Interface EntityRepresentationStrategy

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
EntityRepresentationStrategyMap, EntityRepresentationStrategyPojoStandard

public interface EntityRepresentationStrategy extends ManagedTypeRepresentationStrategy
Specialization of ManagedTypeRepresentationStrategy for an entity type adding the ability to generate an instantiator and a proxy factory
  • Method Details

    • getInstantiator

      EntityInstantiator getInstantiator()
      Create a delegate capable of instantiating instances of the represented type.
    • getProxyFactory

      ProxyFactory getProxyFactory()
      Create the delegate capable of producing proxies for the given entity
    • isBytecodeEnhanced

      default boolean isBytecodeEnhanced()
    • getProxyJavaType

      JavaType<?> getProxyJavaType()
    • getLoadJavaType

      default JavaType<?> getLoadJavaType()
      The Java type descriptor for the type returned when the entity is loaded
    • visitEntityNameResolvers

      default void visitEntityNameResolvers(Consumer<EntityNameResolver> consumer)