Class InterpretationException

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class InterpretationException extends QueryException
Represents a generic unhandled problem which occurred while translating HQL/JPQL. This exception represents some sort of bug in the query translator, whereas SemanticException or SyntaxException indicate problems with the query itself.
See Also:
API Note:
This exception type should not be used to report any expected kind of failure which could occur due to user error. It should only be used to assert that a condition should never occur. Of course, this exception usually occurs when a query has some sort of error. But its occurrence indicates that the query translator should have detected and reported that error earlier, in a more meaningful way, via a SemanticException.
  • Constructor Details

    • InterpretationException

      public InterpretationException(String query, String message)
    • InterpretationException

      public InterpretationException(String query, Exception cause)
    • InterpretationException

      @Deprecated(since="6.3", forRemoval=true) public InterpretationException(String message)
      Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
      this constructor does not carry information about the query which caused the failure