Interface EmbeddedDomainType<J>

All Superinterfaces:
Bindable<J>, BindableType<J>, DomainType<J>, EmbeddableDomainType<J>, EmbeddableType<J>, ManagedDomainType<J>, ManagedType<J>, SqmExpressible<J>, SqmExpressibleAccessor<J>, SqmPathSource<J>, TreatableDomainType<J>, Type<J>

@Deprecated(since="6.0") public interface EmbeddedDomainType<J> extends EmbeddableDomainType<J>
Use EmbeddableDomainType instead. Originally intended to describe the actual usage of an embeddable (the embedded) because it was intended to include the mapping (column, etc) information. However, that causes us to need multiple embeddable instances per embeddable class.
Hibernate extension to the JPA EntityType contract.