Interface PropertyAccess

All Known Implementing Classes:
ChainedPropertyAccessImpl, PropertyAccessBasicImpl, PropertyAccessCompositeUserTypeImpl, PropertyAccessEmbeddedImpl, PropertyAccessEnhancedImpl, PropertyAccessFieldImpl, PropertyAccessGetterImpl, PropertyAccessMapImpl, PropertyAccessMixedImpl

public interface PropertyAccess
Defines how a given persistent attribute is accessed by exposing a Getter and a Setter for the attribute.

Instances are obtained from a PropertyAccessStrategy.

See Also:
  • Method Details

    • getPropertyAccessStrategy

      PropertyAccessStrategy getPropertyAccessStrategy()
      Access to the PropertyAccessStrategy that created this instance.
      The PropertyAccessStrategy
    • getGetter

      Getter getGetter()
      Obtain the delegate for getting values of the persistent attribute.
      The property getter
    • getSetter

      @Nullable Setter getSetter()
      Obtain the delegate for setting values of the persistent attribute.
      The property setter