Interface ArgumentsValidator

All Known Implementing Classes:
ArgumentTypesValidator, ArrayAndElementArgumentValidator, ArrayArgumentValidator, ArrayContainsArgumentValidator, ArrayIncludesArgumentValidator, ArraysOfSameTypeArgumentValidator, AvgFunction.Validator, DynamicDispatchFunction, GenerateSeriesArgumentValidator, JsonObjectArgumentsValidator, TruncFunction.TruncArgumentsValidator

public interface ArgumentsValidator
Validates the arguments provided to an HQL function invocation.
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • validate

      default void validate(List<? extends SqmTypedNode<?>> arguments, String functionName, TypeConfiguration typeConfiguration)
      Perform validation that may be done using the SqmTypedNode tree and assigned Java types.
    • getSignature

      default String getSignature()
      Pretty-print the signature of the argument list.
    • validateSqlTypes

      default void validateSqlTypes(List<? extends SqlAstNode> arguments, String functionName)
      Perform validation that requires the SqlAstNode tree and assigned JDBC types.