Uses of Package

Packages that use org.hibernate.jdbc
This package defines the central Hibernate APIs, beginning with SessionFactory, which represents an instance of Hibernate at runtime and is the source of new instances of Session and StatelessSession, the most important APIs exposing persistence-related operations for entities.
Support for temporary tables.
Internals for supporting various aspects of JDBC interaction
SPI contracts supporting various aspects of JDBC interaction.
This package defines some central internal SPI abstractions used throughout the implementation of Hibernate.
Contains a framework of strategies for efficient retrieval of database-generated values.
Contains a framework of strategies for retrieving database-generated ids.
An internal package containing implementations of central Hibernate APIs, mostly defined in org.hibernate.
A small API allowing the client of a Hibernate session to interact directly with JDBC, using the same connection and transaction obtained by the session.
This package defines the Hibernate configuration-time mapping model.
This package abstracts persistence mechanisms for entities.
Defines support for performing mutation operations originating from persistence-context events.
An implementation of TransactionCoordinator based on JdbcResourceTransaction.
Implementations of TransactionCoordinator based on JTA.
Extended SPI contracts for the resource-level transaction capabilities of Hibernate.
Package contains specialized SQL AST nodes and builders for table mutations of model parts originating from normal persistence-context events.
SQL AST extensions for model mutations.
Concrete implementations of MutationGroup, MutationOperation, and TableMutation.
Extensions to JdbcOperation for model mutations.