesOnly - If true, instead of a list of three-element arrays, a list of entities will be returned as a result of executing this query.
      selectDeletedEntities - If true, also revisions where entities were deleted will be returned. The additional entities will have revision type "delete", and contain no data (all fields null), except for the id field.
      A query for revisions at which instances of the given entity were modified, to which conditions can be added (for example - a specific id of an entity of class c), and which can then be executed. The results of the query will be sorted in ascending order by the revision number, unless an order or projection is added.
    • forRevisionsOfEntity

      public AuditQuery forRevisionsOfEntity(Class<?> c, String entityName, boolean selectEntitiesOnly, boolean selectDeletedEntities)
      Creates a query, which selects the revisions, at which the given entity was modified and with a given entityName. Unless an explicit projection is set, the result will be a list of three-element arrays, containing:
      1. the entity instance
      2. revision entity, corresponding to the revision at which the entity was modified. If no custom revision entity is used, this will be an instance of DefaultRevisionEntity
      3. type of the revision (an enum instance of class RevisionType)
      Additional conditions that the results must satisfy may be specified.
      c - Class of the entities for which to query.
      entityName - Name of the entity (if it can't be guessed basing on the c).
      selectEntitiesOnly - If true, instead of a list of three-element arrays, a list of entities will be returned as a result of executing this query.
      selectDeletedEntities - If true, also revisions where entities were deleted will be returned. The additional entities will have revision type "delete", and contain no data (all fields null), except for the id field.
      A query for revisions at which instances of the given entity were modified, to which conditions can be added (for example - a specific id of an entity of class c), and which can then be executed. The results of the query will be sorted in ascending order by the revision number, unless an order or projection is added.
    • forRevisionsOfEntity

      @Incubating public AuditQuery forRevisionsOfEntity(Class<?> clazz, boolean selectDeletedEntities)
      Creates a query that selects the revision entities associated with the specified entity. You may also specify whether the revision entities list should include those for deletions of the entity class.
      clazz - Class of the entities for which to query.
      selectDeletedEntities - If true, the result will include revision entities where deletions occurred.
      A query of revision entities based on the specified entity class. The results of the query will be stored in ascending order by the revision number unless an order is specified.
    • forRevisionsOfEntity

      @Incubating public AuditQuery forRevisionsOfEntity(Class<?> clazz, String entityName, boolean selectDeletedEntities)
      Creates a query that selects the revision entities associated with the specified entity. You may also specify whether the revision entities list should include those for deletions of the entity class.
      clazz - Class of the entities for which to query.
      entityName - Name of the entity (for cases where it cannot be guessed based on class clazz).
      selectDeletedEntities - If true, the result will include revision entities where deletions occurred.
      A query of revision entities based on the specified entity class. The results of the query will be stored in ascending order by the revision number unless an order is specified.
    • forRevisionsOfEntityWithChanges

      @Incubating public AuditQuery forRevisionsOfEntityWithChanges(Class<?> clazz, boolean selectDeletedEntities)
      Creates a query that selects the revisions at which the given entity was modified. Unless a projection is set, the result will be a list of 4-element arrays, containing the following:
      1. The entity instance
      2. Revision entity, corresponding to the revision where the entity was modified. If no custom revision entity is used, this will be an instance of DefaultRevisionEntity.
      3. The revision type, an enum of class RevisionType.
      4. The names of the properties changed in this revision
      Additional criterion may be specified to filter the result set.
      clazz - Class of the entities for which to query.
      selectDeletedEntities - If true, the result set will include revisions where entities were deleted.
      the audit query
    • forRevisionsOfEntityWithChanges

      @Incubating public AuditQuery forRevisionsOfEntityWithChanges(Class<?> clazz, String entityName, boolean selectDeletedEntities)
      Creates a query that selects the revisions at which the given entity was modified. Unless a projection is set, the result will be a list of 4-element arrays, containing the following:
      1. The entity instance
      2. Revision entity, corresponding to the revision where the entity was modified. If no custom revision entity is used, this will be an instance of DefaultRevisionEntity.
      3. The revision type, an enum of class RevisionType.
      4. The names of the properties changed in this revision
      Additional criterion may be specified to filter the result set.
      clazz - Class of the entities for which to query.
      entityName - Name of the entity (if it can't be guessed basing on the clazz).
      selectDeletedEntities - If true, the result set will include revisions where entities were deleted.
      the audit query