Interface UpdateValuesAnalysis

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@Incubating public interface UpdateValuesAnalysis extends ValuesAnalysis
Contains an aggregated analysis of the values for an update mutation to determine behavior such as skipping tables which contained no changes, etc.
  • Method Details

    • getValues

      Object[] getValues()
    • getTablesNeedingUpdate

      TableSet getTablesNeedingUpdate()
      Descriptor of the tables needing to be updated.
      API Note:
      Inverse tables are not included in the result
    • getTablesWithNonNullValues

      TableSet getTablesWithNonNullValues()
      Descriptor of the tables which had any non-null value bindings
    • getTablesWithPreviousNonNullValues

      TableSet getTablesWithPreviousNonNullValues()
      Descriptor of the tables which had any non-null value bindings
    • getTablesNeedingDynamicUpdate

      TableSet getTablesNeedingDynamicUpdate()
    • getAttributeAnalyses

      List<AttributeAnalysis> getAttributeAnalyses()
      Descriptors for the analysis of each attribute