Uses of Package

The various concrete action implementations.
Internal implementations and support for second-level caching.
Defines the integration aspect of Hibernate's second-level caching, allowing a "caching backend" to be plugged in as a cache provider.
Defines contracts for transactional and concurrent access to cached entity and collection data.
This package defines formats for disassembled state kept in the second level cache.
This package provides a framework intended to reduce the work needed to implement a caching provider.
Internal implementations and support for persistent collections.
This package defines the SPI of a framework for lazy-initializing and state-tracking collection wrappers.
Support for many of the internal workings of Hibernate.
This package defines some central internal SPI abstractions used throughout the implementation of Hibernate.
This package defines a default set of event listeners that implement the default behaviors of Hibernate session operations.
Defines the event types and event listener interfaces for events produced by the stateful Session.
This package defines an API for accessing the runtime metamodel describing persistent entities in Java and their mappings to the relational database schema.
Defines the runtime mapping metamodel, which describes the mapping of the application's domain model parts (entities, attributes) to relational database objects (tables, columns).
Implementation of the SPI for the runtime domain metamodel.
This package abstracts persistence mechanisms for collections.
Defines support for performing mutation operations against collections.
This package abstracts persistence mechanisms for entities.
Built-in implementation of the SPI for integrating entity and collection persisters.
An SPI for integrating custom entity and collection persisters.
Contains some functions for pretty-printing things for exception and log messages.
Validation for HQL queries.
Implementation of the SPIs for native SQL query support.
A Hibernate Type is a strategy for mapping a Java property type to a JDBC type or types.
An API for user-defined custom types which extend the set of built-in types defined in org.hibernate.type.