Class ProviderChecker


public final class ProviderChecker extends Object
Helper for handling checks to see whether Hibernate is the requested PersistenceProvider.
  • Method Details

    • isProvider

      public static boolean isProvider(PersistenceUnitDescriptor persistenceUnit, Map integration)
      Does the descriptor and/or integration request Hibernate as the PersistenceProvider? Note that in the case of no requested provider being named we assume we are the provider (the calls got to us somehow...)
      persistenceUnit - The <persistence-unit/> descriptor.
      integration - The integration values.
      true if Hibernate should be the provider; false otherwise.
    • hibernateProviderNamesContain

      public static boolean hibernateProviderNamesContain(String requestedProviderName)
      Is the requested provider name one of the recognized Hibernate provider names?
      requestedProviderName - The requested provider name to check against the recognized Hibernate names.
      true if Hibernate should be the provider; false otherwise.
    • extractRequestedProviderName

      public static String extractRequestedProviderName(PersistenceUnitDescriptor persistenceUnit, Map integration)
      Extract the requested persistence provider name using the algorithm Hibernate uses. Namely, a provider named in the 'integration' map (under the key "jakarta.persistence.provider") is preferred, as per-spec, over the value specified by the persistence unit.
      persistenceUnit - The <persistence-unit/> descriptor.
      integration - The integration values.
      The extracted provider name, or null if none found.