Uses of Package

Packages that use org.hibernate.proxy
This package contains the interfaces that make up the bootstrap API for Hibernate.
A range of SPIs allowing integration with—and customization of—the process of building metadata.
Byte Buddy support internals
Package defining bytecode code enhancement (instrumentation) support.
This package defines APIs for configuring Hibernate.
Support for many of the internal workings of Hibernate.
This package defines some central internal SPI abstractions used throughout the implementation of Hibernate.
An internal package containing implementations of central Hibernate APIs, mostly defined in org.hibernate.
Defines Hibernate implementation of Java Persistence specification.
An SPI supporting custom instantiation of entity instances and embeddable objects.
Validation for HQL queries.
This package defines a framework for lazy-initializing entity proxies.
Proxies for entity objects represented as Java maps.
Proxies for plain Java objects.