Interface BatchLoader

All Superinterfaces:
Loader, MultiKeyLoader
All Known Subinterfaces:
CollectionBatchLoader, EntityBatchLoader<T>
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractCollectionBatchLoader, AbstractEntityBatchLoader, CollectionBatchLoaderArrayParam, CollectionBatchLoaderInPredicate, EntityBatchLoaderArrayParam, EntityBatchLoaderInPredicate

public interface BatchLoader extends MultiKeyLoader
Commonality for loading a loadable in "batch" (more than one key at a time)
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    The total number of loadable references that can be initialized per each load operation.

    Methods inherited from interface org.hibernate.loader.ast.spi.Loader

  • Method Details

    • getDomainBatchSize

      int getDomainBatchSize()
      The total number of loadable references that can be initialized per each load operation.