Interface Handler

All Known Subinterfaces:
DeleteHandler, InsertHandler, UpdateHandler
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractCteMutationHandler, AbstractMutationHandler, CteDeleteHandler, CteInsertHandler, CteSoftDeleteHandler, CteUpdateHandler, InlineDeleteHandler, InlineUpdateHandler, TableBasedDeleteHandler, TableBasedInsertHandler, TableBasedUpdateHandler

public interface Handler
Simply as a matter of code structuring it is often worthwhile to put all of the execution code into a separate handler (executor) class. This contract helps unify those helpers. Hiding this "behind the strategy" also allows mixing approaches based on the nature of specific queries
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Execute the multi-table update or delete indicated by the SQM AST passed in when this Handler was created.
  • Method Details

    • execute

      int execute(DomainQueryExecutionContext executionContext)
      Execute the multi-table update or delete indicated by the SQM AST passed in when this Handler was created.
      executionContext - Contextual information needed for execution
      The "number of rows affected" count