Interface SqmPathRegistry

All Known Implementing Classes:

@Incubating public interface SqmPathRegistry
Registry for SqmPath references providing the ability to access them in multiple ways - by alias, by NavigablePath, etc
  • Method Details

    • register

      void register(SqmPath<?> sqmPath)
      Register an SqmPath
    • registerByAliasOnly

      void registerByAliasOnly(SqmFrom<?,?> sqmFrom)
      Register an SqmFrom by alias only. Effectively, this makes the from node only resolvable via the alias, which means that the from node is ignored in findFromExposing(String).
    • replace

      <E> void replace(SqmEntityJoin<?,E> sqmJoin, SqmRoot<E> sqmRoot)
      Used with JPA compliance to treat secondary query roots as cross-joins. Here we will replace the sqmRoot with the sqmJoin
      API Note:
      Care should be taken when calling this method to ensure that nothing has used the previous registration between its registration and this call. Generally, most callers want register(SqmPath) instead.
    • findFromByAlias

      <X extends SqmFrom<?, ?>> X findFromByAlias(String identificationVariable, boolean searchParent)
      Find a SqmFrom by its identification variable (alias). If the SqmFrom is found in a parent context, the correlation for the path will be returned.
      matching SqmFrom or null
    • findFromByPath

      <X extends SqmFrom<?, ?>> X findFromByPath(NavigablePath navigablePath)
      Find a SqmFrom by its NavigablePath. Will search any parent contexts as well
      matching SqmFrom or null
    • findFromExposing

      <X extends SqmFrom<?, ?>> X findFromExposing(String navigableName)
      Find a SqmFrom which exposes a Navigable by the given name. Will search any parent contexts as well
      matching SqmFrom or null
    • resolveFrom

      <X extends SqmFrom<?, ?>> X resolveFrom(NavigablePath path, Function<NavigablePath,SqmFrom<?,?>> creator)
      Similar to findFromByPath(org.hibernate.spi.NavigablePath), but accepting a producer to be used to create and register a SqmFrom if none yet registered.
      The existing or just-created SqmFrom
    • resolveFrom

      <X extends SqmFrom<?, ?>> X resolveFrom(SqmPath<?> path)
      Similar to resolveFrom(org.hibernate.spi.NavigablePath, java.util.function.Function<org.hibernate.spi.NavigablePath, org.hibernate.query.sqm.tree.from.SqmFrom<?, ?>>), but accepting a SqmPath to be used to create and register a SqmFrom if none yet registered.
      The existing or just-created SqmFrom
    • register

      void register(SqmAliasedNode<?> aliasedNode)
      Register a node aliased within the select-clause
    • findAliasedNodeByAlias

      SqmAliasedNode<?> findAliasedNodeByAlias(String alias)
      Find a node (if one) by the explicit alias assigned to it within the select-clause
      The matching node, or null
    • findAliasedNodePosition

      Integer findAliasedNodePosition(String alias)
      Find the position of a node with the given alias, relative to the underlying SQL select-list.
      The position, or null
    • findAliasedNodeByPosition

      SqmAliasedNode<?> findAliasedNodeByPosition(int position)
      Find an SqmSelection by its position in the SqmSelectClause
      The matching node, or null